October 11, 2016
TIME: 7:00 PM
Ron Hitesman, Supervisor_X_ Carrie Aldrich Clerk_X_; Sheryl Baker, Treasurer_X_; Sue Meredith, Trustee_X_; Gary Stevens, Trustee_X_.
GUESTS: Fran Griffin, Chris Bobek, Sally Bobek, Bruce Sharp, Becky Sharp, Walter Kile, Michael Foust, Michael MacGirr, Irene Dunham-Thayer
CHANGES/APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: S. Baker moves to approve the agenda, S. Meredith seconds. All ayes, motion passed.
MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER BOARD MEETING: G. Stevens moves to approve the Minutes as presented; S. Meredith seconds. All ayes, motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: S. Baker presents treasurer’s report. “July” date on report changed to “September.” Discussion. G. Stevens moves to approve treasurer’s report, C. Aldrich seconds. All ayes, motion passed.
GUEST/ PUBLIC INPUT (up to 5 minutes per guest)
Michael MacGirr presents Village of Thompsonville Fire Department update. There have been eight calls for Weldon Township for the last quarter, four fire-related, two car accidents, and some downed trees. For the quarter, there have been 16 total calls. Ambulance is a 1/3 higher for calls this month than last year. Mr. MacGirr presents current budget expenses for fire department. Discussion.
Walt Kile expresses disappointment in the lack of communication with the treasurer. He has been trying to obtain proof of his tax payment for three weeks. Discussion. Becky Sharp discusses the voicemail mailbox for the treasurer has been full when she called, and there was no way to leave the message for the treasurer. Discussion. Mike Fruge questions update on nuisance abatement complaint on properties from last month. Discussion.
JPC: S. Greene presents JPC report on October 6 2016 meeting. Discussion of special meeting held on September 22, 2016. Discussion.
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: R. Hitesman presents Zoning Administrator’s report. JPC approved a permit for Benzie County Emergency Services special emergency attenae, placed at Crystal Mountain. Robert Kjolhede received a land use permit for a two-car garage and a pole barn. Legacy Art Park was granted a permit for a 16’ x 16’ open air gazebo. Dennis Leinhardt received a LUP for an accessory use solar array panel grid. Discussion.
LIQUOR INSPECTOR REPORT: R. Hitesman presents liquor inspection report. He discussed with Crystal Mountain the Transient Activities permit as regards to a wedding held at Crystal Mountain. Discussion. C. Meredith asked Kirk Davison if a road could come into the Crystal Mountain property differently, then hunting on state land would not affected. Discussion.
BUDGET: C. Aldrich presents budget report. Discussion. R. Hitesman moves to approve budget; S. Baker seconds. All ayes, motion passed.
NUISANCE ABATEMENT REPORT: R. Hitesman presents nuisance abatement report. C. Bobek spoke with Mr. Hitesman about Matthews blight issue. R. Hitesman met with Mr. Matthews to discuss issue. Mr. Matthew has begun working on cleaning up the property. Discussion. Resident questions property update on blight issue on Lindy Road from previous month. Mr. Bobek has not been directed to pursue any further on the blight issue on Lindy Road. Discussion. Discussion of lumber by Hillburn Hotel and concern it might be burned. Mr. MacGirr, fire chief, speaks to concerns. There is no open-pile burning of lumber in the area, but it can be burned in a barrel. Weldon Township asks if the fire department will contact owner regarding burning laws.
SUPERVISOR COMMENTS: R. Hitesman received letter from Advocates from Benzie County regarding affordable housing. Mr. Hitesman will speak regarding what Weldon Township would like to see done on critically needed infrastructure. Discussion.
CLERK COMMENTS: C. Aldrich asks when the Weldon Township Cleanup Day will be, and where. Discussion. Clerk will ask Village if Weldon can hold cleanup day on May 20th on Gallagher Road in Thompsonville. Clerk discusses Acentek Phones Update and issues which have been cleared up. Clerk had previously reported Microsoft Office 2016 Business for all computers, $99/year. It is actually $99 per computer, when it is through an entity such as Weldon Township. C. Aldrich reports Kaitlyn Beier from Dan Scripps Office would like to hold a town hall meeting October 27th at the Weldon Township Hall. Discussion.
