Erasmus Transnational meeting summary (full minutes to be finalised)

Istituto Magistrale Isabella Gonzaga, Chieti, Italy

24th-29th September


Pip Hall (Chair) England / Finn/Claudia - Denmark
Katie Ford (minutes and Vice Chair) England / Annalisa - Italy
Anka - Slovakia / Eva/Heidrun - Germany
Elisabeth/Elke - Austria


1.  Welcome & introductions

2.  Update from partner schools/city re: work undertaken since visit to Slovakia in April and impact of project after 2 years

3.  Discuss the Y3 goals and work outline (see project monitoring)

4.  Each school to confirm what they will be working on to present at the Fair Trade symposium/Business fair in Chieti Town Square. Each school will set up a FT stall with products they have made/display to demonstrate their own progress through the project

5.  Budget summary. Clarifying what the grant is for

6.  Confirm dates of two student exchange meetings. Confirm staffing and student numbers. Check project monitoring guideline or project document to ensure programme reflects what we agreed to do if feasible

7.  Record keeping – names/dob of all students and staff names from each partner school who attended any meetings

8.  Confirm date & staff for final teacher meeting in Dortmund. This is to write the final report which triggers the final instalment of 20% of your project grant. The online mobility tool will be completed. This includes a total amount of each school’s spending in three parts:

·  project management

·  transnational meeting for staff including travel costs

·  short term learning (student exchanges) with staff incl. travel costs

9.  AOB

1.  Welcome & Introductions – questions posed regarding HF absence and why different delegates are sent on each trip from England. Erasmus Culture project explained for HF absence and cover in terms of differing delegates from England


3.  Slovakia article in newspaper/trip to Capital city as Handlova is small

Italy not a lot of progress due to Summer break

England Fair Trade booklets about Peterborough with FT Peterborough map have been shared with Fair Trade Foundation. Copies will also be available from Peterborough Tourist information office. Students have attended further workshops with Hotel Chocolat, the ethical chocolate grower and manufacturer based near to TDA. Students have selected fair trade textiles for their topic for the final year.

Austria completed workshop ready for visit to Austria (January 2018)

Germany workshop week/FT products purchased/presentation day – sold products/Y7 FT classes/Dortmund FT classes/visit interviews with producers/upcycling (bags and key rings)/other small things to keep FT in mind (lunch breaks making products then selling)/stall at FT ‘Fair Friends’ in Dortmund/FT school title applied for – has this status again for 2 years

Denmark everyday heroes FT products used for costumes to celebrate birthday of school every year (Finn has photos for the blog)

3 & 4.

Y3 outline goals discussed. There was some confusion on design/production of the FT product/suggestions from all countries made. Schools believed it was 1 product to be designed and 1 stall. KF referred all back to the project plan where it states each school from each country should design/make a FT product and each school would then have a stall.

Suggested in Austria that workshop sessions happen with 1 student from each school to work in a group with other countries to design the product. At the end of the workshop each school would then take 1 design and go back and make the product ready to bring to Chieti in March 2018. It was made clear that designing a poster was not a product when Austria suggested this and KF confirmed this was marketing not a product.

5.  Budget summary discussed. Germany/Austria thought that if Slovakia underspent then they could have the money for their schools. It was confirmed by England this was not the case and any monies left would be for the school in question to spend on other projects in their schools.

Any overspend was also confirmed to be down to each individual school to responsibly budget and if they needed to find additional funds then their school would need to subsidise this.

It was also confirmed that the grant form has been changed and this is what they should use going forward.

It was also confirmed that everyone had received their 80% of the grant when this was queried.

6.  Dates of the two student exchange meetings confirmed:

Austria 14th-20th January 2018 – Elisabeth requested that everyone confirm staff/student numbers ASAP

Italy 4th-10th March 2018

7.  Clarified that a record of all students/staff attending all meetings needs to be recorded

8.  Final teacher meeting proposed in Dortmund, Germany for 22nd-27th April