Prescribed Format of CV for Institutional Building specialist for empanelment as Consultant for providing capacity building, nurturing and providing hand holding support to Federations and Livelihood Collectives in Governance, Business, procurement, maintenance of Governance, business and other records

  1. Name of Institutional Building specialist:
  1. Date of Birth :
  1. Father’s /Husband Name :
  1. Residential Address :

(plz attach proof of residence)

  1. Nationality :
  1. Telephone / Mobile No. :
  1. A- Post Graduation------(Name of Degree)

B- Graduation ------(Name of relevant qualification Subject)

. :

(Please attach certificate of all degrees and experience certificate)

  1. Email ID :
  1. Language Known(for Hindi and English report writing) :
  1. Post Qualification working experience (No. of Years) :

Experience (attach documentaryProof)

A. Full time experience (Please fill clear demarcation of duration, no overlapping should be in one position to another position)

S.NO / Name of organization / establishment / Designation (Office designated position / Full time/ part time Duration / Duration ( from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

B. Consultancy work (Different from above point A)(Please fill only relevant consultancy work/assignment)

S.NO / Name of Organisation/Agency / Name of Assignment / No. of Assignment / Duration (from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

11-References: Provide Names, address, phone and email ID of 3 references where you

handled the assignments (under point B)

12-List of clients at present :

13 Proposed numbers of days and availability to provide service in a month:

(Please attach photocopy of all certificate, degrees, experience certificate and other

Relevantdocument. In case of non availability of proof your qualification, experience

and other relevant certificate your application can be rejected)


I……………………………… s/o…………………………. do solemnly declare that the information and facts given above are true and correct to be best of my knowledge and I am not debarred /suspended from any Educational Institution /organisation.