/ The Maine School of Ministry
Christian Studies and Leadership (CSL) Curriculum and Certificate Program
Maine Conference, United Church of Christ
Course Announcement: Fall Semester 2017
28 July 2017

The Maine School of Ministry is pleased pre-announce the two courses that it will offer for the Fall semester 2017.

Ø  BibSt-Fdn 3: Torah, Histories. Instructor: Dr. David Jorgensen. Four Saturday meetings: 10am-3:00pm, 9 September, 14 October, 4 November, 2 December 2017. This foundational course is the first of two semesters to be devoted to the “Old Testament” over the School year 2017-18. The course will meet at the Maine Conference UCC’s Conference Center, One Weston Court, Suite 104, Augusta, ME, ph. 207-622-3100.

Ø  PrTh-Pb 3: Church Practice—Whence Ministry? Instructor: TBA. Four Saturday meetings: 10am-3:00pm, 30 September, 28 October, 18 November, 16 December 2017. Meeting 1 of this practice-based course, to be held at the Maine UCC Conference Center in Augusta, will examine emergent ministry practices. Meetings 2, 3, and 4, to be held at ministry practice sites across the state, will be devoted respectively to bi-vocational, neighborhood/community, and special population/homeless and marginalized practices; at these meetings, mornings will feature a seminar, afternoons a site visit format. For Meetings 2-4 students in need may be reimbursed for mileage.

Course registration will open (and Syllabuses be published) at http://maineucc.org/5451-2/maine-school-ministry/ on July 31, 2017. The two courses figure into the School’s 4-year 20-course Christian Studies and Leadership (CSL) Curriculum as follows:

Table 1. MESOM CSL 1 and CSL 2 Curriculum: Courses Offered by Division and Type (draft 22Feb17)
Biblical Studies (BibSt) / Church History (ChHi) / Theology/Ethics (ThEth) / Practical Theology (PrTh)
(8 courses) / BibSt-Fdn 1: Gospels, Acts
BibSt-Fdn 2: Epistles, Revelation
BibSt-Fdn 3: Torah, Histories
BibSt-Fdn 4: Prophets, Psalms, Wisdom Lit, Other / ChHi-Fdn 1: Church thru Reformation
ChHi-Fdn 2: Church post-Reformation / ThEth-Fdn 1: Christian Theology
ThEth-Fdn 2: Christian Ethics
(12 courses) / ChHi-Pb 1: Practicing the Word—Branches of Christianity
ChHi-Pb 2: Practicing Torah—Branches of Judaism
ChHi-Pb 3—Practicing Koran: Branches of Islam
ChHi-Pb 4: Practicing Spirit—Branches of Native American religion / ThEth-Pb 1: Theological Reflection
ThEth-Pb 2: Ethical Reflection / PrTh-Pb 1: Church Practice--UCC History and Polity
PrTh-Pb 2: Church Practice--Congregational Life, Administration
PrTh-Pb 3: Church Practice—Whence Ministry
PrTh-Pb 4: Church Practice—Worship
PrTh-Pb 5: Church Practice--Preaching
PrTh-Pb 6: Church Practice--Pastoral Care
Table 2. MESOM CSL 1 and CSL 2 Curriculum: Courses offered by Year (Four years, Five courses/year), Division (Biblical Studies, Church History, Theology/Ethics, Practical Theology), Type (Foundational, Practice-based), and Venue (Semester, June Intensive) (draft 22Feb17)
Division: / Biblical Studies / Church History / Theology/Ethics / Practical Theology / June Intensive
Course Type: / Foundational / Foundational / Foundational / Practice-based / Practice-based / Practice-based
Year 2016-17
Fall semester / BibSt-Fdn 1: Gospels, Acts / PrTh-Pb 1: Church Practice--UCC History and Polity / ChHi-Pb 1: Practicing the Word—Branches of Christianity
Semester / BibSt-Fdn 2: Epistles, Revelation / PrTh-Pb 2: Church Practice--Congregation Life, Admin
Year 2017-18
Fall semester / BibSt-Fdn 3: Torah, Histories / PrTh-Pb 3: Church Practice—Whence Ministry / ChHi-Pb 2: Practicing Torah—Branches of Judaism
Semester / BibSt-Fdn 4: Prophets, Psalms, Wisdom Lit, Other / PrTh-Pb 4: Church Practice—Worship
Year 2018-19
Fall semester / ChHi-Fdn 1: Church thru Reformation / PrTh-Pb 5: Church Practice—Preaching / ChHi-Pb 3: Practicing Koran—Branches of Islam
Semester / ChHi-Fdn 2: Church post-Reformation / PrTh-Pb 6: Church Practice-- Pastoral Care
Year 2019-20
Fall semester / ThEth-Fdn 1: Christian Theology / ThEth-Pb 1: Theological Reflection / ChHi-Pb 4: Practicing Spirit—Branches of Native American religion
Semester / ThEth-Fdn 2: Christian Ethics / ThEth-Pb 2:
Ethical Reflection