In the name of God Compassionate and Merciful
“We have created everything from water”
(Holy Quran, Sureh: Al-Anbia, Versus: 30)
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data:
Name / Surname / Date of Birth /Nationality
/ Marital StatusYagob / Dinpashoh / 1960/Oct/09 / Iranian / Male / Married
Dr Yagob Dinpashoh, Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz
29 Bahman Avenue, Tabriz, Iran.
Telephone / Fax / E-mail0411-3392774 / 04113356007 / 1)
Educational Background:
Certificate Degree / Field of Specialization /Name of Institution Attended
/ Date ReceivedPh.D / Irrigation Engineering and sciences / University of Tabriz / 2004
M.Sc / Irrigation and Drainage / University of Tabriz / 1994
B.Sc / Irrigation Engineering / University of Tabriz / 1989
Title of MSc Thesis:
Drought Study Using Monthly Precipitation Data In Azarbayejan.
Title of PhD Thesis:
ُStudy of Meteorological Drought Using Pattern Analysis.
Teaching Experiences:(Last One First)
Title of Course / Level /Dates
/Name of Institution
From / ToStochastic Methods in Hydrology / Ph.D / 2006 / now / University of Tabriz- Iran
Advanced Engineering Hydrology / Ph.D / 2006 / now / University of Tabriz- Iran
Evapotranspiration and crop water requirements / Ph.D / 2010 / now / University of Tabriz- Iran
Advanced River Engineering / M.Sc / 2010 / now / University of Tabriz- Iran
Stochastic Methods in Water Resources / M.Sc / 2006 / now / University of Tabriz- Iran
Hydrometeorology / M.Sc / 2006 / now / University of Tabriz- Iran
Probability and Statistics / B.Sc Engineering / 2011 / now / University of Tabriz- Iran
Engineering Hydrology / B.Sc / 2008 / now / University of Tabriz- Iran
Economic Engineering / B.Sc / 2009 / now / University of Tabriz- Iran
Surface Water Hydrology / B.Sc / 1994 / 2003 / University of Tabriz- Iran
Engineering Hydrology / B.Sc / 1994 / 1995 / University of Tabriz- Iran
Fundamentals of Drainage / B.Sc / 1994 / 2006 / University of Maragheh- Iran
Irrigation System Design / B.Sc / 1994 / 2007 / University of Tabriz- Iran
Surveying / B.Sc / 1994 / 2004 / University of Maragheh- Iran
Administrative Responsibilities:(Last One First)
Job Title /Place of Work
/Name of Institution
From / ToHead of Library / Faculty of Agriculture
(University of Tabriz) / 2012 / now / University of Tabriz
Assistant manager of Water Eng. Department / Faculty of Agriculture
(University of Tabriz) / 2009 / 2012 / University of Tabriz
Head of Soil Sience Department / Faculty of Agriculture (MaraghehUniversity) / 2005 / 2009 / University of Maragheh
Head of Students Office / Faculty of Agriculture (Maragheh University) / 1994 / 1995 / Tabriz University
Academic Positions:(Last One First)
Title of Position /Field of Specialization
/Name of Institution
Associate Professor / Water Resources Eng. / March-2012 / now / Faculty of Agriculture (Tabriz University)Assitant Professor / Water Resources Eng. / 2008 / March-2012 / Faculty of Agriculture (Tabriz University)
Assitant Professor / Irrigation Science / 2004 / 2008 / Faculty of Agriculture (MaraghehUniversity)
Instructor / Irrigation & Drainage / 1994 / 2004 / Faculty of Agriculture (MaraghehUniversity)
PhD Thesis Supervisor:
/Full Name of Student
/ Level /Title of Thesis
1 / M. Hasanpour Kashani / PhD / Simulation of rainfall-runoff process using a semi-distributed hybrid model of Volterra filter and intelligent systems2 / Hadi Sanikhani / PhD / River flow forecasting using the nearest neighbor algorithm based on complexity measure and probabilistic ensemble method
3 / Rasoul Mirabbasi / PhD / Application of Coupla functions for droughts analysis in Northwest of Iran
4 / Mahdi Moaieri / PhD / Uncertainty in Rainfall-Runoff Modelling using Data Assimilation and System Identification
Master Thesis Supervisor:
/Full Name of Student
/ Level /Title of Thesis
1 / B. Fallahi / MSc / Regionalization of northwest Iran based on daily rainfall and rains time intervals using PCA, Ward and K-means methods2 / Mojtaba Ghezel-Soflo / MSc / Trend analysis of river water quality and quantity in East Azarbayjan Province using non-parametric methods
3 / F. Daneshvar Vosoughi / MSc / The effect of drought on groundwater resources (quantity and quality) in Ardebil province and proposing logical plans for repelling against such threats
4 / N. Fazel Modarres / MSc / Estimation of hybrid model parameters based on basin geomorphic characteristics
5 / M. Ghorbani-aghdam / MSc / Study of drought and its regionalization in Urmia Lake basin using Factor Analysis
6 / Sajjad Abdollahi Asadabadi / MSc / Daily forecasting runoff discharge of Karon River using the cross wavelet analysis
7 / Mohammad Hasan Fazeli-Fard / MSc / Disaggregation of Lighvan watershed’s rainfall using Microcanonical Cascad model
8 / P. Abasalipour / MSc / Rainfall-Runoff modeling using geomorphic metaheuristic methods in Sofi-Chai basin
9 / V. Beheshti Vaighan / MSc / Trend analysis of groundwater and precipitationvariations of Shabestar-Soufian plain
10 / Omid Babamiri / MSc / Evaluation and calibration of some potential evapotranspiration models in Urmia Lake basin
11 / Behrooz Hoseini / MSc / Drought characteristic analysis using the Recconaissance Drought Index
12 / Farshad Ahmadi / MSc / Modeling of streamflow using the time series and Genetic programming (case study: Baranduz Chi River)
13 / Alireza Sharifi / MSc / Evaluation of Win-Gamma in riverflow forecasting
14 / M. Soofi / MSc / Application of four parameter Kappa distribution for modeling peak annual series (case study: Lighvan basin)
15 / Hadi Ansari / MSc / Estimation of runoff originated from snow melting using the satelite images and meteorological data (Lighvan-chai and Sofichai watersheds)
16 / Ali Kolahdouzan / MSc / Investigation of trends in hydrogeochemical composition of groundwater (Case study: Najafabad Plain)
17 / S. Afshar / MSc / Derivation of regional rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency equations and their application to obtain design histograms
18 / S. Mahmoodi Van-Olia / MSc / Derivation and analysis of the flood hydrograph based on Geomorphological Unit Hydrograph of Reservoir (GUHR) and Isochronous areas (Case study: Ahar-chay basin)
Master and PhD Thesis Advisor:
/Full Name of Student
/ Level /Title of Thesis
1 / K. Khalili / PhD / Application of non-linear time series in modeling short-term streamflows (case study:Shahar-Chai River)2 / F. Gholami Somea / MSc / Comparisonof flood hydrographs of two models namely Lopez and Geomorphologic models
3 / F. Moradizadeh / MSc / Forecastingstreamflow using chaos theory and genetic programming in different time scales
4 / S. Mosavi / MSc / Flood Frequency AnalysisUsing Pareto and Classic Methods
5 / M. Khalkhali / MSc / Drought study in Aji-Chaibasin using SPI
6 / F. Ahmadzadeh / MSc / Mathematical modelling ofTabriz storms
7 / F. Kasebpour / MSc / Regionalization of drought in Azarbaiejan
8 / O. Hadiani / PhD / Modeling the hydrological drought in Mazandaran province
9 / F. Sarafrouzeh / PhD / Study of extreme climate eventsand thieroccurrence reasons in the Northwest of Iran
10 / M. Esmaeelpour / PhD / Wind energy analysis and its speed prediction in Northwest of Iran
11 / Omid Hadiani / PhD / Modeling of Hydrological Droughts in Mazandaran Province
A: Books
Title / Type of Work /Publisher
/Date of Publication
Translation / CompilationFluid Meachanics (in Persian) / * / Maragheh University Press / 2010
Published Papers (ISI)
/ Name of Journal / YEAR1
/Assessing wind energy potential in Kurdistan province, Iran
/ International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering (Springer Publisher- Inpress)/ 2014
/Economic Evaluation for Cooling and Ventilation of Medicine Storage Warehouses Utilizing Wind Catchers
/ Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews(Accepted) / 2014
/Comparison of Volterra Model and Artificial Neural Networks for Rainfall–Runoff Simulation
/ Natural Resources Research/ 2014
4 /
Aplication of factor analysis in defining drought prone areas in Lake Urmia basin
/ Natural Hazards 69:267-277/ 2013
5 /
Trends in temperature over Godavari River basin in Southern Peninsular India
/ International Journal of Climatology 34: 1369-1384./ 2014
6 /
Analysis of Meteorological Drought in Northwest Iran using the Joint Deficit Index
/ Journal of Hydrology, 492:35-48./ 2013
7 / Frequency Analysis of Climate Extreme Events in Zanjan, Iran / Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (SERRA) 27:1637-1650
/ 2013
8 / Effect of Short Term and Long-term Persistence on Identification of Temporal Trends / Journal of Hydrologic EngineeringASCE (19: 617-625)
/ 2014
9 / Evaluation of wind energy potential as a power generation source for electricity production in Binalood, Iran / Renewable Energy, 52: 229-222
/ 2013
10 / Estimation of Daily Pan Evaporation Using Two DifferentAdaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Computing Techniques / Water Resources Management 26: 4347-4365
/ 2013
11 / Trend analysis of groundwater using non-parametric methods (case study: Ardabil plain) / Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (SERRA), 27(2):559-547
/ 2013
12 / Global review and synthesis of trends in observed terrestrial near-surface wind speeds: Implications for evaporation / Journal of Hydrology,416:182-205
/ 2012
13 / Evaluation of efficiency of different estimation methods for missing climatological data / Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (SERRA), 26(1):59-71
/ 2012
14 / Bivariate drought frequency analysis using the Copula / Theoretical and Applied Climatology,108(1):191-206
/ 2012
15 / Trends in reference evapotranspiration in the humid region of northeast India / Hydrological Processes, 26:421-435
/ 2011
16 / Trends in reference crop evapotranspiration over Iran / Journal of Hydrology, 399:422-433.
/ 2011
17 / Study of crop reference evapotranspiration in I.R. of Iran / Agricultural Water Management84: 123-129
/ 2006
18 / Selection of Variables For The Purpose of Regionalization of Iran’s Precipitation Climates. / Journal of Hydrology, 297:109-123.
/ 2004
Published/Accepted Papers (ISC/Local Journals)
No / Title of Paper /Place of Publication
/Date of Publication
/ Trend analysis and estmation of air temperature and extreme rainfalls in Tabriz (in Persian) / Geography and Planning (University of Tabriz Press) / 20142
/ Forecasting of mean daily streamflow discharge in Behesht-Abad River using the wavelet analysis(in Persian) / Water and Soil Science (University of Mashhad Press), 28(3): inpress / 20143
/ Analysis of linear and nonlinear bahaviour of hydrologic time series using the BDS test (Case Study: Rivers in west part of Urmia basin) (in Persian) / Iran Water Resources Research / 20144 / Comparison of Weibul parameters estimation methods for generation of wind energy in East Azarbayejan) / Geography and Environmental Planning / 2014
5 / Study of dynamical system model evaluation in simulation of rainfall- runoff process simulation (case study: Lighvan basin) (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science (University of Mashhad Press), / 2014
6 / Optimum combination of variables for simulation of runoff in Ammameh basin using the Gamma test (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science (University of Mashhad Press), 28(1): inpress / 2014
7 / Study of impacts of climate change on different basins runoff (Case Study: Aji-Chai basin in East Azarbayejan) (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science (University of Mashhad Press), 27(6) / 2014
8 / Trend analysis and prediction of air temperature and extreme rains of Tabriz in different return period . / Geography and Planning (University of Tabriz Press) / (accepted)
9 / Simulation of Rainfall-Runoff Process in Navrood basin Using finite Voltera Model and ANN Approach (in Persian) / Research Letter in Watershed management (Sari University Press) / (accepted)
10 / Monitoring long-term droughts of Urmia using the JDI (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science Journal (University of Tabriz Press) / 2014
11 / Simulation of raifall-runoff process in Navrood basin using the finit order Voterra model and Artificial Neural Networks (in Persian) / Watershed Management Journal (Sari- University Press) / (accepted)
12 / Comparison of seven radiation based ET0 estimation models in Urmia Lake basin (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science Journal (University of Tabriz Press) / 2014
13 / Comparison of nine mass transfer based ET0 estimation models in Urmia Lake basin (in Persian) / Water and Soil Consevation Reseach Journal (Gorgan University Press) / (accepted)
14 / Comparison of four temperature based ET0 estimation models in Urmia Lake basin (in Persian) / Irrigation Engineering and Sciences Journal (Shahid Chamran University), / 2014
15 / Comparison of liear and non-linear time series modeling in streamflow forecasting (in Persian) / Irrigation Engineering and Sciences Journal (Shahid Chamran University), / 2014
/ Investigation of wind speed trends in some selected stations of Iran(in Persian) / Geography and PlanningJournal(University of Tabriz Press) / (accepted)17
/ The recent half of century rainfall trends(in Persian) / Irrigation Engineering and Sciences JournalJournal (Shahid Chamran University), / 201418
/ Trend analysis of NW of Iran rainfall in the last half of the century(in Persian) / Irrigation Engineering and Sciences Journal (Shahid Chamran University), / 201419 / Trend analysis of Est Azarbayejan streamflows (in Persian) / Irrigation Engineering and Sciences Journal (Shahid Chamran University), / 2013
20 / Application of wavelet analysis in stramflow forecasting (in Persian) / Irrigation Engineering and Sciences Journal (Shahid Chamran University), 35(2):73-81. / 2013
21 / Derivation of hybrid model based on geomorphic characteristics of basin for driving the instantaneouse unit hydrograph (case study: East Azarbayejan River Basins) (in Persian) / Soil and Water Reasearches Journal, (University of Tehran Press) / 2013
22 / Sensitivity of crop water evapotranspiration to meteorological parameters (case study: Sanandaj and Sabzavar stations) (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science Journal (University of Tabriz Press) / 2013
23 / Trend analysis of ET0 in south part of Aras River (in Persian) / Geography and Environmental Planning Journal (University of Esfahan Press) / 2013
24 / Trend analysis of rainfall in Sarab Plain (in Persian) / Climatological Researches (Mashhad Climatological Research center) / (accepted)
25 / Modeling of streamflow based on Chaos space reconstruction (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science (University of Tabriz Press) / 2013
26 / Application of Spearman’s Rho method in trend analysis of groundwater quality in Ardebil plain (in Persian) / Journal of Environmental Studies (University of Tehran Press), 38(4): 17-28 / 2013
27 / Application of Hybrid model ARCH-BL in streamflow forecasting (case study: Shaharchai River) (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science (University of Mashhad Press) , 27(2): 342-350 / 2013
28 / Role of topography on rainfall in mountainouse region (case study: North hills of central Alborz) (in Persian) / Quaterly journal of Science and Natural Resources (Azad University-Chalus branch Press) Vol 6(2):15-25 / 2012
29 / Regionalization of NW of Iran based on daily precipitation, rainfall time intervals, and number of rainy days using the PCA,Ward, and K-mean methods / Water and Soil Science (University of Mashhad Press), 26(4):979-989. / 2012
30 / Investigation the Southern Oscillation index on Dry/Wet Periods in North of Iran / The International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (IJACS), 4(17):1291-1298 / 2012
/ Application of Factor analysis for regionalization of drought characteristics in Urmia Lake basin (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science (University of Mashhad Press), 26(5):1268-1276. / 201232
/ Investigation of spatial and temporal variation in potential evapotranspiration in northern part of Aras River basin (in Persian) / Geography and Environmental Planning (Esfahan University Press), 47(3):193-210./ 2012
/ Runoff modeling using the maximum entropy (case study: Kassilian basin) (in Persian) / Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources Water and Soil Sciences Journal (Esfahan Technical University Press), 15(58):39-51. / 201234 / Investigation of trends of drought index in the southern Iran in recent fourty years(in Persian) / Water and Soil Science (University of Tabriz Press), 21(2):81-92. / 2012
35 / Effect of drought on groundwater level in recent two decades (case study: Ardebil plain) (in Persian) / Water and Soil ScienceJournal (University of Tabriz Press), 21(4) 153-164. / 2012
36 / Investigation of non-linearity of streamflow using the BDS test(in Persian) / Water and Soil ScienceJournal(University of Tabriz Press), 21(2):25-37. / 2012
37 / Derivation of Geomorphic Unit Hydrograph based on cascad linear reservoirs (case study: Lighvan watershed) / Irrigation Engineering and Sciences (Shahid Chamran University Press), 83-93. / 2012
38 / Streamflow estimation model using the chaos theory (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science(University of Tabriz Press), 22(4): 1-16. / 2012
39 / Simulation of runoff and erosion originated from rainfall (in Persian) / Iran Water Researches Journal (Shahr-Kord University Press), 11: 123-131. / 2012
40 / Trend analysis of َAridity Index in southern half of the I.R. of Iran in recent four decades / Water and Soil ScienceJournal (University of Tabriz Press), 21(2):81-92. / 2011
41 / Trend analysis of monthly reference crop evapotranspiration of Zabol (in Persian) / The Scientific & Technical Journal of IRIMO, Nivar, 70:23-34. / 2011
42 / Temporal trend analysis of reference crop evapotranspiration in Hamadan(in Persian) / Geographical SpaceJournal (Ahar Islamic Azad University Press)
11(34):260-286 / 2011
43 / Neural Network Drought forecasting of Chalus River Basin, Iran(in Persian) / Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, USA, 5(11):1-10. / 2011
44 / Trend and stationary analysis of streamflow for the purpose of modeling of hydrologic time series (in Persian) / Water and Soil Science Journal (University of Tabriz Press), 20(1): 61-71 / 2011
45 / ET0 trend analysis in Zabol station (in Persian) / The Scientific & Technical Journal of IRIMO,Nivar, 71:24-34. / 2011
/ The role of topography on rainfall gradients at north side of Alborz mountains (in Persian) / Natural Resources Journal Journal (Azad University of Chaloos Branch Press), 6(2): 15-25. / 201147
/ Impact of drought on decreasing the groundwater level (case study: Ardebil Plain) / Water and Soil Sciences Journal (University of Tabriz Press), 21(4): 153-164 / 201148
