/ ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG1 N5690
23rdFeburary 2011
(ITU-T SG16)
Coding of Still Pictures
Joint Bi-level Image Joint Photographic
Experts Group Experts Group

TITLE:Text of Final Committee Draftfor JPEG 2000 Part-14 JPXML
(ITU-T Recommendation T.813 | ISO/IEC 15444-14)


Dr. Junichi Hara (Japan)

Dr. Youngseop Kim (Republic of Korea)

PROJECT:ISO/IEC 15444-14 (JPEG 2000 Part 14– JPXML)

STATUS:For FCD ballot


ACTION:For review and action as appropriate

DISTRIBUTION:For FCD ballot and WG 1 review


ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 Convener - Dr. Daniel T. Lee

eBay Inc., 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, California95125

eBay China Development Center, Shanghai German Center, 88 Keyuan Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai 201203, China

Tel: +1 408 914 2846,Fax: +1 253 830 0372,E-mail:

International Telecommunication Union / International Organization forStandardization / International Electrotechnical Commission
ITU-T / Rec. T.813
OF ITU / (11/2011)
ISO/IEC / 15444-14:201X


Information technology –

JPEG 2000image coding system –

XML representation and reference

ITU-T Recommendation T.813 | ISO/IEC 15444-14:201X

Draft ITU-T Recommendation | International Standard

(version 1)

ISO/IEC FCD 15444-14:201X (E)




2.Normative References......

2.1.Identical Recommendation | International Standards......

2.2.Additional References......


4.Conformance Language......



7.General description......

7.1.JPXML document......

7.2.Converting process (informative)......

7.3.Conversion between location path and absolute offset value......

7.4.Reference mechanism to access an internal data in the file format......

7.5.Conversion rules

7.5.1.Common conversion rule......

7.5.2.Element name conversion rule for box......

7.5.3.Element name conversion rule for marker segment......

7.5.4.Location path conversion rule......


Annex A XML Schema definitions for JPEG 2000 Family File Formats......


A.2JPEG 2000 Family File Formats (informative)......

A.3XML Schema Definitions......

A.3.1Still image (single image)......

A.3.2Motion/Video image......

A.3.3Document image (multiple images)......


Annex B XML Schema definitions for JPEG 2000 Family Codestream Marker Segments......


B.2JPEG 2000 Codestream Marker Segments (informative)......

B.3XML Schema Definitions......

B.3.1Marker segment......

B.3.2Definitions for Codestream......

B.3.3Definitions for JPEG 2000 Part 1......

B.3.4Definitions for JPEG 2000 Part 2......

B.3.5Definitions for JPEG 2000 Part 8......

B.3.6Definitions for JPEG 2000 Part 10......

B.3.7Definitions for JPEG 2000 Part 11......

Annex C XML Schema definitions for Unknown Box Types and Other Images......


C.2XML Schema definitions for File Formats......

C.2.1Definition for unknown box types......

C.2.2Definitions for JPEG XR Part 2 box-based file format......

C.2.3Definitions for JPEG XR Part 3 box-based file format......

C.2.4Definitions for MPEG 4 file format......

Annex D Examples and guidelines......

D.1Software conventions for the box type......

D.1.1Conventions to JPXML element name from a box type......

D.1.2Conventions from JPXML element name to a box type......

D.2Example of JPXML document conversion......

D.2.1JPXML structural document......

D.2.2Reference to an internal data in an image......

Annex E Patent Statement......


ISO/IEC FCD 15444-14:201X (E)

ITU-T Rec.T.813 (201X E)


Information technology –JPEG 2000 image coding system –
XML structuralrepresentation and reference


This Recommendation | International standard specifies an XML document, referred to as JPXML, which is designed primarily for representing JPEG 2000 file format and codestreammarker segments, and referring method of internal data in a JPEG 2000 image.

This Recommendation | International Standard

-specifies XML schema for general box file formats.

