
The 26th AFACT StC Meeting

Asia Pacific Council for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business

26th AFACT Steering Committee

Meeting Minutes

Republic of Korea

Venue: COEX ASEM Hall 203

October 13, 2008

Date: October 13, 2008

Venue: COEX ASEM Hall 203

Chairman: Mr. Chun-Seok Kim (Republic of Korea)

n  Attendance

Steering Committee Members

Designation / Name / Country / Organization / Email /
Chairman / Chun-Seok Kim / Korea / Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce /
Vice Chairs / Anchalaporn Siriwan / Thailand / Ministry of Information & Communication Technology /
T.A. Khan / India / Ministry of Communications & Information Technology /
Elected Hods / Mahmood Zargar / Iran / Ministry of Commerce /
UN/CEFACT Rapporteur to Asia / Sangwon Lim / Korea / Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce /
AFACT Secretariat / Yi-Yuan(Eva) Yueh / Chinese Taipei / Institute for Information Industry /

Other Participants:

No / Name / Country / Designation / Organization / Email
1 / Hisanao Sugamata / Japan / eAC Chair / ECOM /
2 / Kenji Itoh / Japan / AEG Chair / Trade Facilitation & e-Business Consultant /
3 / Kamarudin Tambi / Singapore / BCF Chair
HoD of Singapore / CrimsonLogic /
4 / Yong-jae Kim / Korea / SCWG Chair / Korea Polytechnic University /
5 / Wu Jia-Chyi / Chinese Taipei / SWG Chair / Information & Communication Security Technology Center /
6 / Karlson Hsia / Chinese Taipei / XMLWG Chair / Institute for Information Industry /
7 / Amiruddin Abdul Aziz / Malaysia / PAA Chair / Dagang Net Technologies /
8 / Ming-Yaw Yang / Chinese Taipei / Delegate / Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, M.O.E.A. /
9 / Chung Ming Su / Chinese Taipei / Delegate / Institute For Information Industry /
10 / Sheng-fu Chin / Chinese Taipei / Delegate / customs /
11 / Hwang-hsi Hou / Chinese Taipei / Delegate / customs /
12 / Chin Kuo Kuo / Chinese Taipei / Delegate / Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. /
13 / Yu-Ping Ou Yang / Chinese Taipei / Delegate / Environmental Protection Administration /
14 / Ariel Wang / Chinese Taipei / AFACT Secretariat / Institute for Information Industry /
15 / Medini Dhar Kala / India / Delegate / Delhi International Airport Pvt. Ltd. /
16 / Ganga Karki / India / Delegate / Indian Customs /
17 / Kazumi Hirai / Japan / HoD / JASTPRO /
18 / Jasmine Jang / Korea / HoD / KIEC /
19 / Jinny Ahn / Korea / AFACT 2008
Secretariat / KIEC /
20 / Jung-Ho Park / Korea / AFACT 2008
Secretariat / KIEC /
21 / Kyung-Chan Jung / Korea / AFACT 2008
Secretariat / KIEC /
22 / Kyoung-Rog Yi / Korea / AFACT 2008
Secretariat / KIEC /
23 / Dong-Hoon Lim / Korea / AFACT 2008
Secretariat / KIEC /
24 / Yoon Joo Hwang / Korea / Delegate / Korea Customs Service /
25 / Julie Kim / Korea / Delegate / CUPIA /
26 / Eswaran Sankaranarayan / MALAYSIA / Delegate / DAGANG NET /
27 / Faisal AlMousa / Saudi Arabia / HoD / SaudiEDI /
28 / Fahad Jabli / Saudi Arabia / Delegate / SaudiEDI /
29 / Brayan Cutinha / Singapore / Delegate / CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd /
30 / Ashan Weeraman / Sri Lanka / HoD / Sri Lanka Customs /
31 / T Shanta A De Silva / Sri Lanka / Delegate / Private /
32 / Ajin Jirachiefpattana / Thailand / HoD / Ministry of Information and Communication Technology /
33 / Ratanaporn Singhasakda / Thailand / Delegate / Ministry of Commerce /
34 / Thanomsin Chakreeves / Thailand / Delegate / Ministry of Information and Communication Technology /
35 / Noppakun Soonthornhong / Thailand / Delegate / Ministry of Information and Communication Technology /
36 / Chongkolnee Visesnarongsak / Thailand / Delegate / Thai Customs Department /
37 / Kannika Srangklang / Thailand / Delegate / Thai Customs Department /
38 / Saisamorn Naklada / Thailand / Delegate / Kasetsart University /
39 / Pitchaya Juangpanich / Thailand / Delegate / Kasetsart University /
40 / Nguyen Manh Quyen / Viet Nam / HoD / Ministry Of Industry and Trade /
41 / Nguyen Huu Tuan / Viet Nam / Delegate / Ministry Of Industry and Trade /

n  Meeting Agenda:

