School of the Environment
Strategic Plan
Mission Statement: The mission of the FAMU School of the Environment (is to provide instruction, conduct research, engage in professional and community service on the local, national, and international levels, and facilitate technology transfer which will result in protection of the environment and the development of remedies for existing environmental problems; the education of communities on environmental science and policy issues; and the scientific and intellectual preparation of students who are uniquely prepared to address present and future interdisciplinary environmental science and policy issues.
Vision Statement: With theforesightof becoming the FAMU School of the Environment is to become the nation’s most preferred place of study and research for distinguished and distinctive faculty and students and a favored place of investment and support for funding agencies, corporations, and individuals who seek to expand the interdisciplinary horizon of research and education in environmental science and policy. The diverse faculty, staff and graduates shall be noted for their global and innovative worldview; interdisciplinary scientific and policy expertise; excellence in teaching, research, and intellectual contributions; and their caring, ethical, and culturally competent approach to addressing community related issues on local, state, and international levels.
Core Values: While supporting and embracing the University core values, the core values of the FAMU School of the Environment (SOE) encompass the following characteristics: Caring, Collaboration, Collegiality, Critical Thinking, Diversity, Ethics, Excellence in Teaching, Excellence in Research, Fairness, Fiscal Responsibility, Global Worldview, Integrity, Justice (Environmental and Social), Respect, Service, Shared Governance and Accountability, and Sustainability
Strategic Initiative 1: Evolve into a 21st century living and learning community of environmental professionals
Goal 1.1: Keep tracks, courses, and teaching methods current
Strategy 1.1.1: Evaluate all aspects of undergraduate curricula for currency and relevance
Performance Measure(s): Continued review of curricula, syllabi, and pedagogy for currency and relevance Ongoing response to reviews and assessment
Strategy 1.1.2: Evaluate all aspects of graduate curricula for currency and relevance
Performance Measure(s): Continued review of curricula, syllabi, and pedagogy for currency and relevance Ongoing response to reviews (Seven Year Program Review) and assessment
Goal 1.2: Develop a plan and identify the resources to deliver online courses and programs
Strategy 1.2.1: Conduct feasibility study for existing and necessary resources to implement online programs
Performance Measure(s): Identification of appropriate technology and methods for production and delivery of online courses Produce and disseminate report of feasibility study by June 30, 2011 Delivery of first online courses by Fall 2012
Strategy 1.2.2: Provide faculty and staff development opportunities to facilitate development of new online courses and conversion of existing courses to online format
Performance Measure(s): Faculty and staff attendance at FAMU, offsite, and online seminars and workshops on distance learning Development and implementation of online formats for existing courses Development and implementation of new online courses
Goal 1.3: Develop new tracks programs which reflect responsiveness to the needs of the 21st century
Strategy 1.3.1: Develop undergraduate track in environmental health
Performance Measure(s): Revise and change/rename the toxicology and risk assessment track to environmental health track Development and implementation of new course in environmental epidemiology Seek track accreditation from the National Environmental Health Science and Protection Accreditation Council
Strategy 1.3.2: Develop undergraduate and graduate tracks/degree programs in environmental sustainability
Strategy 1.3.3: Develop environmental studies and/or bachelor of arts option for undergraduates
Strategy 1.3.4: Develop environmental studies and/or master of arts option for graduate students
Performance Measure(s): Addition and offering of EVR 1001 – Fundamentals of Environmental Science to the General Education sequence
Strategy 1.3.4: Develop undergraduate and graduate tracks/degree programs in international environmental policy
Strategy 1.4.1: Revive plans for joint BS/JD program and conduct feasibility study for other joint degree programs including BS/MPH (public health) and BS/MSJ (journalism)
Performance Measure(s): Renew communications with law school regarding BS/JD program Conduct feasibility study for joint degree options with other FAMU academic units
Strategy 1.4.2: Develop plans for enhancing FAMU’s ability to produce environmentally literate graduates and to meet AASHE (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) Standards
Performance Measure(s): Development of plan to incorporate environmental literacy and sustainability across the FAMU curriculum by Spring 2011 Implementation of plan to incorporate environmental literacy and sustainability across the FAMU curriculum by Spring 2012 Propose new centers which are relevant to sustainability, environmental literacy, and other 21st century needs
Strategic Initiative 2: Expand the research scope of the School of the Environment(SOE)
Goal 2.1: Expand collaborative research relationships at FAMU and with other institutions
Strategy 2.1.1: Review and enhance existing comprehensive research strategy to maximize opportunities for collaboration
Performance Measure(s): Review and report historical collaborative research proposals submitted and funded in an annual research report Develop an annual collaborative research strategy
Strategy 2.1.2: Increase the submission of collaborative research proposals
Performance Measure(s): Demonstrated increase in number of collaborative research proposals submitted Demonstrated increase in number of collaborative research proposals funded Provide professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, and students on funding issues and issues related to grants management
Goal 2.2: Expand the scope of SOE’s research in environmental policy and management
Strategy 2.2.1: Enhance research connections with respect to environmental policy and management for the Florida A&M Center for Environmental Technology Transfer (FAMCET); the Environmental Cooperative Science Center (ECSC); the Center for Environmental Equity and Justice (CEEJ).
