Chapter 4: Communication Confidence
Part I-- Page 56-63
Personal Introspection
- Describe your PHYSICAL SELF:
- How do you think you appear to others? (Your SOCIAL SELF)
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
- What are some of the beliefs and attitudes that comprise your SPIRITUAL SELF?
- As you grew up, what were some of the cultural influences you experienced? (list)
- Make a list of the top 3 professions that would earn you the most respect in your family/community.
- List 3 professions that would earn you the least respect from your family/community.
- Do YOU agree with those judgments? Explain.
- In your family/culture/community, what are the criteria for male/female beauty?
- Honestly, do you think you are rated as beautiful by those criteria?
- Do you, personally, alone, and at peace with yourself, see yourself as beautiful? Why or why not?
- List 5 words or phrases that describe how you perceive yourself.
- Rank them in order, starting with the one that describes you best.
- How many of those are physical? How many intellectual? Emotional?
- Where do you think your ranking and self perception came from?
- Pick ONE of the ways you describe yourself that isn’t positive. Decide that it is not accurate! (for instance, I think I have a terrible singing voice. Maybe I’m wrong! Maybe I’ve just never really tried? Maybe I assume I can’t sing because my mom can’t? )
- Write down how you might try to change that image of yourself. Start with “Maybe I’m not…
- Give an example of a behavior that would create cognitive dissonance for you, personally.
- Rank your level of self satisfaction at this moment; 1 low to 10 high
- On page 61, we are told that “People with a strong self-concept focus on their positive experiences. If you think about only the good things and excuse yourself for the bad ones, you reinforce your positive self-concept.” Design a button or banner that you can wear/ put up to remind you of this truth!
- Why does a speaker need to like him/herself, accept him/herself?
- What is SELF DISCLOSURE? Define:
- Why might self disclosure be positive to you as a speaker? Negative?
- Complete the activity on page 62, Self Disclosure- identifying what things we feel safe disclosing.
- With another person, make a Johari Window for each of you. Your friend fills in the Blind Quadrant. You fill in the Open quadrant together. You fill in the Hidden Quadrant alone. Who fills in the Unknown Quadrant??
Chapter 4 Part II
- What does Communication Competence refer to?
- Have you ever had to speak in public? Describe/ list:
- Did you get STAGE FRIGHT? If so, how bad was it?
- What have you done when you got STAGE FRIGHT?
- If your were going to have to give a speech in the commons area, on a topic of your choice,with random people around when you give your speech, what are some specific things you can do to help cope with stage fright? (use p 67 for some ideas)
- Page 67: Look at the Relaxation Techniques. FIRST: Decide on a topic that you could speak about for 5-8 minutes: MY TOPIC IS: ______
- What is your “pleasant memory”?
- What is your goal? (for the speech you will give)
- What ideas will you want to express?
- Will you have to research your topic?
- OK- Now, for that topic:
- Prepare your introduction and conclusion- write these out for yourself.
- List in bullet form the key points you want to raise.
- Imagine walking away from the podium after the speech. How will you feel?
- What music will you listen to before your speech?
- Who is your best friend among those who will be listening?
Chapter 4 Part III 9 page 68-
- Make a little card with relaxation techniques. Include the ones in the book, and add at least two more of your own.
- On the back of that card, list the things you, personally, (not generic you) can do to make yourself LOOK confident.
- Add a list of things you can do to BE confident, such as concentrating on the topic, not on how you look…
- Make a list of great jokes and humorous anecdotes you could use in your speech. You will only use one or two, but having more is better than less! Write these down on the index card.
- Not all anecdotes need to be humorous- pick a few more little stories that fit your topic… things like “I recall a time…
- Does the topic itself have anything to do with the confidence you will feel when you speak?
The Infamous Uncomfortable Speech
- Make a list of topics that are pretty sure most of your peers would find difficult to talk about in front of a group. These will be used to inspire topics for the NEXT assignment, the “uncomfortable speech.” If you can match some topics to specific people, do so, but, don’t be too evil in your choice. You do want to push that person’s comfort level, but not cause a complete disaster. Hand in to Ms. Simon!