Primary 2b News (Term 1)
Welcome to Primary 2b’s news for Term 1. We have had a lovely few weeks and the children have settled in nicely to their new routines. We are all looking forward to the challenges and excitement that this year will bring. Here is some of the learning from the past few weeks and a little preview of what is still to come!
First of all, a huge thanks to everyone who came to the drop in morning. The kids thoroughly enjoyed giving a tour of their new classroom. For those who didn’t make it, not to worry, there will be plenty more opportunities throughout the year. Until then, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Our soft start in the morning is going really well, the children love being able to choose how they spend the first part of their morning. Free play and learning rolled into one! The children continuously improve their fine motor skills through activities such as beading, Playdoh and have been working hard at their cutting skills. The reading garden is also always a popular choice.
In numeracy, primary 2 are learning how to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. The children’s favourite game is where they order multiples of 2, 5 or 10. The children are beginning to write numbers and formation practice is coming along great. Practice of counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s will help children when they move onto money, which will be introduced over the coming weeks.
In Literacy we are focussing on improving our writing through VCOP. Children are trying use good vocabulary and WOW words to make their sentences exciting. They are learning about using connectives to make their sentences more fluent, and have looked at the different sentence openers they can use at the start of a sentence. The children are great with their punctuation and even learned about Ellipsis with Mrs Davidson (Dun DunDunnn…).
Our topic this term is Children of the World. Primary 2 are enjoying learning about children from other countries and how they are similar or different to us. In the last few weeks, we have looked at children from Russia, Brazil, Ethiopia and India, and in Art, children created these flags using tissue paper. Our topic ties with RME this term, where children will be learning about Eid. We have started looking at Ramadan through Shakeel, the boy from India in our topic work who is Muslim.
In Gym, the children are soon to begin Hockey where they will learn a range of dribbling and passing skills, alongside hoping for a goal in target practice!
We are looking forward to the exciting weeks to come. Thank you for your support.