Performance Measure(s): Increased activity and integration among SOE Centers Provide professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, and students regarding the identification of policy implications of proposed and existing research
Goal 2.3: Increase research involving FAMU Developmental Research School and area K-12 Schools
Strategy 2.3.1: Evaluate and enhance research involvement with FAMU DRS and other K-12 schools
Performance Measure(s): Sponsor environmental education events at FAMU DRS and area K-12 schools Engage in interdisciplinary community service activities that promote environmental literacy
Strategy 2.3.2: Offer environmental science and education professional development opportunities to teachers at FAMU DRS and area K-12 schools
Strategic Initiative 3: Enhance undergraduate student recruitment, retention, and progression in the School of the Environment
Goal 3.1: Enhance recruitment of undergraduate and transfer students
Strategy 3.1.1: Enhance and implement effective and targeted recruitment strategies for FTIC students
Performance Measure(s): Increase the new undergraduate applications and admissions to 25 per academic year the overall undergraduate enrollment to 100 students and maintain at that level
Strategy 3.1.2: Enhance and implement effective and targeted recruitment strategy for community college and other university transfer students
Performance Measure(s): Increase the percentage of community college and other university transfer students to at least 20% of total enrollment
Goal 3.2: Continuous enhancement and assessment of the SOE student experience
Strategy 3.2.1: Enhance critical thinking skills of SOE undergraduate students
Performance Measure(s): SOE undergraduate students will improve in critical thinking skills based on measures implemented in SOE core courses, as included in the SOE assessment plan Analysis of focus group data conducted at the end of the freshman, sophomore, Junior, and senior years will report student consensus that their critical thinking skills increased since the prior academic year
Strategy 3.2.2: Improve academic progression, retention, and graduation rates
Performance Measure(s): Implementation of changes in EVS 2920 (Environmental Forum &Colloquium) to include modules on advisement, course selection, and student responsibilities Close curriculum gaps which contribute to loss of SOE majors between freshman and junior years Improve and standardize advisement of and communication with students Implementation of 2 mandatory meetings per semester in order to maintain continuity of contact with students, faculty, and staff
Goal 3.3: Enhance infrastructure of FAMU School of the Environment
Strategy 3.3.1: Increase funding for undergraduate students, with particular emphasis on freshmen
Performance Measure(s): Increase in undergraduate funding by 3% per year
Strategy 3.3.2: Enhance funding available to SOE through university resources, and development activities with industry and alumni
Performance Measure(s): Increase financial resources through university and outside support by 2% per academic year Increase industry support to enhance academic and social environment by 1% per academic year
Strategic Initiative 4: Further promote the work of SOE within the public and private sectors
Goal 4.1:Leverage benefits from existing academic centers
Strategy 4.1.1: Promote and increase activity of the Center for Environmental Equity and Justice (CEEJ) and Florida A&M Center for Environmental Technology Transfer
Performance Measure(s): Development and maintenance of a community health database for affected communities in Florida Development and maintenance of a water quality database for affected communities in Florida Development and maintenance of a database of Florida community organizations which have environmental goals Development and implementation of related online training modules
Strategy 4.1.2: Promote the work of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Environmental Cooperative Science Center
Performance Measure(s): Production, publication, and dissemination of a historical report of ECSC Successful competition for the 2012renewal of the ECSC
Strategy 4.1.3: Increased promotion of SOE’s historical accomplishments
Performance Measure(s): Production, publication, and dissemination of a historical report of SOE’s existence since 1998 Production, publication, and dissemination of annual reports
Strategic Initiative 5: Develop, enhance, and retain appropriate fiscal, human, technological, research and physical resources to achieve elevation to the status of School of the Environment
Goal 5.1: Enhance SOE instructional/human infrastructure
Strategy 5.1.1: Retain and recruit excellent and distinguished faculty and staff to support current and proposed programs
Performance Measure(s): Increased depth and breadth of faculty expertise and research interests Retention and promotion of current faculty and staff Strengthen salaries and support for faculty and staff to nationally competitive levels Increased access to and utilization of professional development opportunities by faculty, staff, and students Attract, support, and retain additional distinguished professors, eminent scholars, and others of national and international prominence
Strategy 5.1.2: Increase incentives for faculty, staff, and students to be aggressively engaged in research and other creative activities and to pursue additional federal, state, and private funding
Performance Measure(s): Align faculty teaching loads with research productivity expectations start-up resources and infrastructure for SOE faculty commensurate with their research needs and/or productivity Begin capital campaign for new construction to facilitate elevation to school status, while maximizing the use of the university’s research foundation
Strategy 5.1.3: Increase international opportunities for SOE faculty, staff, and students in order to maintain a global worldview with respect to the significance of environmental issues
Performance Measure(s): Increase number of applications to Fulbright and for other international experiences Provide professional development on cultural competency in environmental communication Increase the number and dollar amounts of international research and development projects
Goal 5.2: Enhance SOE’s administrative and fiscal infrastructure
Strategy 5.2.1: Enhance academic and administrative infrastructure to provide ongoing assessment and evaluation stewardship, accountability and optimization of state and external resources
Performance Measure(s): Review and establish faculty and staff procedures Establish policies for fund allocation Assess on an annual basis, the effectiveness of the administrative process related to workflow. Review, assess, and improve customer relations in advising, assisting, and serving students Conduct audits and reviews to ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures
Strategy 5.2.2: Propose organizational plan for elevation to School of the Environment
Performance Measure(s): Increased visibility of ESI Develop and submit for appropriate approvals SOE 2010-2015 Master Plan by December 2010 Research, and establish staff divisions based on academic tracks and/or research expertise Retain FAMU SOE’s position as top producer of African American doctoral degree recipients in environmental sciences and policy Increase undergraduate enrollment to attain position as top producer of African American baccalaureate and masters degree recipients in environmental sciences and policy
Originally submitted 2010, revised 2011for School’s name change