Partnership Project Application - DEMENA Youth Pool

1. General Information
Project Title

Applying Danish or Middle Eastern/North African NGO:

Name of organization
Acronym (if applicable) / Number of members
Telephone / Website
Contact person / Email

Cooperation partner in the Middle East/North Africa or Denmark (all partners must be mentioned)

Name of organization
Acronym (if applicable) / Number of members
Telephone / Website
Contact person / Email

Project location

Country / City/Region

Project time schedule

Beginning / Completion

Project costs

Total costs DKK
Amount applied for DKK

Project summary (approximately 1-2 pages)

Briefly describe
1. The motivations giving rise to this project
2. A brief analysis of the context and the problem addressed in your project
3. What you would like to achieve and how you plan to do this
4. How the project promotes the following cross cutting issues:
a) youth participation in democratic reform processes
b) women’s active participation in the project
c) dialogue and intercultural understanding between Danish and Arab youth
2. The Project

2.1. Target group

Primary (directly involved in the or direct beneficiaries of the project)

Number / Gender
Age group / Location
Ethnicity and/or religion
Social status/class
Challenges and opportunities characteristic for the target group

Secondary (not involved directly in the project or indirect beneficiaries of the project)

Number / Gender
Age group / Location
Ethnicity and/or religion
Social status/class
Challenges and opportunities characteristic for the target group

2.2. Objectives

Development objective
Immediate objectives / Criteria for success/indicators
(both quantitative and qualitative)

2.3. Activities and expected result

(In case of more than three activities, please copy, paste, and fill in the boxes below for those activities as well)

[Copy Immediate Objective 1 to here]
Expected Result / Activities / Time Frame
[Copy Immediate Objective 2 to here]
Expected Result / Activities / Time Frame
[Copy Immediate Objective 2 to here]
Expected Result / Activities / Time Frame

2.4. Expected impact

[Elaborate on the expected impact (long term effect) of the project?]

2.5. Risks

What are the risks that could hinder the execution of the project, and what measures can be taken to prevent or minimize the risk or adjust the project, if needed?

Risk / Likelihood
(Low, Medium, High) / Measures of risk prevention/reduction

2.6. Sustainability

[Describe how the financial and technical assistance from this fund/grant will be phased out]
[To what extent is it expected that the partner will be motivated to continue similar activities independently?]
[In what way is the project expected to be of continued benefit for the target group after the termination?]

2.7. Information activity in Denmark

Describe what kind of information activities you intend to implement in Denmark both during and after the project

Time schedule
Target group
Expected effects
3. The Cooperative Aspect

3.1. Preparatory process

[Describe the preparatory process leading up to this application. How has the target group been involved in the preparation? Is the project an extension of a previous project or a result of a pilot project? If so, briefly describe the experiences of the former project]

3.2. Description of applying Danish or MENA NGO

[Brief description of the organisation’s mission statement and focus in Denmark or MENA country as well as previous experience with international cooperation, if any]

3.3. The counterpart organization:

Founded in (month/year)
Structure of the organization – draw an organization chart if possible
Is there a board? If so; how is it constituted?
Mission statement of the organization
Ownership/legal status (private or public - registered how?)

3.4. Capacity

[What experiences do you and your partner have regarding other projects of this scope? Does your organization and partner organization have previous experience of cooperation; and if so, what have your organizations gained from this?]
Human resources
[What qualifications and competences do the participating organizations make available for this project (e.g. staff and volunteers)? How many members/staff are expected to contribute actively to the planned project? How is the project anchored in the organisation?]
4. Programme Management

4.1. Division of responsibilities

Describe the division of responsibilities between the partners of the project in regards to:

(Please note that it is required to have people responsible from both organizations)

[Who is/are responsible for the project? Please specify who is/are responsible for the different functions (accounting/budget, communication, activities, monitoring & evaluation etc.)]
[How is the target group involved in the execution of the project?]
Who is/are entitled to make decisions regarding changes in the project?
Who is/are responsible for evaluation and final account and narrative report?

4.2. Monitoring

[How will the development of the project be monitored? Which methods will be used to monitor the indicators set out in part 2.2.?]

4.3. Evaluation

[How will the project be evaluated? Which methods/means of verification will be used to evaluate the indicators set out in part 2.2.?)]
[How will the target group be involved in the evaluation?]
[How will you ensure that the lessons learned from the project are documented and used in the future by all the partners?]
6. Annexes

Please make sure to enclose the following documents:

  • Budget[1]
  • Your organization’s statutes, latest annual report, and minutes from the latest board meeting
  • Documentation/declaration of cooperation signed by all partners
  • List of organizations, institutions and/or other types of actors that support the project
  • CVs of people participating in the project with specific expertise, if relevant
  • Different permits if applicable

Date ______

Place ______

Person(s) responsible and position (Danish partner) ______

Person(s) responsible and position (MENA partner(s)) ______


Signatures of both/all partners

N.B. The signature of both/all partners in the project is mandatory

Send the application by regular mail and email

ActionAid Denmark

The Youth DEMENA Fund

Fælledvej 12

2200 København N


[1] Budget guideline and format can be found at