API Ballot Comments and Resolution
Ballot: 625 Compilation 2h / Proposal: To ballot API 625 Compilation 2h. / Ballot ID: 1350 / Date: March 28, 2008
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Voter Name
(Vote) / Clause No./
Subclause No./Annex
(e.g. 3.1) / Type of Comment / Comment (justification for change) by the Voting Member / Proposed change by the Voting Member / Comment Resolution
John Mooney
(Negative) / Section 5 / Technical / 1) Number paragraphs, 5.1.1 etc. Comments on 5.1 follow:(2)Delete "barrier" and in most cases replace with "containment" (3) Both concepts...primary LIQUID barrier..(3) Leakage on failure of the primary LIQUID barrier..(4) the primary tank..steel TANK. Comments on 5.2 (5) Delete 1st par., not appropriate (6)4th par. inner tank provides primary LIQUID AND VAPOR containment.. See 3.2.3 (7) Delete 2nd and 3rd sentences. Comments on 5.3(8)Delete 1st & 2nd pars., we should not present history (9)Delete, US codes do not require blast and impact which are low probability events (10) par. 6 delete (11) Par. 7 delete -vapor barrier may not be neccessary, this belongs in DESIGN, not tank selection (12) Delete or shorten and move to an Appendix / per above
Randy Kissell
TGB Partnership
(Affirmative) / 3.2.32 / Editorial / Change:
"Maximum liquid level that will be maintained during normal operation of the tank. Normally the level at which the high level alarm is set."
"Maximum liquid level that will be maintained during normal operation of the tank, normally the level at which the high level alarm is set."
Randy Kissell
TGB Partnership
(Affirmative) / 3.2.33 / Editorial / Change:
"Minimum liquid level that will be maintained during normal operation of the tank. Normally the level at which the low level alarm is set."
"Minimum liquid level that will be maintained during normal operation of the tank, normally the level at which the low level alarm is set."
Randy Kissell
TGB Partnership
(Affirmative) / 3.2.36 / Editorial / Change:
"An event having the potential to cause harm, including ill health and injury, damage to property, product or the environment, production losses or increased liabilities"
"An event that can harm health, property, or the environment"
Randy Kissell
TGB Partnership
(Affirmative) / 5.1 / Editorial / Change:
"work should be detailed to go “over” bunds as opposed to through them."
"work shall be detailed to go over bunds rather than through them."
Randy Kissell
TGB Partnership
(Affirmative) / 5.4.1 / Editorial / Change:
"This is especially true for cryogenic gases where gaseous liquids can be up to 600 times their liquid form."
"This is especially true for cryogenic liquids where the volume of their gases can be up to 600 times the volume of the liquid."
Sheng-Chi Wu
Bechtel Corp
(Affirmative) / Section 1- Scope / Technical / 1) Section 1.1:
add a paragraph to state "This Standard is applicable for refrigerated liquefied gas storage on land".
Please note that in the Title of the Standard (page 1), the term "ON LAND" can be deleted.
2) Section 1.2, fourth line:
add minus sign to 198 C, i.e. -198 C.
Sheng-Chi Wu
Bechtel Corp
(Affirmative) / Section 3 - Definitions / Technical / 1) Section 3.2:
Suggest that each term should be defined following the alphabetical order.
2) Section 3.2.11:
After the title "operating liquid capacity", add "(Net Capacity)" so that it will be consistent with the term "net capacity" defined in Fig 6-1.
3) Provide definition for "moisture vapor barrier". This term is used often in all Figures, Section 5.
Sheng-Chi Wu
Bechtel Corp
(Affirmative) / Section 6 - Design Considerations / Technical / 1) Section 6.2:
Change "normal maximum operating level" to "maximum normal operating level".
Change "normal maximum and minimum operating levels" to "maximum and minimum normal operating levels", so that they are consistent with the definition presented in Section 3.
2) Fig 6-1:
2a) Change to "maximum normal operating level", and "minimum normal operating level.
2b) Change "operating freeboard" to "seimsic freeboard see 6.5.9, since the freeboard above the design liquid level should be also calculated per Section 6.5.9.
3) Section 6.3.9, third line:
Change "or separate the cooling effect of the tank ----" to "or provide elevated foundation to separate the cooling effect ----".
4) Section 6.6.6, 4th line:
Change "foundation capacity" to "pile capacity".
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 1.3 / Technical / In Section 5.0, "primary" and "secondary" have been used in a different sense. For example, the "primary" vapor barrier is the outer container whereas the word "primary containment" is used for inner container. Will the word "primary" get confused?
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 5.1 / Technical / "Both concepts are designed and constructed so that only the primary vapor barrier contains the liquid and therefore …." - This is not true. This should be reworded.
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 5.3 (4th para) / Technical / The contents of this paragraph are repetition of contents of 3rd paragraph.
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 5.3 (9th para) / Technical / Reference to historical aspects should be avoided. Propose the wordings as shown. / Essential to the concept of a full containment is the assured leak-tightness of the primary liquid container. Liquid is not permitted to accumulate outside the primary liquid container during normal operation. Tank systems where this is not assured amount to a somewhat different storage concept and would require consideration of such things as liquid collection and disposal, potential cold spots, affect on tank venting, etc. This standard has not attempted to address these issues. Such systems include tank systems with concrete primary liquid container with or without liners.