09:00 – 9:30 / Registration
1 / 09:30 – 09:40 / Opening remarks
Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT
President, Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce
2 / 09: 40 – 09:50 / Adoption of the Agenda
Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT
3 / 09:50 – 10:10 / Review of the 26th StC Mid-term meeting minutes
Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT
4 / 10:10 – 10:30 / AFACT Status Report
Ms. Eva Yueh, AFACT Secretariat
10:30 – 11:00 / Official Photo Taking + Coffee Break
5 / 11:00 – 11:30 / UN/CEFACT Progress Update
Mr. Tahseen Khan, UN/CEFACT Vice-Chair
Mr. Sangwon Lim, UN/CEFACT Rapporteur for Asia
6 / PAA Progress Report
7 / 11:30 – 12:00 / AFACT Roadmap TFT Report
Mr. Sangwon Lim, Roadmap TFT Facilitator
12:00 – 13:30 / Luncheon
8 / 13:30 – 15:00 / Discussion on Draft AFACT Roadmap
- Roadmap Draft Review
- JWG Restructuring
- Strategic Work Items (Single Window, UNeDocs, e-Authentication,
e-Government Interoperability Framework, etc.)
- AFACT Secretariat Model
15:00 – 15:20 / Coffee Break
9 / 15:20 – 16:20 / Discussion on Draft AFACT Roadmap & Future Direction
10 / 16:20 – 17:00 / Organizational Matters
- Plan for the 26th AFACT Plenary Meeting and EDICOM 2008
Ms. Jinny Ahn, AFACT 2008 Secretariat
- Plan for the 27th AFACT Meeting
Mr. T A Khan, Indian HoD to AFACT & AFACT Vice-chair
- Approval of eAC Transition to AFACT
Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT
- Election of 2 Elected HoD StC Members
Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT
- Host for Future Meetings
Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT
- Review of JWG Meeting Organization
Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT
11 / 17:00 – 17:10 / Any Other Business
- Support for Senegal Single Window Conference
- Support for APEC Single Window Data Harmonization Conference
12 / 17:10 – 17:30 / Review of the 26th AFACT Steering Committee meeting minutes
Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT
13 / 17:30 / Closing Remarks
Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT Steering Committee

n  Minutes:

Opening remarks

Mr. Chun-Seok Kim, Chairman of AFACT opened the meeting with a word of warm welcome and mutual introduction of the participants.

Adoption of the Agenda

The draft agenda was adopted with the addition of PAA report upon the request from the PAA chair, Mr. Amiruddin Aziz.

Review of the 26th AFACT StC Mid-term meeting minutes

The 26th AFACT StC Mid-term meeting minutes was reviewed and ratified with no change.

AFACT Status Report

Dr. Eva Yueh from AFACT Secretariat provided update on the current status and activities of AFACT, including membership, structure, JWG status, future meeting hosts, promotional activities, 2008 Yearbook publication and website maintenance. The chairman of AFACT expressed his gratitude to AFACT Secretariat for its AFACT administration work as well as promotional activity, including the Yearbook publication.

UN/CEFACT Progress Update

Mr. Khan reported on the development of eBGT (electronic Business, Government and Trade) in UN/CEFACT, which was adopted by the UN/CEFACT in the 14th Plenary Session as a strategic document for accelerating UN/CEFACT development. Mr. Lim reported on the result of the APEC-UN Joint Capacity Building Symposium on Paperless Trading, which was a joint work of UN/CEFACT and APEC ECSG. Mr.. Lim highlighted the conclusions and recommendations that are relevant to UN/CEFACT and AFACT work programs.

PAA Report

Mr. Amiruddin Aziz, PAA chair, provided a verbal update and progress of PAA, which is a regional alliance of paperless trading service providers. Mr. Aziz also expressed PAA’s willingness to work on further collaboration with AFACT, including the possibility of having a back-to-back meeting with AFACT.

AFACT Roadmap TFT Report

Mr. Lim, on behalf of the AFACT Roadmap TFT, made a report on the progress of roadmap development with a focus on the follow-up of the following eight Steering Committee resolutions made at the 26th AFACT StC Mid-term meeting.

