
·  A monarchy is a form of government in which ruling power is in the hands of one person.

Monarchies first appeared in Greece in Mycenae.

o  Mycenaeans paid taxes to their kings, obeyed their laws, and depended on them for protection.

o  Most Mycenaean kings inherited their power through their family.

o  Many kings lost their power when they fought with rival monarchs over land and raw materials.

·  The Dorians destroyed many Mycenaean kingdoms. (around 1200 B.C.E.)




·  An aristocracy is a form of government in which a small group of noble, land-owning families rule.

o  These families often gain political power after working in the king’s military and is maintained through social status and wealth.

o  Noble rule is passed down in the family and is based on land ownership.

·  Once trade expanded, a new class of wealthy merchants and artisans emerged in some cities.

·  When these groups became dissatisfied with the aristocratic rule, they sometimes took power and formed oligarchies.

o  There were repeated clashes between the Aristocracy who governed Athens and the common people.

Noble Families (own land)+(small group)



·  An oligarchy is a form of government in which ruling power is in the hands of a few leaders.

o  Political decisions were made by a few aristocrats and selected members of the middle class that were wealthy.

o  Ordinary citizens had little say in how the city-state was run.

·  The largest difference between an aristocracy and an oligarchy is the amount of people ruling.

o  In an oligarchy it is a few people, compared to an aristocracy that has a few families.

·  Some oligarchs ruled harshly and their subjects rebelled.

o  Other oligarchs lost the faith of their supporters because they could not solve key problems such as food shortages.

Few Leaders



·  Tyranny is a form of government in which ruling power is in the hands of a person who has seized control.

o  With support from the middle class, tyrants seized power to reform laws, aid the poor, and cancel debt.

·  Some tyrants became harsh and greedy and were overthrown.

·  In 621 B.C.E. Draco, an Athenian politician wrote the first legal code dealing with contracts and property ownership.

o  Included debt slavery where farmers would have to work as slaves to repay debt.

·  In 594 B.C.E. Solon, an Athenian politician outlawed debt slavery and allowed citizens to participate and debate policy in the Athenian Assembly.

o  Citizens were allowed to bring charges to wrongdoers, encouraged export of grapes and olives. He did not address land reforms.

Leader (seized control)



·  A democracy is a form of government in which ruling power is in the hands of the people.

o  Democracy was formed in city-states like Athens to avoid a civil war between the rich and the poor.

o  In the Athenian democracy, all male citizens could participate in government.

o  Majority rule in the Assembly would decide votes.

·  In 508 B.C.E. Cleisthenes, an Athenian politician worked to make Athens a full democracy.

o  He created the council of 500, proposed laws, and counseled the assembly.

o  Council members were randomly chosen, allowing any Athenian citizen to participate.

Rule by the People


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