PMN 631 Pastoral Preaching
Dr. J. Michael Shannon
Professor of Preaching Spring, 2010
Cincinnati Bible Seminary
Jan 21, 22
Phone: 513-244-8620 Feb 18, 19
Mar 18, 19
Preaching and Christian communication always overlap with psychology. This was true in the preaching of Jesus and all great communicators to follow. Christian communicators need how to preach to human need without violating the integrity of the Biblical text.
1) Identify the components in preaching that serve in a sense as “corporate counseling.”
2) Identify the major stressors in the typical congregation and develop a strategy to address them Biblically.
3) Become familiar with the preachers and Christian communicators who made pastoral preaching a significant aspect of ministry.
Jan. 21 Morning Session
1) Orientation
2) The Integration of Psychology and Religion: Good Idea or Bad Idea?
Afternoon Session
1) Major pastoral concerns in a typical congregation
2) Communicator Profile: Leslie Weatherhead
Jan. 22 Morning Session
1) Preaching about Fear and Worry
2) Communicator profile: Charles Allen
Afternoon Session
1) Preaching about Depression
2) Communicator Profile: Norman Vincent Peale
Feb.18 Morning Session
1) Test
2) Preaching about Guilt
3) Communicator Profile: Robert Schuller
Afternoon Session
1) Student Sermons on pastoral need
Feb. 19 Morning Session
1) Student Sermons on pastoral need
2) Discussion of Fisher book
Afternoon Session
1) Preaching about Grief
2) Communicator profile: J. Wallace Hamilton
Mar. 18 Morning Session
1) Test
2) Preaching about Anger
3) Communicator profile: Brennan Manning
Afternoon Session
1) Student Sermons on Grief
Mar. 19 Morning Session
1) Student Sermons on Grief
2) Discussion of Cothen book
Afternoon Session
1) Preaching on Self-esteem
2) Communicator Profile: Henri Nouwen
1) Each student will do a three page review of the Fisher textbook. Due on February 19th.
2) Each student will do a three page review of the Cothen textbook. Due on March 19th.
3) Each student will preach a message on a subject concerning a pastoral need.
4) Each student will preach a message suitable for a funeral.
5) Each student will do a three page review of a book written by a preacher known for pastoral preaching. The approved list is included below. If you wish to choose a different book, this can be negotiated with the professor. Due April 19th.
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
The Be Happy Attitudes by Robert H. Schuller
God’s Psychiatry by Charles L. Allen
Prescription for Anxiety by Leslie Weatherhead
Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen
Rebuilding Your Broken World by Gordon MacDonald
The Winning Attitude by John Maxwell
Where do you go When it Hurts by Philip Yancey
The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen
10% Test
10% Test
20% Sermon One
20% Sermon Two
20% Preacher Analysis Paper
10% Fisher review
10% Cothen review
The 21st Century Pastor by David Fisher
The Pulpit is Waiting by Joe H. Cothen
The professor reserves the right to alter this plan.