Havering Road, Romford, Essex RM1 4QX
Tel: 01708 743404 Fax: 01708 742184
Headteacher: Mrs Julie Wilson Deputy Headteacher: Mr Scott Stevens
7th September 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians
We hope that all our families had an enjoyable summer break, and with the new school year just beginning, we feel this would be a good time for some reminders of the school rules about attendance and punctuality.
Good attendance is absolutely crucial to your child making good progress in their education. School has many strategies and initiatives to promote learning and there are many fantastic and engaging lessons being taught on a daily basis, but all of our efforts become pointless if your child is not in school to access them. Similarly, when children miss school, they become out-of-step with the lessons being taught and find learning twice as hard when they return.
Our school policy on attendance has been developed to promote the best attendance from pupils and the following rules apply:
School should always be notified on the first day of any absence, with the reason for the absence clearly explained. Please telephone before 9.30am whenever possible. We need parents to contact us promptly, as an absence from school could be a safeguarding or truanting issue.
If your child is absent for longer than 4 days, your child should see a doctor and we will ask to see evidence that this has happened.
Family holidays should be taken during the school holiday periods, and holidays or trips of a non-urgent nature, taken during term time, cannot be authorised.
Parents should book dental, medical and optician appointments outside of school hours, wherever possible. School will need to see appointment cards, or hospital letters for any appointments during school time. Please show the appointment card at reception when you collect or return your child.
School does not authorise leave in term time for auditions or performances of any kind.
Similarly, we expect all pupils to arrive at school promptly for registration at 8.55am. Arriving late has a detrimental effect on a child’s learning, and causes disruption to the rest of the class by interrupting the lesson.
Parklands Junior attendance rules are in line with both government and Education Welfare Service guidelines regarding school attendance and the health and safety of pupils at school, and your co-operation with our policy is very much appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Mrs J WilsonMr S Stevens
Head TeacherDeputy Head Teacher