Group 1
- Carbon footprint: provide fund for farmers to put trees in their farm
- Awareness campaign
- Community based agriculture: more trees in the neighboorhoord -> community trees orchards: farmers will not collect their fruits themselves
- CAP: subsidies, cheap loans
Group 2
- Processers:
- Consumers: buying trees -> cooperative: people pay farmers for trees
- Subsidy for trees and hedges
Group 3
- Subsidies: reallocate subsidies to smaller farms
- Ecological focus area: more shifted towards green area
- Higher quality woods: more high quality wood, biomass
- More promotion
- Weather insurance: reduce the primes for insurance, if they implement certain techniques
Group 4
- Cooperatives: pick the fresh fruits from neighbours
- Support and
- Pay for ecosystem services
- Prioritize agroforestry when their renting or sell public land
Group 5
- Research: green accounting
- Create labels
- Give subsidies
- Information campaign: you need to inform the consumer
- Augment the need of labour -> unemployed people, bring in social groups to work
- ‘Adopt a tree’ -> shareholders, cofinancing scheme -> some of the returns in the form of fruits
Policy and reallocate subsidies
- How high does the subsidy has to be
- One utopia view of what the best hectare of land could represent
- If you get a maximum subsidy, for every element you have to get. Farmers will be very motivated to
- Complex to put in place
- Ask the community and experts what are the benefits
- Not by the government, but by entrepreuneurs, tradable emission rights, it must not be payed by government (in Austria) ->
- It is not a good solution to depend everything on subsidies, consumer has to pays
- It is not always the value of the wood. Pigs -> some of the pigs will live trees, and he will plant trees: image of the farms, link with his clients. It is nice to come to this place, they can walk between the pigs.
- Ignorant, not well informed, not to do. If we do enough promotion than we don’t need any
- It is not only money, money is not the main motivation. Otherwise they feel that there are played. It is
- Consumer/market
- Is the consumer informed? General knowledge
- Education
- Democratic governance
Debates are all on the blackboard
- Farmers have a lot of constraints
- Economic more viable -> and still we
- Systems in organic farming: you can get advice: which steps you have to do to this, subsidized advice
- Demonstration: it is on the priority list on any of the
- Quick gain: locally, then you are not alone anymore. Farmers need the support of the people.
- Carbon trading: airplane ticket: nog” s
Terra cooperative: