Name: ______Date: ______
Children’s Science Books
Extra Credit Project
This project is strictly extra credit, it is not mandatory. The points you earn will be added to your overall point total at the end of quarter 4. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED!
You are expected to go above and beyond the normal work load to earn the extra credit points. No extra credit will be awarded for projects that are incomplete or clearly unprepared and “thrown together” at the last minute.
1. Select a topic of interest to you in the realm of science. (Ninth Grade-Integrated Science Topics only; Tenth Grade—Biology Topics only)
2. Create a story relating to that topic of science that would interest a child of around 6 years old.
3. The story must be informative in terms of the science you are presenting, consider Dr. Seuss’s “The Lorax” as an example.
4. Illustrations are necessary; if you do not feel comfortable with drawing, feel free to utilize pictures from your textbook or other resources like the Internet (or both). You are NOT assessed based on your ability to draw.
5. Make certain that you reference your sources on a page at the end of the book. This includes all sources used for either information or illustrations.
6. Be creative and have fun!
Grading Rubric:
Science Content:
______Appropriate Topic (3 pts)
______Effective use of Illustrations (3 pts)
______Accuracy of Information (4 pts)
______Organization (2 pt)
______References (3 pts)
______Grammar and Spelling (2 pt)
______Creativity (4 pts)
______Overall Presentation/Story (4 pts)
______Total Points (out of 25)
Please include a copy of this handout with your project.