Survey on Catering and Shopping Services_Spring 2016_Brief
Survey on Catering and Shopping Services, Spring 2016
Overview of Results 1
Attachment 1: Questionnaire 5
Attachment 2: Data Tables: Numeric Results 7
Attachment 3: Data Table: Comments and Suggestions 11
The survey was distributed March 5 – 27, 2016 to all members of KIMEP community providing the opportunity for a voluntary response via online survey (attachment 1). The study was aimed at gathering opinions on quality of services offered by all catering and shopping places available on campus.
The survey collected feedback from 1316 community members, with the majority of responses coming from students (93.84%). Food services are used by 37.77% (497 individuals) of respondents.
To point out specific issues, respondents were given the opportunity to provide comments. In particular they touched upon such issues as quality of food, need for healthier options (less salty, sweet or/and for vegetarians) (attachment 3).
Office of Quality Assurance and Institutional Research
Survey on Catering and Shopping Services_Spring 2016_Brief
Graph 1. Variety of menu/goods/service (%) Graph 2. Acceptable prices (%)
Graph 3. Good quality of food/goods/services (%)
Graph 4. Pleasant environment (%) Graph 5. Friendly staff (%)
Office of Quality Assurance and Institutional Research
Survey on Catering and Shopping Services_Spring 2016_Brief
Graph 6. Level of satisfaction by groups of respondents with KIMEP Grill Reloaded
weighted average grades, out of maximum 5
What is your status at KIMEP? ☐ Student ☐ Faculty member ☐ Staff member
Are you dining on KIMEP campus? ¨ Yes (please go to the next question)
¨ No (please go to p 2. part on KIMEP Store)
To what extent would you agree with the following: / Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagreeThere are enough catering services on campus / / / / /
Do you use catering services of
KIMEP Grill Reloaded? / ¨ Yes / ¨ No
To what extent would you agree with the following: / Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
It has an appropriate menu variety / / / / /
The quality of food is good / / / / /
The prices are acceptable / / / / /
The environment is pleasant / / / / /
The staff is friendly / / / / /
What suggestions/comments/ideas would you like to share regarding other issues not covered in the questions asked before?
Your comments and suggestions:Thank you very much for your time and participation in the survey!
Table 1. Pool of respondents and statistics on usage of services
Students / Staff / Faculty / All# / % / # / % / # / % / # / %
Respondents / 1235 / 93.84 / 57 / 4.33 / 24 / 1.82 / 1316 / 100
Dining on campus
Yes / 436 / 35.30 / 42 / 73.68 / 19 / 79.17 / 497 / 37.77
No / 799 / 64.70 / 15 / 26.32 / 5 / 20.83 / 819 / 62.23
Total / 1235 / 100 / 57 / 100 / 24 / 100 / 1316 / 100
KIMEP Grill Reloaded
Yes / 369 / 84.63 / 39 / 92.86 / 19 / 100 / 427 / 85.92
No / 67 / 15.37 / 3 / 7.14 / 0 / 70 / 14.08
Total / 436 / 100 / 42 / 100 / 19 / 100 / 497 / 100
Table 2. Distribution of ratings
Place / To what extent would you agree / Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Allwith the following: / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
# / % / # / % / # / % / # / % / # / % / # / %
KIMEP Grill Reloaded
(427 respondents) / It has an appropriate menu variety / 575 / 36.72 / 596 / 38.06 / 273 / 17.43 / 100 / 6.39 / 22 / 1.40 / 1566 / 100
The environment is pleasant / 690 / 41.62 / 620 / 37.39 / 270 / 16.28 / 68 / 4.10 / 10 / 0.60 / 1658 / 100
The prices are acceptable / 470 / 34.18 / 392 / 28.51 / 303 / 22.04 / 152 / 11.05 / 58 / 4.22 / 1375 / 100
The quality of food is good / 520 / 34.62 / 512 / 34.09 / 327 / 21.77 / 114 / 7.59 / 29 / 1.93 / 1502 / 100
The staff is friendly / 985 / 54.72 / 616 / 34.22 / 171 / 9.50 / 18 / 1.00 / 10 / 0.56 / 1800 / 100
All / 3240 / 41.01 / 2736 / 34.63 / 1344 / 17.01 / 452 / 5.72 / 129 / 1.63 / 7901 / 100
Table 3. Distribution of ratings: consolidated
Place / Strongly agree/Agree / Neutral / Disagree/ Strongly disagree / All
To what extent would you agree
with the following: / # / % / # / % / # / % / # / %
KIMEP Grill Reloaded
(427 respondents) / It has an appropriate menu variety / 1171 / 74.78 / 273 / 17.43 / 122 / 7.79 / 1566 / 100
The environment is pleasant / 1310 / 79.01 / 270 / 16.28 / 78 / 4.70 / 1658 / 100
The prices are acceptable / 862 / 62.69 / 303 / 22.04 / 210 / 15.27 / 1375 / 100
The quality of food is good / 1032 / 68.71 / 327 / 21.77 / 143 / 9.52 / 1502 / 100
The staff is friendly / 1601 / 88.94 / 171 / 9.50 / 28 / 1.56 / 1800 / 100
All / 5976 / 75.64 / 1344 / 17.01 / 581 / 7.35 / 7901 / 100
Table 4. Level of satisfaction by groups of respondents: weighted average grades (out of maximum 5)
Place / To what extent would you agree with the following: / Students / Staff / Faculty / All /KIMEP Grill Reloaded
(427 respondents) / It has an appropriate menu variety / 3.75 / 3.15 / 3.16 / 3.67
The environment is pleasant / 3.95 / 3.67 / 3.11 / 3.88
The prices are acceptable / 3.25 / 2.92 / 3.21 / 3.22
The quality of food is good / 3.56 / 3.31 / 3.16 / 3.52
The staff is friendly / 4.26 / 4.00 / 3.79 / 4.22
Total / 3.75 / 3.41 / 3.28 / 3.70
Place(s)* / Respondents / Original Text /KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Student / the price of meal in Grill is not approptiate to portions. Little portions and small plates
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Student / Make better Kimep Grill
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Staff / I like to have lunch in Grill from time to time. It is ok. The food is not that tasty as it is at home, but ok once or twice a week.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Staff / Grill's food is a little bit oily.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded
Dormitory Canteen / Staff / the prices at KIMEP Grill are not fixed. Once they count the main dish (второе) at KZT 450, other KZT 500, or KZT 550. Cookies are also sold at high price.
