ACS Columbus Section Executive Committee Minutes
OhioDominicanCollege, Columbus, Ohio
May 20, 2008
Present: Ron Mitchum, Tom Weeks, Maria Rosenthal, Steven Rosenthal, Alan Able, Jeff Trent, Don Songstad, Rosemary Loza, Anton Heyns, Priscilla Ratliff, Theresa Huston, Bob Kroshefsky
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by Priscilla Ratliff filling for Ron Mitchum..
Minutes - Carl Merhar
The revised minutes for the February meeting were considered and approved upon obtaining a quorum.. The minutes for the March meeting were distributed and and will be distributed after minor corrections are made to them.
Treasurer’s Report – Rosemary Loza
Rosemary distributed copies of the Operating Funds 2008, Monday, May 19, 2008. It appears that the Chemistry Olympiad expenses were over budget and it was pointed out by M. Rosenthal that some of the expenses should/may be covered under the Chemistry Olympiad-Expenses line item. Costs for the March meeting at Barley’s Smokehouse and Brew Pub were covered by the attendance.
Various other line items in the balance sheet were questioned and Rosemary Loza will check to see if they are artifacts from a previous balance sheet.
CERMACS – Maria Rosenthal
The final push is on for the CERMACS meeting with the registration deadline being 12:00 pm on May 20.
The WOW program will receive an award for advancing diversity and it was moved , seconded and approved that the section sponsor up to 10 WOW volunteers at $35.00/person for the CERMACS’ banquet.
It was also moved, seconded and approved that the section contribute $500 to CERMACS for coffee breaks.
Councilors Report – Maria Rosenthal
The Councilor’s report appears in the Chemical record for May, 2008. Also, the three councilors, Maria Rosenthal, Jeff Trent and Theresa Huston, will attend the fall ACS meeting in Philidelphia.
Nominating Committee – Maria Rosenthal
There is a need by this committee to publish a request for nominees for the various setion positions.
Bylaws – Maria Rosenthal
The question of changing the ACS bylaws arose to accommodate electronic voting, ballots for single candidates and removal of officers was discussed along with the request to the ACS about these issues. Tom Weeks suggested that the request be made to the ACS counsel in Washington, D. C. to get an opinion on these changes. Discussion on the bylaws was tabled.
October meeting – Ron Mitchum
This meeting will honor the High School teacher of the year, 50 year members and Cynthia Hummel (Chemistry Olympiad?). Dr. Lone’s status for this meeting is still pending.
Report on State Science Day 2008 – Bob Kroshefsky
Bob Kroshefsky presented a detailed report on State Science Day. Extra copies are available from the secretary if needed. Bob wishes to transition the coordination of this event to another person in 2009 Lisa Delp was put forward as Bob’s replacement.
Change in Patterson-Crane Award- Maria Rosenthal
As the Dayton section will host CERMACS, they would like the Patterson-Crane award to be changed to 2010. This will be discussed at the next meeting.