-specifies XML schema for JPEG 2000 family file formats and codestream segments.

-specifies a complete referringlocation path to address to an exact box or codestream data in an image.

-provides guidance on processes for converting a source image data to anXML structuraldocument.

-provides guidance on how to implement these processes in practice.

2Normative References

The following Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation | International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation | International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and Standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the ITU maintains a list of currently valid ITU-T Recommendations.

2.1Identical Recommendation | International Standards

-ITU-T Recommendations T.800(08/2002)| ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: Core coding system.

-ITU-T Recommendations T.801 (08/2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-2:2004, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: Extensions.

-ISO/IEC 15444-3:2007, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: Motion JPEG 2000.

-ISO/IEC 15444-6:2003, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: Compound image file format.

-ITU-T RecommendationsT.807 (05/2006) | ISO/IEC 15444-8:2007, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: Secure JPEG 2000.

-ITU-T Recommendations T.807 (05/2006) | ISO/IEC 15444-8:2007, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: Secure JPEG 2000.

-ITU-T Recommendations T.808 (01/2005)| ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols.

-ITU-T Recommendations T.809 (08/2007) | ISO/IEC 15444-10:2008, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: Extensions for three-dimensional data.

-ITU-T Recommendations T.810 (05/2006) | ISO/IEC 15444-11:2007, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: Wireless.

-ISO/IEC 15444-12:2008, Information technology — JPEG 2000 Image coding system: ISO base media file format.

2.2Additional References

-ISO/IEC 646:1991, Information technology — ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange

-ISO/IEC 8859-15:1999, Information technology — 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 15: Latin alphabet No. 9

-ITU-T Recommendations T.832 (03/2009) | ISO/IEC 29199-2:2009, Information technology — JPEG XR image coding system – Image coding specification.

-ITU-T Recommendations T.833 (09/2010) | ISO/IEC 29199-3:2010, Information technology — JPEG XR image coding system – Motion JPEG XR

-ISO/IEC 14496-12:2004,Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 12: ISO base media file format.

-ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003,Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 14: MP4 file format.

-ISO/IEC 23001-5:2008, Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 5: Bitstream Syntax Description Language (BSDL)

-ISO 12639:1998,Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Tag image file format for image technology (TIFF/IT)

-Namespaces in XML, W3C Recommendation 14 January 1999

-IETF RFC 2045: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One, November 1996.

-IETF RFC 2048: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four, November 1996.

-IETF RFC 2279: UTF–8, A transformation format of ISO 10646. January 1998

-IETF RFC 4648:The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings, October 2006, RetrievedMarch 18, 2010.

-Extensible Markup Language (XML), Version 1.0 (Fifth Edition), W3C Recommendation 26 November 2008

-XML Schema Part 0: Primer, W3C Recommendation, May 2, 2001

-XML Schema Part 1: Structures W3C Recommendation, May 2, 2001

-XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes W3C Recommendation, May 2, 2001

-XML Path Language (XPath), Version 1.0 W3C Recommendation 16 November 1999


For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the definitions defined in Cause 3 of ITU-T Rec. T.800 | ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004 and Cause 3 of ITU-T Rec. T.801 |ISO/IEC 15444-2:2004 apply to this Recommendation | International Standard, and also the following definitions are used within this Recommendation | International Standard. In some cases, thesedefinitions differ from those used in other standards and/or Recommendations.

3.14CC:Four character codesof the box typegenerally referred to by an ISO 646 character string translation of the integer value.This value is used for box type which specifies its contents.

3.2absolute offset:Anoffset to an internal image data from the start of image file.By the JPXML converter, the offset will be made with “size” attributes from the top to the target elements.

3.3box:A sequence of byte block containsits’length, 4CC data type, and contents. Some box, such as “jp2c” box, contains an image codestream; other box contains image property such as image width and height. This data block is the atom of JPEG 2000 and MPEG 4 image file format.

