Headline report as it relates to the Wrexham Children and Young People’s Plan: / 4th April 2011 / Strategic Co-ordinating Group (SCoG): / Healthy and Active4th July 2011
3rd October 2011
9th January 2012
Key to ‘RAG’ing progress for each quarter (Risk assessment using the following criteria)
TF/Linked Grp
/ Headlines / Progress/Problems/Issues / Q1Apr-June 10 / Q2
July-Sept 10 / Q3
Oct-Dec 10 / Q4
HA01 / Emotional Health, Well-being and counselling (EHWBC) TF group (formerly CAMHS)
Dates of meetings
1st March 2011
7th June 2011
6th Sept 2011
6th Dec 2011
Chair: Colin Elliott / Graham Edwards has now taken over as chair of the group, and Margaret Sloane is vice chair. / At the next meeting in June 2011, the group will be looking at developing the action plan in light of the joint Plan and ‘Breaking the Barriers’ / No immediate change is anticipated alleviate previousissues
HA1a / EHWBC - EMARS group
Lead contact
Linda Vickery / Pilot still in progress / The sustainability of the training is to be reviewed.
There are concerns regarding on going funding to support the process. (The projects administration, review and evaluation.)
1b / EHWBC -Wrexham Suicide and self harm prevention Group
Dates of meetings
8th Feb 2011
10thMay 2011
6th Sept 2011
6th Dec 2011
Chair: Louise Carpenter / Implementation is progressing in Child services with the focus being through Safeguarding and Education.. / Early Intervention and Prevention CAMHS and the EPS are driving the progress in schools and the Wrexham Association of Secondary head teachers and the Link Officers are agreeable to facilitating the development of a pathway, training and support for staff.
Lead contact: Graham Edwards / Service to cease at end of summer term2010
1d / EHWBC-SchoolCounselling Project
Lead contact: Graham Edwards / Every school has now got a named counsellor, the funding is being continued for three years.
1e / EHWBC - CAMHS Training Group
Chair: Louise Carpenter / All training offered has been over subscribed and over 95% has achieved excellent evaluations with the rest achieving good or very good. / There is much enthusiasm for training in emotional wellbeing in school staff. EIP CAMHS and the EPS are working together to plan the delivery of training for early years staff next year with the aim of providing sustainability through the newly established CAMHS/EPS Consultation / Drop-In Clinic. We have also managed to provide some evidenced based interventions –Friends training in Wrexham .
Other services are harder to engage – this , together with lack of funding impedes progressing to ‘green status’.
02 / EHWBC- Autistic Spectrum Disorder T&F
Dates of Meetings,
Chair: Graham Edwards / Action plan in place. / Progress on implementing the plan is continuing, funding has been agreed for the next year.
03 / Integrated Strategic Speech and Language T&F Group
Chair: Yvonne Brooks / Consultation to look at parent satisfaction survey, website, service directory working party group set up
Develop a Training Strategy for all those concerned with SLCN
Formulating what is expected of people delivering the training, Look at recording information as a baseline of what levels of skills are out there & then identify level of need & demand for training.
Processes and pathways for children & young people with SLCN
Criminal Justice Event on March 25th at Glyndwr highlighting links with SLCN. Training for CJ staff .
Draft AAC process protocol in circulation. / T&F group set up to include Parent Partnership. In Process
T&F group set up, awaiting report at next meeting.
T&F group to revisit the jointly devised ‘Schools Service Specification’. To be updated and disseminated to schools across Wrexham & Flintshire LAs.
Awaiting feedback.
04 / Children with complex healthcare needs and disabilities
Dates of meetings
Chair: Sarah Jones
14th March 2011 13th June 2011
12th Sept 2011
12th Dec 2011 / The development of one pre school Developmental Team .
Promotion of Early Support
Application for lottery grant
Children’s Poverty Strategy / Agreement that previous Home Advisory Service and Developmental assessment team will become one team, with one referral pathway and waiting list.
Waiting times have reduced and skill mix increased.
Assessment and intervention protocols to be agreed.
Staff have attended training for early support, and the CYPIDS team will be meeting with Maggie Bowen in May to look as methods of promotion ensuring this is embedded in early years practice.
Cypids manager is meeting with Carol Gardner (voluntary sector) and Maggie Bowen to discuss application for lottery grant
Complex needs group discussed possible ideas, one possibility looking to fund a transitional coordinator.
05 / Carers Programme Group update
Lead contact: Margaret Sloane / Health has taken the lead for the implementation of the Carers Measure. They have made it clear that they want to pursue a North Wales Strategy which is regional rather that local. The strategy includes the requirement to provide information and consultation only.