/ Trend analysis of ET0 in Hamadan (in Persian) / Geographical Space, Journal (Ahar Islamic Azad University Press), 11(34): 260-286. / 201149
/ Trend analysis of streamflow across the northwest of Iran in recent three decades(in Persian) / Water and SoilJournal(University of Mashhad Press)24(4):768-779 / 2010
/ Determination of time distributed regression model for intense rainfalls of Tabriz(in Persian) / Water and Soil Science Journal (University of Tabriz Press), 19.1(2):61-72. / 201051
/ Study of annual precipitation of the northwest of Iran using factor analysis / C.B.U. Fen Bilimler Dergisi (Turkey Celal Bayer University Press),6(1):1-8 / 201052
/ Regionalization of Iran’s Climate using Multivariate Methods (in Persian) / Agricultural Sciences (University of Tabriz Press), 13(1): 71-95. / 200353 / Regionalization of Iran’s Precipitation Climates- (in Persian) / Iranian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, (University of Tehran Press), 34(4):823-835 / 2003
/ Application of Creager’s Method in Regional Flood Analysis (Case Study: Easthern Ourmia Lake Basins) - (in Persian) / The Scientific & Technical Journal of IRIMO, Nivar, 40:23-36. / 199855
/ Application of Gamma Distribution To Meteorological Data Analysis- (in Persian) / The Scientific & Technical Journal of IRIMO, Nivar, 34:69-82. / 199756
/ Regionalization of Dryland Areas in East Azarbayejan, West Azarbayejan and Ardabil Provinces- (in Persian) / The Scientific & Technical Journal of IRIMO, Nivar, 32:25-38. / 1996Papers Presented at National and/or International Scientific Conferences:
/Title of Paper
/Title and Place of Assembly
/ Analysis od dependence of temperature and precipitation of Tabriz using the copula functions / 8th National Congress on Civil EngineeringBabol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran / 7-8 May 2014
/ Investigation of the groundwater quality variations trend in Miandoab Plains / 32th National and 1st International Geosciences Congress “Urmia Lake Rescue”Urmia University, Urmia, Iran / 16-19 Feb 2014
/ Trends of Cations concentrtion of East Azarbayejan rivers / The First National Congress on Water Crisis, held at: Esfahan, Iran / 26-May 20144 / Streamflow forecasting using the non-linear time series models (case study:Barandooz-Chai) / 2nd International conference on weather, plant, soil and water modeling held at: Kerman, Iran / 08-09 May 2013
5 / Evaluation of the accuracy of Genetic Programming and ANN in daily streamflow modeling (case study:Barandooz-Chai) / 9th International conference on River Engineering, held at:Ahvaz, Iran / 22 Jan 2013
6 / Modeling of streamflow runoff using the Genetic Programming (case study:Barandooz-Chai) / International Conference on Urmia Lake , held at: Urmia, Iran / 8 Dec 2012
7 / Analysis of wind energy in Bijar station / 5th International Congress of the Islamic World Geographers, held at: Tabriz, Iran / 9-10 Oct 2012
8 / Determination of optimum structure of Artificial Neural Network in geomorphic based modelling of rainfall-runoff (Case study: Lighvan watershed) / 3rd Conference on Integrated Water Management held at Sari, Iran / 30 Sep 2012
9 / Application of Bell model for storms of Kehir stationlocated in Systan va-Baloochistan province / 3rd Conference on Integrated Water Management held at Sari, Iran / 30 Sep 2012
10 / Deriving the depth-duration-intensity of storms in Systan va-Baloochistan province / 3rd Conference on Integrated Water Management held at Sari, Iran / 30 Sep 2012
11 / Investigation of climate change impacts on runoff of Aji-Chai basin / 3rd Conference on Integrated Water Management held at Sari, Iran / 30 Sep 2012
12 / Comparison of SMART and Tank models performances in runoff simulation / 3rd Conference on Integrated Water Management held at Sari, Iran / 30 Sep 2012
13 / Sensitivity of crop water evapotranspiration to meteorological parameters (case study: Abadan and Anzali stations) / 5th conference on watershed management held at Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran / 21 March 2012
14 / Comparison of grid partitioning and subtractive clustering in estimation of pan evaporation / The first national Conference on Agrometeorological and Agricultural Water Management held at Tehran University (Karaj), Iran / 23
15 / Study of wind speed trends for energy in Iran / 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, held at Istanbul, Turkey / 4-7