3.4box element:A JPXML element for a box, and this element name is translated from 4CC of box type by using conversion rule described in 7.1 and 7.2.

3.5box file format:A sequence of box contains several image properties expresses an image file format. This image format start with a signature box, and contains at least one codestream.

3.6codestream:A sequence of bits contained in a sequence of bytes from which are created by an image coder. This data sequence contains maker segments for holding image coding properties and parsed by decoder or translator. This may be arranged such as the most significant bit of the first byte is the first bit of the codestream, the next most significant bit of the first byte is the second bit of the codestream, and so on, to the least significant bytes.

3.7JPXML converter: A converter translatesdata between an image and a JPXML document. The converter to get the JPXML document is called a “forward”converter, and the converter to get an image is called “inverse” converter. These converters use rules of element name creation, defined container and un-defined chunk container conversions.

3.8JPXML document:A translated XML document which corresponds to the box file format or codestream, and this document is categorized according to its container type; skeleton, fat skeleton and fat representations. More detail see 6.1.

3.9JPXML document structure:A structure of aJPXML element in a JPXML document, expresses an image data structure. This structureis used for a location path expressed with XPath.

3.10JPXML element:An XML element represents box file format or codestream structure, and it is translated from box, marker, or it’s’ content. The 4CC box type, marker type, and the “content” are used as this element name. More detail see 7.1.

3.11location path:Alocation to an internal image data expressed with XPathwith an JPXML document. This expression represents the absolute offset value and a JPXML document structure.

3.12fat representation:A JPXML document which contains whole image data on text nodes, and this representation can be translated to a genuine image without any additional image information because of having whole image information. However, in this case, this representation needs more data space than having the original image, because of translating whole chunk data into the XML form.More detail see 6.1.

3.13fat-skeleton representation:A JPXML document which contains image propertiesexcept codestreamchunk data.This representation may have a location path to a chunk image data by using JPXML form.This represents a box file format image structure. More detail see 6.1.

3.14marker segment:Abinary data block in a codestream which contains marker type and may contains marker properties for coding information.

3.15marker element:A JPXML element for the marker segment, and this element name is translated from marker type with using conversion rule described in 7.1 and 7.3.

3.16skeleton representation:A JPXML document which does not contains text nodes. This only represents a structure of box file format image. More detail see 6.1.

4Conformance Language

This Recommendation | International Standard consists of normative and informative text.

Normative text is that text which expresses mandatory requirements. The word “shall” is used to express mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to thisSpecification and from which no deviation is permitted. A conforming implementation is one that fulfils all mandatory requirements.

Informative text is text that is potentially helpful to the user, but not indispensable and can be removed, changed or added editorially without affecting interoperability. All text in this Recommendation | International Standard is normative,with the following exceptions: the Introduction, any parts of the text that are explicitly labelled as “informative”, and statements appearing with the preamble “NOTE” and behaviour described using the word “should”. The word “should” is used to describe behaviour that is encouraged but is not required for conformance to this Specification.

The keywords “may” and “need not” indicate a course of action that is permissible in a conforming implementation.

The keyword “reserved” indicates a provision that is not specified at this time, shall not be used, and may be specified in the future. The keyword “forbidden” indicates “reserved” and in addition indicates that the provision will never be specified in the future.


For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following abbreviations apply.The abbreviationsdefined in ITU-T Rec. T.800 | ISO/IEC 15444-1 Cause 4 also apply to this Recommendation | International Standard.

JPXML: JPEG 2000 XML representation and reference

MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

TIFF: Tag Image File Format

XML: eXtended Metadata Language

XSLT: XML Stylesheet Language Transformations


For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following symbols apply.The symbols defined in ITU-T Rec. T.800 | ISO/IEC 15444-1 Clause 4 also apply to this Recommendation | International Standard.