R. Hitesman speaks regarding Civil Infractions Ordinance. He has spoken with the District Court and several townships. Municipal Civil Infraction Violations are handled by the District Court, not the townships. Clerk has asked Mr. Figura for clarification but has not received a reply. Board will wait for a response from Mr. Figura before further discussion takes place.
Discussion by board regarding amending Transient Activities Ordinance regarding bond posting. Clerk will contact Mr. Figura regarding language to amend Transient Activities Ordinance. Discussion. Mr. Figura responded to board regarding letter from the campground, treating it as a FOIA request. Discussion. Clerk will ask for further clarification on which businesses need a transient activities permit.
Supervisor and clerk were asked to contact Mr. Figura regarding pros and cons of withdrawing from the JPC. Discussion. S. Meredith would like a committee formed to review ordinances on a scheduled basis. Carrie Aldrich offers to be on the committee, as well as Gary Stevens. Clerk asks if Fran Griffin would sit on the committee as well, and Fran agrees to do so. S. Meredith would like the committee to meet with Mr. Figura to discuss the JPC ordinance and report back to the board.
Clerk presents audit by Baird, Cotter & Bishop. Discussion. State of Michigan has asked board to respond to material weaknesses report by Baird, Cotter & Bishop. Clerk has asked Baird, Cotter & Bishop to help with response.
Clerk discusses whether there is a need to purchase MTA’s Book of the Month. Discussion. Board will not purchase any books at this time.
Julie Lonn, 1 ¼ hr. Cleaning of Twp Hall 10.50
David Kane, Monthly Website Maintenance 60.00
Gary Stevens, Cemetery Maintenance 90.00
Craig Meredith, Day Use Park, Twp Mowing 225.00
US Postal Service, PO Box Annual Fee 44.00
VISA 587.39
AFLAC, September Payment 286.05
AcenTek 353.70
Dawn Olney, Benzie County Clerk 4.20
Michelle Thompson, Benzie County Treasurer 22.55
Benzie County Road Commission 3461.36
Michigan Election Resources 43.00
CNA Asphalt 960.00
State of Michigan 651.69
United States Treasury 1779.15
Baird, Cotter & Bishop, P.C. 4395.00
Chris Bobek, Nuisance Abatement Officer 200.00
Ron Hitesman, Liquor Inspector 500.00
Carol Merrill, Assessor 1120.00
Board Salaries 2105.69
TOTAL $16,898.78
G. Stevens moves to approve the current bills; S. Meredith seconds. All ayes, motion passed.
Clerk asks that the board move the next board meeting, currently scheduled for November 8, 2016, which is the General Election. Board will hold board meeting on November 1, 2016, instead. Clerk will put notice in paper.
MTA Township Finances Seminar, Grand Rapids MI, November 18, 2016
Northwest Michigan Housing Summit 2016 in Traverse City, Michigan
Manistee Broadband Initiative survey
Minutes of Benzie County Road Commissioners dated August 25, 2016
Betsie Valley District Library Board Budget Meeting Minutes August 9, 2016
Clerk informs board that it looks as if someone has tried to get into her office with a screwdriver by the doorknob. Discussion. G. Stevens asks clerk to contact security company about installing a camera inside the building. Clerk will purchase a strike plate to repair the door.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Resident questions Weldon Township security system. Discussion. Shelley Greene has spoken with David Shaeffer from Benzie County Waste Group regarding possibility of a county transfer station. Discussion. S. Greene comments on need for clarification from township attorney regarding nuisance abatement question.
Chris Bobek comments regarding Citizens Watch and signs given to village. Discussion.
Fran Griffin reports that the village has discovered who has been knocking on doors in the middle of the night.
Chris Bobek asks if the hall can have holiday decorations to possibly coordinated with the village. Discussion.
Ron Evitts asks if the township can talk to Ted regarding the Thompsonville Fall Festival and have the sheriff’s department talk about a neighborhood watch during the Fall Festival. Discussion.
Craig Meredith reports that the Honor State Police detachment is in active again.
ADJOURNMENT: R. Hitesman moves to adjourn; G. Stevens seconds. All ayes, motion passed.
TIME: 8:41 P.M.