Resolution 1: The TFT should define the scope of AFACT tasks and conduct consequent budget estimation.
Resolution 2: The TFT should identify the candidate(s) from STC members or TFT members to conduct stocktaking of members’ initiatives.
Resolution 3: The StC should install a standard procedure for eAsia Award so that it can be implemented in the processing of next eAsia Award in India in 2009.
Resolution 4: The TFT should prepare a scheduled plan for JWG transition and instruction for JWG to embark on transition process.
Resolution 5: The TFT should develop RFEOI (Request For Expression Of Interest) documents, both for the existing model and newly proposed model, that specifies the requirements of new AFACT Secretariat.
Resolution 6: The TFT should define the term “coordination of standard” by next StC meeting.
Resolution 7: The TFT should carry on the further work on Single window, while Thai HoD to check with Dr. Somnuk for further work on e-Government Interoperability Framework.
Resolution 8: AFACT will further review on the progress of UNeDocs before adopting it as a program of work, while Japan HoD to assess the value and potential of UNeDocs in the AFACT platform.

Discussion on Draft AFACT Roadmap

To facilitate the discussion, Mr. Lim revisited and explained about SWOT analysis and other work already done.

Regarding the discussion of the role and positioning of AFACT, capacity-building, coordination of standard and promotional activities were identified. With the participation of the eAC chair, the Steering Committee asked the eAC to come back with its inputs and requirements on the role of AFACT.

In the case of external relations, original report with the target of APEC, ASEAN, eAC, PAA, UNESCAP and SAARC was taken without any further change. India expressed its willingness to further expedite possibility of collaboration with UNESCAP and SAARC.

Regarding the organizational improvement of JWGs, the Steering Committee agreed on the three committee models (Domain, Interoperability and Support) in principle and decided to further work on program of work and role of each committee as well as the existing JWG by taking more time.

Regarding the improvement of AFACT Secretariat model, two models (existing rotational model and new permanent model) were proposed with three possible options for StC decision. The Steering Committee decided to go with option 3, which is preparing relevant RFEOIs for both models. Then, if there is an application for only either model, that model will sustain. Otherwise, if there are applications for both models, the application for the new model will be selected.

In the case of Strategic work items, the StC took note of UNeDocs analysis of Japanese HoD (Mr. Kazumi Hirai) that AFACT should take more time before adopting it as a program of work for implementation. The meeting also noted the report made by the Thai delegate (Ms. Pichaya Juangpanich) on their progress of work on data harmonization based on UNeDocs. AFACT decided to closely follow the development in this area.

The e-Government Interoperability Framework was planned to be reported in the upcoming Plenary with the presence of responsible Thai person, who is Dr. Choompol from the Thammasat University.

For e-Authentication, Iran HoD explained his viewpoint and the Steering Committee asked the SWG to discuss during its meeting for possible further action.

Organizational Matters

① Plan for the 26th AFACT Plenary Meeting and EDICOM 2008

The AFACT 2008 Secretariat reported on the plan for the rest of the week on the JWGs, Plenary, EDICOM 2008 and conjunctive event on BPM (Business Process Management).

② Plan for the 27th AFACT Meeting

Mr. TA Khan explained India’s plan to host 27th AFACT meeting with target venue and time of StC Mid-term meeting in April in Goa and annual meeting in New Delhi around end of October or early November.

③ Approval of eAC Transition to AFACT

The Steering Committee unanimously agreed to the proposal of the chairman to approve eAC transition to AFACT with further elaboration on eAC roles and activities in AFACT platform.

④ Election of 2 Elected HoD StC Members

With the request of the chairman, one of the vice-chairs, Mr. Khan went through consultation with the delegations to identify the potential interested candidates. Mr. Khan asked for more time for consultation and promised to come back with this issue in the upcoming Plenary meeting.

⑤ Host for Future Meetings

After some discussion on the shift of turns among the identified hosts and possible future hosts, the Steering Committee agreed to the following future hosts:

- 2010: Saudi Arabia

- 2011: Chinese Taipei

- 2012: Iran

- 2013: To Be Identified

⑥ Review of JWG Meeting Organization

The Steering Committee reviewed the registration status for each JWG as well as the availability of JWG chairs. After some discussion and coordination, the Steering Committee confirmed that two committees (eAC and IIC) and six working groups (TWG, XMLWG, SWG, BCFWG, AEG and CWG) would convene, while other JWGs (ATG, FWG, SCWG and LWG) would not convene or join other groups.