American Chemical Society
Columbus Section
Executive Committee Meeting October 21, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. at Chemical Abstracts
Members present were:
· Steven Rosenthal Chair
· Priscilla Ratliff Past Chair
· Karen Irving Chair elect
· Bob Kroshefsky Treasurer
· David Speth Secretary
· Michelle Schott Treasurer Elect
· Theresa Huston Councilor
· Maria Rosenthal Councilor
· Jeff Trent Councilor
· Ed King Alternate Councilor
· Virginia Songstad Alternate Councilor
· Don Songstad Alternate Councilor
· Robert Bird
· Geoff Babbitt
The minutes for the September meeting were corrected and approved.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed. The checking account has a balance of $34,530. The Councilor’s expenses from the ACS National Meeting in August have been paid. The $2,000 donation to the ACS Scholar’s program will be made at the meeting tonight. The check will be sent directly to the National Office. The treasurer noted that the Local Section investment accounts have recovered from the market drop 24 months ago. The Section is in good financial condition. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Tonight’s meeting includes presentation of 50- and 60- year membership awards and presentation of pins to local sections Chemistry Ambassadors who are volunteering to bring chemistry to the general public through the local section activities.
Jeff Trent noted that October 29, 30 and 31 will be the Festival of Chemistry at COSI. Jeff still needs representatives of local companies to volunteer to be present to help explain to students what careers they can have in the chemical sciences.
There was then a long discussion of nominees for local section officers. Several names were proposed for Chair elect but none of those mentioned have been contacted. People who have agreed to run are
Chair Elect
Treasurer Elect Bob Kroshefsky
Secretary David Speth
Councilor Geoff Babbitt
Virginia Songstad
Jody Harper
There was a discussion of the possibility of using and electronic ballot to save the cost of mailing. Survey Monkey is a free website that can be used, but it is not secure. Using a secure website is expensive particularly since the section would need to have a non-computer voting option for members who are not on the Internet. While this may be expensive, the Local Section will need to investigate the option since the mailing support of Chemical Abstracts may not always be available.
The committee was reminded that 2011 is the International Year of Chemistry. There is now a web page of the IYC that has suggested activities. Steve Rosenthal is putting together a calendar of significant moments in chemistry in Ohio. If you have suggestions, please forward them to Steve.
The next local section meeting will be Saturday, November 6 at the Refectory for wine tasting. There will not be any executive committee meeting associated with this event. The December meeting is a joint meeting with the local section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers but Steve has been unable to contact any of their officers. There will be an executive committee meeting in December. Time and date of this meeting remains to be determined.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.