Domestic Agenda 1945-1960


  1. Demobilization
  2. Employment Act
  3. Fed Govs job to promote economic growth
  4. Council of Econ Advisors created
  5. Price Controls
  6. Truman used them
  7. Labor
  8. Want wage increase
  9. Truman handles these issues
  10. US Steel
  11. UMW
  12. Railroads
  13. Operation Dixie
  14. Attempt to unionize the south
  15. GI Bill
  16. army from 8 million-1.5 million by 1947
  17. $13 billion=
  18. Taft-Hartley Act
  19. Impact=
  20. Compare to the Wagner Act of the New Deal
  21. Economic Boom
  22. Much of it from the boom in Defense spending/Korean War
  23. Industries benefit
  24. Aerospace, plastics, electronics, R&D
  25. Cheap Energy contributes to the boom
  26. Worker/Farmer productivity increases.
  27. Baby Boom
  28. As they grow up they put strains on certain industries and the job market
  29. Social security issues
  30. Civil Rights
  31. Committee on Civil Rights=
  32. Truman desegregates the Armed Services
  33. Government Reorganization
  34. National Security Act
  35. NSC
  36. CIA
  37. “Voice of America”
  38. Draft
  39. 22nd Amendment=
  40. Election 1948
  41. Republicans won control of the House in 1946 elections
  42. Eisenhower declined Democrats nomination in 1948
  43. Third Parties
  44. Dixiecrats
  45. Progressive Party
  46. Fair Deal
  47. Wanted =
  48. Blocked by=
  49. Areas of Success
  50. Raised min wage, expanded social security, Housing Act 1949
  51. Red Scare
  52. Loyalty Programs
  53. Smith act=
  54. 1st peacetime anti-sedition act since 1798
  55. Dennis v United States
  56. HUAC/Loyalty review Board
  57. Vetoed McCarran Internal Security Bill
  58. Role of the FBI
  59. Fears=
  60. Alger Hiss=
  61. Nixon’s role
  62. Political lessons learned
  63. Rosenberg’s
  64. Joe McCarthy
  65. Impact
  66. Compare to Post-WWI Red Scare


  1. 1952 Election=
  2. Republicans rejected the isolationist Robert Taft, chose Eisenhower
  3. Nixon does most of the “attack campaigning”
  4. Nixon is questioned
  5. “Checkers” Speech
  6. Shows the new power of TV on campaigns
  7. Affluence and economic boom
  8. Invention of the transistor helps drive the electronics industry
  9. IBM
  10. Aerospace industry opens commercial travel
  11. White collar workers outnumber blue collar workers for the 1st time
  12. Labor unions begin to decline in 1954
  13. Scandals, growing white collar jobs, Red Scare impact this
  14. Landrum-Griffin Act
  15. 40 million new jobs created
  16. More women working
  17. Middle class more than doubled
  18. Sought new “luxuries”
  19. White flight to the suburbs
  20. Levittown
  21. FHA
  22. Often declined loans to minorities
  23. Conservatism
  24. Dynamic Conservatism/progressive moderation
  25. “liberal with people, conservative with money”
  26. Promised to balance the budget
  27. Only balances it 3 times
  28. 1959 incurs largest peacetime deficit ever
  29. Actions=
  30. Lowers taxes for the wealthy and corporations
  31. Curbs the power of the TVA by helping private companies take control
  32. Transfers control of oil fields to the states
  33. Cabinet condemns distribution of the polio vaccine as “socialist”
  34. RFC
  35. Wage/Price Controls
  36. Farm Support
  37. Social Security
  38. Domestic Spending
  39. Interstate Highway Act
  40. Public Power/Energy
  41. AEC
  42. Defense Spending
  43. Sherman Adams Scandal
  44. impact on the economy
  45. GNP
  46. Population Growth
  47. Consumption patterns
  48. Homes
  49. TV
  50. Teens
  51. Credit
  52. Diners Club
  53. Alaska and Hawaii
  54. Demographic shifts
  55. Sun Belt
  56. Dodgers/Giants
  57. Political impact
  58. Corporate Employment
  59. Popular Culture
  60. Franchises
  61. McDonalds
  62. Postwar writers
  63. Hemingway, Steinbeck
  64. Catch-22, Slaughterhouse-Five
  65. A Streetcar Named Desire, Death of a Salesman
  66. A Raisin in the Sun
  67. The Catcher in the Rye”
  68. Rock n Roll
  69. Chuck Berry, Elvis Pressley
  70. Criticized as too suggestive
  71. Conformity
  72. Many attribute it to the growth of the middle class and corporate America
  73. TV depicted a very conservative America
  74. “Leave it to Beaver”
  75. Dr. Spock “The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care
  76. Critics
  77. The Beats oppose the conformity
  78. Allan Ginsburg “Howl”, Jack Kerouac “On the Road”
  79. “The Affluent Society”
  80. “The Crack in the Picture Window”
  81. “The American High School Today”
  82. Kinsey shocks America
  83. Women
  84. New wave of the cult of domesticity
  85. Ferdinand Lundberg “Modern Women: The Lost Sex”
  86. Reality is more women are working because jobs are available
  87. Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique
  88. “godmother of the women’s movement and feminism”
  89. Religion
  90. Televangelism
  91. Billy Graham, Oral Roberts
  92. Civil Rights
  93. WWII impact=
  94. Truman’s actions=
  95. Eisenhower appoints Earl Warren Chief Justice
  96. ______
  97. NAACP new tactic=
  98. Sweatt v. Painter
  99. Brown v. Board=
  100. Thurgood Marshall
  101. Southern response= massive resistance
  102. Montgomery bus Boycott
  103. MIA, MLK,jr
  104. Supreme court orders desegregation
  106. Civil Rights Acts
  107. 1957
  108. 1960
  109. Little Rock 9
  110. Governors actions
  111. Elizabeth Eckford
  112. Eisenhower’s action
  113. school year for the students
  114. Outcome
  115. Next school year
  116. Beginning of the end for massive resistance
  117. Sit-ins
  118. Greensboro
  119. Repatriates over 1 million Mexican workers
  120. Hurts the bracero program
  121. Threatens to re-institute Dawes Severalty Act