–\0--Denotes a octal number

–0x--Denotes a hexadecimal number

–SOC: Start of codestream marker

–EOC: End of codestream marker

7General description

The JPXML representations for the box based file format and the JPEG 2000 family codestreams are defined in this Recommendation | International Standard, which does not intend to make an new image file format, however this creates a temporary intermediate image description for robust internal data accessing and image type conversion. The JPXML’s temporary intermediate image description is described with the XML document, which is called as JPXML document, and there are three levels of this JPXMLdocument, which are skeleton, fat-skeleton and fat representations.

The skeleton expresses the only image structure, and it is used for making a robust location address for an internal image data. The fat skeleton expresses the image structure and some image content value, and it is usedfor a robust location addressfor an internal data and also an image conversion processing. The fat expresses the image structure and whole contents of the image, and may be usedfor some rich application such as an image security.

These representations are made by JPXML converter, and the JPXML converter translates to an XML document from a box based file format and a JPEG 2000 codestream. This Recommendation | International Standard uses the box type 4CC for the JPXML element name, and this 4CC type conversion rules are defined in Clause 7. For the purpose of converting to a JPXML document, theAnnexes Aand B describe the XML schema for the file format and codestream respectively, andall XML Schema definitionsin this Recommendation | International Standard are normative.

Thebasics of boxed based file format structure are defined in JPEG 2000 part 1 standard, and the extensions are defined in the JPEG 2000 part 2, 3, 6, 8, and 12 standards. The basics of segment for codestream are defined in JPEG 2000 part 1 standard, and the extensions are defined in JPEG 2000 part 2, 8, 10, and 11 standards.

7.1JPXML document

The JPXML document is a temporary intermediate representation for box based file format and JPEG 2000 codestream, and this document should not exist such as a file. This document is one of XML document, and it represents an image structure itself and image properties. This document namespace shall be “ and the root element of this shall be ‘jpxml.’ A ‘name’ attribute in the root element should represent a file format name or a codestream name.

The JPXML document’s XML element structure represents the image structure, and the document’s text node represents the image content properties. This represented image properties are converted from an image file format and codestreams in the file format, and its’ kindvaries from nonepropertyto including codestream data representations. With included kinds of image property representation, the JPXML document is categorised as three levels of representations; “skeleton,”“fat-skeleton”and“fat” representations.

The first level representation, skeleton, shall express the only structure of image itself, and contains two attributes for the element block length and an absolute offset or a location path to the element block. The skeleton has no text node in each JPXML elements. This representation is used for a location path which is comparatively robust for changing box structure of the image and/or marker segment structure of the codestream.

The second level representation, fat-skeleton, shall express the image structure and some variables of box and/or marker contents. The fat-skeleton is an intermediate representation between skeleton and fat representations, and so it have also the skeleton’s two attributes and same text node value of JPXML elements but no binary data such like a coded codestream. This representation is used for a location path and also some image transformation with XSLT.

The last one, thirdslevel representation, fat, shall express the image structure and binarized property values of boxcontentsand/or marker segments, and it may have whole property contents in the document which may be used for some secure purpose. The binarized contents are translated with MIME’s base64 encoding, and the size of content data.This fat representation requires more data space than original image data, so this is the reason why JPXML representation is not for an image file format.

Figure 1– Block Diagram of XML-Representation/Image Converting Process

The image structure, a tree structure, is a structure of JPXML’s elements which shall denote boxes of the file format and markers in the codestream, and this representation does not require the elements’ child nodes of box and marker properties. The structure representation requires whole box elements in file format level and/or whole markers in codestream level, and this is used for making a location path for pointing an internal image of box or marker.

The box element denotes a box or superbox in an image file format, and this element may have child nodes of content elements for this box properties. For the superbox, this element shall have whole children box and superbox elements. The 4CC of box type shall be used for this box element name, and converting rule is described in Clause 7. The marker element denotes a maker in a codestream, and this element may have content elements for this marker segment properties. This marker type value or name is used for this maker element name, and converting rule is described in Clause 7. These two type elements are used for the image structure, and at least one of them shall be in the JPXML document.