Unit Title: SLCGrade Level: 9 - 12

Topic:Goal Setting - EXPLORELesson Sequence: 1 of 3

Lesson Objectives: Students will become familiar with the relationship between attitudes and behaviors, as well as exploring their own values and strengths.

EALR’s Addressed: R1.1,1.2, 1.3;W2.4,4.1; C1.2,2.2,3.2

Special Materials: Goal Setting – EXPLORE Worksheet

Special Preparations: Make copies of handout for students.

Time / Activity / Procedures / Supplies
5 - 10 min. / Introduction / Write the word “attitude” on the board and ask students to brainstorm other words that are related to it.
Create a word web with the word “attitude” in the center and the brainstormed words around in a circle.
You may also pick a student to write the words on the board.
Ask students how they think attitude is related to behavior.
Explain to students that attitudes can be very powerful and behavior always follows the attitude.
Explain that whatever circumstances a person is faced with, they always have a choice in how they respond. /


15 min. / Goal Setting –
EXPLORE phase / Pass out the Goal Setting Worksheet – EXPLORE.
Ask students to complete the worksheet individually. / Goal Setting Worksheet - EXPLORE

Example Word Web: (your word web should have words that your students have generated.)

Goal Setting Worksheet


  1. What do you value? What is important to you? (check all that apply)








Passing the WASL

Career-related classes






Community Service


Smile and be friendly

Make new friends

Be a good listener


Having a job you love

Having money

Flexible hours

Working outside

Working with people


Religious beliefs

Stay away from drugs/drinking

Help people in trouble

Other: ______

  1. What are you good at? What do others admire in you?

Pick 3 strengths from the list above or 3 of your own and explain. How do you know you are good at this?




  1. What do you need to work on? What things do you struggle with?

Pick 3 areas you could improve on from the list above or 3 of your own and explain.




4. What do you do to get into a positive frame of mind? (Check all that apply)

How can you get into a mindset that is inspirational, positive, and relaxed? How do you cope with being angry, sad, or stressed out?

Listen to music

Play an instrument

Read a good book

Inspirational messages

Interact/talk with family

Interact/talk with friends

Watch a funny movie/sitcom

Quiet time or meditation

Other, please explain:
