Board Meeting
January 11, 2017
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 6:30 pm
Village President Grandgeorge called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Attending Trustees: Conley, Eade, McMillen and Merrill – Absent.
Trustee Conley moved to approve the minutes for the December 14, 2016 regular board meeting. Eade seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Conley-yes, Eade-yes, McMillen, Grandgeorge-yes Merrill – absent
Motion Passed
Morphey presented the bills ending January 11, 2017 with a total of $23,387.93. Morphey reported it was a small bill run.
McMillen inquired about the insurance reimbursement for Morphey. Morphey explained it was a life policy different from the standard because it was ½ the regular cost.
Trustee Eade moved to approve the bill list in the amount of $23,387.93. Trustee Conley seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Trustees voted: Conley-yes, Eade-yes, McMillen, Grandgeorge-yes and Merrill – absent.
Motion Passed
President Grandgeorge announced St. John’s Lutheran Church was having a blood drive Saturday, January 21 from 9:00 to 2:00.
Reports of Officers:
Chief Smith reported all officers and the part-timers would be qualifying for their hand guns. They would be taking the test in Sandwich. Morphey announced that all the officers had taken the qualification for the Tasers and copies of their certificate were at the Village Hall.
Water & Sewer
Eipers reported there was a leak on Depot St. in front of the old gym. There had also been a leak at 325 S. gage St. that needed to be fixed. The electric motors for the sewer plant have been ordered and will be on next month’s bill list.
Street & Alleys:
Wasson reported had ordered a new strobe light and parts for the cutters and keeping up with plowing the roads.
Reports of Committees:
Water & Sewer
Nothing to Report.
Morphey reported Verizon had contacted the Village attorney a new attorney had been assigned. They had asked for specific items about insurance, which we had answers to. We have not heard anything else. They have been working on a survey and had been on the tower.
Morphey presented Ordinance 17-01 establishing s Schedule of the 2017 Regular Board Meeting. Morphey explained that there were a couple of dates that were subject to change if it could be worked out. She knew that March 8, 2017 was in question. Eade mentioned he could not be there, McMillen mentioned he would be in Florida for the February meeting. Grandgeorge stated that we will have to look at the dates and the availability of the board for the meetings.
McMillen moved to adopt Ordinance 17-01 an Ordinance establishing a schedule of 2017 Regular Board meetings. Conley seconded the motion and the following Trustees votes: Conley-yes, Eade-yes, McMillen- yes, Grandgeorge – ye Merrill-Absent
Motion passed
Employee Relations:
No report
Streets & Alleys:
No report
Building & Grounds:
No report
Other Business
Conley moved to adjourn at 6:45pm. Eade seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Eade -yes Conley-yes, McMillen-yes, Grandgeorge-yes and Merrill absent.
Rebecca Morphey
Acting Village Clerk