International eat their and they will have unfavorable opinion to such "Grill" plov. I suggest the menu be more variable, for example, each day have fish on the menu for vegetarians.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Faculty / at Grill Reloaded the quality of meat is very bad, the meat of extremely low quality, almost leftover products are used. All meat tastes as if artificially soften with soda, the meat product like cutlet tastes as if there is minimum amount of meat for the flavour only, aftertaste of soda too. Sometimes it seems that same food is sold on the second day.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded
Dormitory Canteen / Staff / too small portions
very expensively
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Faculty / I would like to have more choice of vegetarian menu (actually now vegetarian food is limited to salads and side-dish).
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Faculty / The cashier accepting payment in cash (dirty bills and coins) should not be serving food. Similarly, a person serving the food should not substitute the cashier./Кассир, принимающий оплату наличными (грязными банкнотами и монетами) не должен обслуживать подачу еды. Также подающий еду не должен заменять кассира.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Staff / KIMEP Grill: to increase menu variety, lately chicken fillet is not available. Also sandwich variety: to add vegetarian option. Sometimes very slow serving at the food counter.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Faculty / KIMEP Grill is horrible place to eat anything at all.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Faculty / We need healthy food. Less fat
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Faculty / reduce grease in meat dishes
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Staff / The portions are not equally provide at Grill (Val.bld) - more for men and less for women
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Staff / Quality of KIMEP Grill Reloaded food and service is not good as it was earlier. The stuff is outdated.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded
Dormitory Canteen / Staff / I filled in this form on the behalf of the PDCP staff. We highly appreciate the quality and friendly services of the KIMEP Grill and Dormitory Canteen especially when they provide their services to PDCP clients on week-ends. We and PDCP clients are fully satisfied with food quality and menu choice. Prices are acceptable, environment is pleasant and staff in Grill and Dormitory Canteen is friendly and every time they are ready to help you. We would like to go on our cooperation with KIMEP Grill.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded
Dormitory Canteen / Staff / I recommend to add to menu more diet-kitchen, without salt, more boiled, more healthy food.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded
Dormitory Canteen / Staff / The food is too salty.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Staff / Quality of food at KIMEP Grill is not really good even menu is appropriate. Furniture and design in general is not attractive and comfortable. It reminds me more "stolovaya" than cafeteria of modern University
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Faculty / All places, especially Grill, have unpleasant smell. They need better ventilation.
We need a place on campus to buy fresh diary products and fruits.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Faculty / Please add good vegetarian dishes to menus (completely without meat!)
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Staff / I would like to express my gratitude to the Universal Cat (Grill), for a tasty and inexpensive food.
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Staff / It would be nice if KIMEP grill will expand assortment of dishes, all other aspects is appropriate!
KIMEP Grill Reloaded / Faculty / 1st about Grill. Prices for the students are high, especially meat dishes. What else I can tell you about prices: they increased, but the weight of meat portions decreased< for example chicken medallions: before tenge devalvation the chicken pieces were much bigger, thicker. After devalvation not only prices increased up to 500 tenge per piece, but the portion (serving size decreased by ~ 30). I think we need to organize random sampling and check by the rules what is the standard
2nd Grill: too many items overloaded with sugar. You can not buy yogurt without sugar, only the types with high amount of sugar. Too many bakery items with a lot of sugar, mostly turkish style, and it is well known that turkish sweet items contain too much sugar. Why could not we have items closer to your culture: kazakh or russian bakery with less sugar inside. This way we set out students on unhealthy diet which causes overweight and diabetes problems.
*when particular names were not given in the original text, the information in column was filled in based on respondents’ answers on use of place(s).
Office of Quality Assurance and Institutional Research