TASK משימה3
קראו את הריאיון עם מדריךהטיולים.
ענו על השאלות באנגלית על-פי הטקסט. / Readtheinterviewwiththe
1.What did Amit enjoy doing on school trips when he was young?
2.Complete the sentence.
Amit likes working with teenagers because
3.Who does Amit talk to when he plans a trip, and what does he want to know about the pupils?
Complete the table. Two answers are done for you.
4.What does Amit think of his job as a tour guide?
5.The interview with Amit was in .
aa guidebook
ba teen magazine
can ad for a tour
da newspaper
TASK משימה 4
קראו את הכתבה מהעיתון ואת הקטע מתוך "ספר השיאים".ענו על השאלות באנגלית על-פישניהטקסטים. / ReadtheNewsReportandthe
Gilda, anelephantatthecityzoo, hadasore* onherfoot.Thedoctortookcareofthesore.Heknewitwouldtakeamonthtogetbetter.HewasworriedbecauseifGildawalkedonthedirt,herfootwouldnotgetbetter.Thedoctorneededawaytoprotect* Gilda'sfoot.Finally,hehadanidea.Hecouldprotectherfootwithashoe!
ThedoctorcalledMr.Smith,theshoemaker,andaskedhimtomakeashoeforanelephant.Mr.Smithwasverysurprised.Hehadheardofshoesforhorses,butnotforelephants! Mr.Smithmadearedshoefortheelephantinthreedays.ThankstoMr.Smith, thesoregotbetterquicklyandGildacannowwalkonherfoot.
* protect – להגן* sore –פצע* laces – שרוכים
1.Why did Gilda need a shoe?
2.What do we know about Mr. Smith?
aHe works at the zoo.
bHe makes shoes.
cHe is a doctor.
dHe doesn't feel well.
3.Why was the shoemaker surprised when the doctor called?
4.Complete the sentence.
Both texts are about .
5.In which text, or texts, can you find the information in the table below?
Tick () the correct column or columns. One answer is done for you.
באיזה טקסט או טקסטים תוכלו למצוא את המידע המופיע בטבלה?
סמנו () בטור או בטורים המתאימים. תשובה אחת מסומנת עבורכם.
NewsReport / Inthe
Whytheelephantneededashoe /
a / Thecolorofthebiggestshoe
b / Thenameofthepersonwhomadetheshoe
c / Whereyoucanseethebiggestshoe
TASK משימה5
The 8thgradeclassatCityJuniorHighSchoolwentonatriptotheGalilee.Usesomeorallofthepicturestowriteastoryaboutwhathappenedonthetrip.
Write50-70 words.
spellingandpunctuation. / כיתה ח' בחטיבת הביניים העירונית יצאה לטיול בגליל.
היעזרו בחלק מהתמונות או בכל התמונות וכתבו סיפור על מה שקרה בטיול.
כתבו 70-50 מילים.
כתבו באנגלית.
שימו לב לדקדוק, לכתיב ולסימני
TASKמשימה 6
ReadthefeaturearticlefromthemagazineNatureandUs.AnswerthequestionsinEnglishaccordingtothetext. / קראו את מאמר המערכת מתוך העיתון "הטבע ואנחנו".
ענו על השאלות באנגלית על-פי הטקסט.
Pollutionisdangerousforsealife. Forexample, plasticbagsmayreachtheseaandkillfishandotherlivingcreatures. Peoplecancausepollutionsimplybyleavingtheirrubbish* onthebeachinsteadofthrowingitawayinthetrash* bin. ThismakesmeangrybecauseIlovethebeach-swimmingintheseaandrelaxingonthesand. Butthereisnoenjoymentwhenpeopledon'tcareaboutkeepingthebeachclean.
Iaskedmyfriendswhattheythoughtwecoulddoaboutallthegarbage*onthebeach. That'swhenwestartedtheBeachKids. Insteadofcomplaining, wedecidedtodosomethingabouttheproblem. EveryFridaymorningduringthesummervacation, wemettocleanupthebeach. Wewalkedalongthebeachcollectingtrashandputtingitintobigtrashbags. Onemorningwefilledmorethan 40bags!
Cleaningupthebeachwasn'teasy. Sometimes, weworkedforoverthreehours. Thesunwasveryhotandthebagswereheavy. Butitwasn'tonlyhardwork. Afterwefinishedcleaningup,wejumpedintotheseaandwentforaswim.Itfeltgoodtohavefunafterallthathardwork.
Manypeoplethoughtourworkwasimportantandthankedus. Somepeoplehelpeduspickupthetrash. Weevenbecamefamousinourtown.WewereinterviewedonalocalradiostationandgotaprizefromtheMayorforhelpingkeepthebeachbeautiful. Ourfamilieswereproudofus.
Nextsummer, theBeachKidsplantocollectthetrashagain, butwehopethatotherteenagersatourschoolwilljoinus. Wehopethatpeoplewon'tleavetrashonthebeachandthatwhentheyseeusworkinghardthey'llremembertokeepthebeachclean. Thenwe'llbeabletorelaxmoreandreallyenjoythebeach.
* rubbish = garbage = trash
1.What problem does the writer write about?
acleaning up the school
bworking in hot weather
cdangers in the sea
dthe trash on the beach
2.Who started the Beach Kids?
3.Complete the sentence.
The Beach Kids met every Friday morning to
4.What was the last thing the Beach Kids did at the beach?
5.How do you know that there was a lot of trash on the beach?
המשיכו את המשימה בעמוד הבא.
6.When will the writer be able to have a good time at the beach?
awhen the summer vacation is over
bwhen his friends do the work for him
cwhen other teenagers help clean up
dwhen people keep the beach clean
7.Another name for the article could be .
aTeens Win a Prize
bOur Summer Vacation
cFun at the Beach
dTeens Who Care
TASKמשימה 7
לכל אחד יש מקום מועדף.מהו המקום המועדף עליכם?
כתבו קטע על המקום המועדף עליכם. תארו אותו והסבירו למה אתם אוהבים אותו כל כך.
כתבו 100-80 מילים.
כתבו באנגלית.
שימו לב לדקדוק, לכתיב ולסימני הפיסוק. / Everyonehasafavoriteplace.
Writeaparagraphaboutyourfavoriteplace. Describeitandexplainwhyyoulikeitsomuch.
Write 80-100 words.
Payattentiontogrammar, spellingandpunctuation.
מבחן באנגלית לכיתה ח' –נוסח א', תשס"ח