Thank you for your interest in our upcoming class for those who wish to obtain a Concealed Pistol License (CPL). This is an NRA class for Personal Protection In The Home.
This class will run on the following date and time:
Saturday, July 16, 2016 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Before registering for the class, please consider the following:
- If you are currently pregnant or are planning to become pregnant in the near future, please consult your physician before taking the class.
- If you are taking any medication that may inhibit your mental or physical ability to safely handle a firearm, or shoot with reasonable accuracy, please do not take this class.
To register for this class, please send the following by first class mail to:
Steve Raslich
2359 Baldwin Rd.
Fenton, MI 48430
- Check or money order made payable to “The Gun Rack” for $100.00
- The enclosed registration form, completed
- A copy of your driver’s license, front and back, on a 8 1/2” x 11” sheet of paper
Please bring a lunch, pop is available from a machine for $1.00, and coffee will be available.
To confirm your seat in this class we are requesting that we receive your funds and paperwork no later than July 10, 2016.
Please read all pages and call me if you have any questions. 810-691-9275
We look forward to meeting you.
Steve Raslich (810) 691-9275
Participants MUST bring all of the following items. Please do not come to the class without them. Do not send your registration forms and money unless you have these items. Any exceptions must be approved in advance. Handguns are available for use but you must supply your own ammunition. Please call if you need to use one of the instructor’s firearms.
- Handgun, suitable for carry purposes (minimum of .380 caliber)
- 3 magazines or speed loaders for item #1
- Strong side holster for item #1
- Eye and ear protection
- Knee pads (Optional) You will shoot from your knees
- 200 rounds of ammunition for item #1 (FACTORY LOADS ONLY)
Please note:
- All spent brass casings remain property of the instructors
- No Scopes
- No Barrels longer than 6”
- No shoulder holsters
- No cross draw holsters
- Suggest “Full Metal Jacket” (FMJ)
- No “magnum”,” wadcutters”, “semi- wadcutters”, or reloaded rounds
Those not having the correct equipment may be asked to leave without a refund.
When you arrive on Saturday, bring everything except your ammo into the class
**************LEAVE YOUR AMMO IN YOUR CAR********************
Directions to:
Linden Sportsmen Club
14343 Hogan Rd.
Linden, MI 48451
From US23, take exit 79- Silver Lake Road, West on Silver Lake Rd., about 3 ½ miles to stop light in Linden (Bridge Street/ Linden Rd.) Continue on Silver Lake Rd. another ¾ mile to Hogan Rd. Turn Right (North) on Hogan Rd. ¼ mile (just past small bridge) to Linden Sportsmen Club on your left.
Please be careful if you use a GPS, there is another Hogan Rd. that is South of Linden but it runs East and West and is in Livingston County.
Arrive no later than 7:50 am on Saturday July 16, 2016
If you get lost call 810-735-5822 or 810-691-9275