May 7, 2013, Special Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
6:00 p.m.,District Office
May 7, 2013, Special Board Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Lopezat 6:00p.m.
The roll call indicated the following trustees were present:
Antonio Lopez, Jr.
Kathy Chaffin
Edna Munguiaarrived 6:08 p.m.
Celina U. Rossetti
Presentacion Sanchezleft 7:55 p.m.
Leticia Fernandezarrived 6:09p.m.
Maryann Trujilloarrived 7:24 p.m.
Those in attendance were: Acting SuperintendentJesus Cruz, Assistant Superintendent, Gina Murphy-Garrett,andAdministrative Assistant Jo Ann Minnite.
2.0Board President Lopezled those present in the pledge of allegiance.
3.0TrusteeChaffinmoved, and seconded by Trustee Rossettito approve the agenda as presented:
Motion carried; 4/0/3 Fernandez, Trujillo, Munguia absent.
4.0Public Comment Regarding Items to be discussed in closed session
Parents and students from Tranquillity High School came to speak on behalf of Mr. Dominguez.
The list is as-Omar, Gutierrez, Cindy Lopez, Arturo Zamora, Diana Rea, Maria & Diana,
Jose Luis Vazquez, ArnoldoGutiomez, Jorge Mendoza, Arnoldo Gutierrez, Oscar Sarabia,
Jose Garcia, Armando Tarelo, Maria Valadez, Brenda Ramirez, Harlan Awbrey-Teacher at THS.
There were students from the leadership team, students from his class and sports players present
As well as those who spoke.
5.0 TrusteeChaffin moved, and seconded by TrusteeFernandez to convene into closed session at 6:30 p.m.
Motion carried; 6/0/1- Trujillo absent.
5.1Gov. Code 54957 - Public Employee Appointment/Employment
Title: (Superintendent)
Title: (Assistant Superintendent, CBO)
5.2Gov. Code Section 54957–Public Employee /Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment
6.0Trustee Fernandezmoved, and seconded by TrusteeSanchezto reconvene into
open session at 7:30p.m.
Motion carried 7/0
Board President Lopez announced there was no action taken in closed session.
7.0Board President Lopez asked for any public comment:
There were more comments made on Mr. Dominguez behalf and names were listed on
the first public comment section.
We had parents come and speak on their concerns regarding the 5th grade class atTranquillity Elementary and disruption of their teacher coming back after being gone most of the year. The students are learning well with the long term substitute and parents were not happy that there original teacher came back in the middle of testing and the students were disputed.
The parents were; Lydia Huizar, Patricia Avalos, Patricia Lozano, Kenia Alarcon, Victoria Mendoza.
8.0New Business
8.1Consideration Approvalof Resolution #FY12-13-32 for Final Action
Certificated Layoff Notice
Trustee Fernandez made the motion to strike out full time employee #4, an approve
Resolution #FY12-13-32 for Final Certificated Layoff Notice,seconded by
Trustee Sanchez.
Motion carried: 5/0/2 Abstained Trujillo, Munguia
9.0Future Board meeting dates/locations;
9.1 Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 6:00 p.m. Closed Session; 7:00 p.m. Open Session; San Joaquin Elementary School
9.2 Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 6:00 p.m. Closed Session; 7:00 p.m. Open Session;
Tranquillity Elementary School
Trustee Fernandez moved, seconded by Trustee Rossetti to go back into closed session at
7:55 p.m.
Motion carried: 7/0
Trustee Munguia moved, and seconded by Trustee Fernandezto reconvene into
open session at 8:52p.m.
Motion carried: 6/01
Board President Lopez reported out no action taken in closed session.
10.0 Adjournment
It was moved by TrusteeMunguia, and seconded by TrusteeFernandez to adjourn the Board meeting of May 7, 2013 at 8:56 p.m.
Motion carried; 6/0/1
Respectfully submitted,
_/s/______/s/ ______
Jo Ann R. Minnite Edna Munguia______
Secretary Clerk