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 6.3.2 (3ra para) / Technical / ACI 376 is referred here. However, detailed description of concrete storage system is not given in Section 5.0. Either this should be deleted or this type should be described in Section 5.0.
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 6.3.3 / Technical / "…….safe for personnel access." - When the tank system is decommissioned, it shall be not only safe for personnel access but also safe for hot work.
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 6.4.3 / Technical / Since we have not detailed or defined "Liquefied gas metal container" earlier, can we use the same terminology that was used in Sections 1.0 and 5.0.
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / / Technical / PVC is not a closed cell and should not be used as this will permeate gas.
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / / Technical / This section is specifically for single wall single containment tank system with external insulation. It would read better if the type of tank is also specified.
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 9.5.4 / Technical / Adhesive shall not be used. Mechanical attachment shall be specified.
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 9.6 / Technical / "deck seam must be sealed" / "deck seams must be seal welded".
Anant Thirunarayanan
Bechtel Corporation
(Affirmative) / 9.8.4 / Technical / To be deleted.
Ben Ho
BP America
(NonVoter) / 1.2 / Technical / In section 1.2, the temperature of 198C should be -198C. / In section 1.2, the temperature of 198C should be -198C.
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 1.2 / Editorial / “stored liquids which boil at ambient temperature” I think can be better described as in gaseous state at ambient temperature. / Change wording as follows:
“stored liquids which are in their gaseous state at ambient temperature and pressure”
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 1.3 / Editorial / Suggest changes to the wording to clarify containments.
Secondary containment is required for single containment tanks in the form of a dike or bund. / Change second sentence wording to as follows:
“All configurations consist of a primary liquid and gas containment constructed of metal, concrete, or a metal/concrete combination and a secondary liquid containment.
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 1.6.c / Editorial / The wording in parenthesis contradicts the requirement itself. Delete it. / Delete the entire parenthetical statement.
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 1.6 / Technical / Need to address piping beyond the first flange or weld for components that serve only the tank such as relief valve piping and valves. / 1.6.d The complete external, pressure containing, piping connection which serves only the tank, (such as pressure relief valve, and instrumentation connections).
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.2; 3.2.3; & 3.2.4 / Editorial / To reduce potential conflicts and/or flipping from section to section, suggest that these definitions be moved to section 5 and placed at the start of paragraphs 5.1; 5.2; & 5.3. / Move current wording to section 5 and add the following:
"See section 5.1" (etc)
Also, change the first words of 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 to:
“A double containment system is comprised of a . . .” and
“A full containment system is comprised of a . . .”
Also, change the second sentence of 3.2.4 to
“Both liquid containers are . . . “
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.7 / Editorial / The term “warm vapor container” can be confused within the standard with purge gas container, and vapor barrier / Change the term to:
Warm Product Vapor Container
Like changes will be needed elsewhere in the standard.
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.10 / Editorial / End of sentence is confusing / Change “position for a” to
“Condition at or near”.
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.12 / Editorial / Freeboard is to prevent overflow OR damage to the roof. / Change the word “and” to “or”
“ . . . to minimize or prevent overflow or damage to the roof . . .”
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.13 / Technical / The term can be defined more simply. / Change definition as follows:
Wave motion of the stored liquid due to seismic ground movement.
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.14 / Editorial / The standard uses primary and secondary container in place of inner and outer shell or wall. / Change the definition as follows:
The space between the primary liquid container and the primary product vapor container or purge gas container of a double wall tank.
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.21 / Editorial / Editorial change to account for use behind the TCP / Delete “base”
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.22 / Editorial / Suggest a change to prevent freezing of water rather than frost and to account for ring wall supported tanks. / Change wording as follows:
“ A heating system provided in the base slab or soil below the tank to prevent freezing of the soil and frost heave.”
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.24; 3.2.25; 3.2.26 / Editorial / 3.2.24; 3.2.25; & 3.2.26
To eliminate potential conflicts and the need to flip between sections just reference section 6 / Change as follows:
Delete definition and add:
See section 6.4.2
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.29 / Editorial / 3.2.29
Vacuum is not achieved. Only a pressure below ambient pressure / Change as follows:
“The internal tank pressure, below ambient pressure, at which . . . “
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.31 / Editorial / 3.2.31
The DLL doesn’t necessarily need to be maintained / Change “maintained” to “experienced” or “reached”
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.32 & 3.2.33 / Editorial / 3.2.32 & 3.2.33
Do we want to state instrument criteria here? / Consider deleting the second sentence from these definitions and leaving the level alarm requirements for section 7.4
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.37 / Technical / 3.2.37
New definition for term used in 6.2 similar to that used in API 2350
Add “Overflow Protection Margin” / Add new paragraph:
Overflow Protection Margin
Capacity (tank height or volume) between the maximum normal operating level and the maximum design liquid level.
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / 3.2.28 / Technical / 3.2.28
New definition for term Maximum Liquid Capacity
This term is used in NFPA 59A and is consistent with other liquid level terms in API 625 / Add new paragraph
Maximum Liquid Capacity
Total volumetric liquid capacity between the tank bottom and the maximum design liquid level. (Also referred to as total liquid capacity in API 620)
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / Editorial / 4.1
Add “system” to the end of the second sentence
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / / Editorial /
change “listed” to “determined”
Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI)
(Affirmative) / / Editorial /
Add “Maximum” before “design”
API Electronic Balloting Template/Version April 2003 s1
