Welcome to Algebra 2

Welcome to Algebra 2! Everyone who wants to graduate from high school must pass 3 years of math, and Algebra 2 will be one of your courses. However, I expect everyone in this class to move on to college. With that being said, my job is to prepare you for college-level math and the oh-so-important SAT test.

What am I expected to do? My expectations are simple for every student in this class. I expect you to:

  • Come to class prepared (bring folder, calculator, and pencil!)
  • Participate during class every day
  • Complete all assignments
  • Check your homework in the binder
  • Take advantage of all retakes as needed

How is my grade calculated?

Summative – 100% Formative – 0%

Work Completion and Participation- 0%: Contains record of student engagement and work completion

*Note* These percentages are for the 80% portion of the grade. The final exam is 20% of the report card grade per school policy.


  1. I am available some mornings and some evenings in Room E128 for extra help and retake on tests and quizzes.Availability will be posted for the week. You can schedule an appointment if you need more time. Come see me or e-mail me if you need any help!
  2. During lunch period 3 students may also come to E128 to check homework answers and/or to retake tests/quizzes.
  3. A great online resource is
  4. Graphing calculator apps are also available online

* Mrs. Gupta has the right to refuse a re-assessment opportunity to any student on any topic *

Guidelines for Success: / •Do all of your homework every day. If you do not do the work, or if you copy the work from someone else, you are only hurting yourself when it comes time to take a quiz or test.
•Be supportive of your classmates. Everyone is learning together.
•Take good notes. Notes give you additional examples that will help you with your homework and studying.
•Make-up work is your responsibility. When you are gone for a school-related function you must get that work AHEAD of time.
•Check your grade regularly on Skyward Family Access.
•Do not bring any beverage or food in the classroom
•Keep cellphones, ipods, inside your bag.
•You will concentrate and focus in the classroom.
•You will be given only 2 restroom passes per semester.
•Be organized!
•Set high expectations for yourself. Be determined.
•Maintain a positive attitude.
•Come in for extra help if you need it. If you need to see me, I will make time. I want to see you succeed in this class.

Make up work from absences are due right away. If you need to make other arrangements, you must talk to me about it the day you return to school. Any quizzes or tests that are missed should be made up ASAP so the gradebook accurately reflects what you know!I keep recording of my lessons and they are posted on school website. Since the school website is under construction, check for the recording from me.


There is an online book available so you do not have to carry book. We have a set of textbook for use in class.

Go to Pearsonrealize.com

Username is (

) and use password Harlem122

Here are some items you need to do TONIGHT:

1. Get PENCILS, graph paper, filler paper and a folder.

2. If possible, get a TI-84 calculator. We have a class set of TI-84 Plusthat we use on a daily basis. If you are able to buy a new calculator, I recommend either the TI-84 Plus CE or TI-NSpire CX calculators.

To start the year with an A+ return this ONLY this bottom portion, signed by a parent, no later than 8/19.

I understand my son/daughter’s responsibilities and would like you to contact me in the following way if my child is not meeting his/her responsibilities:

Student Name ______

Parent Name ______

Parent email ______

Best phone # to reach parent______

Cell Phone of student______

Parent Signature ______Date ______