Wrexham will be updated the local Carers Strategy Action Plan in 2011. This will have a greater input from children’s services and include a protocol for parent/carers which is absent in the current action plan.
Progress is continuing. / The implementation of the carers’ measure will take place over the next few months. Wrexham are already ahead in terms of information and advise for carers through partnership working with the third sector.
Children’s service will be able to play a more active role in the development of the new action plan as previously there was no children’s representative on the group. This will also link with the Joint Health and Socialcare and wellbeing Strategy / Children services have only just become involved and health have not attended any meetings yet.
06 / CYP Substance Misuse commissioning group
Date of meetings
29th March 2011
21st June 2011
27th Sept 2011
13th Dec 2011
Chair: Janet Growcott / Reallocated funding due to slippage has had WAG approval. / Overall progress and performance in SM funded areas is on target.
Approval for capital investment in C&YP tier 2 services was been received, but the work has been delayed and a new application for funding will have to be submitted next year.
HA07 / Young Peoples Sexual Health Planning and
Co-ordination group
Date of meetings
9th March 2011
Chair: Jonathan Miller / Representative from GlyndwrUniversity attended the last meeting. They requested information and support regarding Sexual Health services for the student population at the University.
Promotional information for the Info Shop to be provided and health will arrange a meeting with the nurse based on site (Carole Walker) / The next meeting of the group will be dedicated to developing an action plan in light of the Wrexham Joint Plan and the Sexual Health and Wellbeing Action Plan for Wales 2010-15.
Sexual Health data for 2008/9 shows that there has been a decline in the number of teenage pregnancies in Wrexham.
The Info shop is looking to move to larger premises to enable the drug and alcohol team, YP housing advice and counselling to be co-located.
HA08 / Public health Commissioning Group
Date of meetings
3rd March 2011
5th May 2011
Chair: Andy Lewis / To include:
8b / Healthy Eating and Being More Active Programme Group
Date of meetings
5th January 2011
Chair: Janet Williams / Agreement has been obtained for the Council to work towards the Corporate Health Standard
The Cycle to Work Scheme has been agreed in principle and work is currently underway to find a suitable provider.
Continued funding for the Exercise on Referral scheme has been approved. 721 people have participated so far this year which is well in excess of target.
The Planning Department and HSCWB team have completed the draft supplementary planning guidance regarding hot food takeaways and it is now ready to go out to consultation for adoption in Q1 11/12.
Wrexham’s Creating an Active Wales action plan has been completed and signed off by the Public Health Commissioning group, it is now with WAG for approval.
Safe Wrexham ‘Drink Safe, Think Safe’ Campaign launched to all council staff, Glyndwr staff, Yale staff and Police staff as well as the public.
Continued funding for Appetite for Life has been agreed for the next 3 years. Work is now commencing to examine how remaining non compliant food items can be phased out and the impact that this may have on catering budgets.
Numbers participating in the Active8-2-16 scheme are back on track following the Coordinator post being filled.
Engagement with under 16’s via 5 x 60 continues to improve school to club links in a range of sports as well as the development of new opportunities in community settings away from schools.
All three safe routes in the community are expected to be completed by the end of Q4
HA8c / Respiratory Health
(was Tobacco reduction)
Date of meetings:
Chair: Louise Woodfine / Currently responding to the WAG consultation on the Tobacco Control Action Plan for Wales. When WAG releases the final version, the RHG will need to maximise its effectiveness by ensuring that its local action plan and work, complements the Regional and National work.
See Agenda item 5.3 (Annual report for this meeting)
HA8d / Immunisation
Lead contact: Lorna Burdge / Lorna Burdge on leave – no report submitted
8e / CYP Dental Health / Latest Data from Public Health Wales:
Wrexham 12 year olds % with one or more decayed tooth = 18.4% (Wales 23.1 % Betsi 20.4%) 2008/09 data
Designed to Smile (to end Dec) :
Total no of schools brushing in Wrexham = 28 with 2905 children brushing.
Total no of 0-3 settings brushing in Wrexham = 23 with 360 children brushing.
Total no of home packs given =3265
5 "clinical prevention interventions" schools targeted this academic year.
Total no of children targeted = 458
Total no of teeth fissure sealed = 346
Total no of home packs given = 458
Please note Rhosemedere School have had OHE intervention and home packs only as major building work on going. / looking at how these schools can be supported to take part / Awaiting end of year report.
Key to ‘RAG’ing progress for each quarter
Q1 Rating / Q2 Rating / Q3 Rating / Q4 Rating
Overall SCoG Performance Rating