10 pts.
score: ______/ 0-2 pts.
- ancient, classical theme absent, indiscernible
- image needs involved explanation of relation
- classical theme
minimal explanation / 7-8 pts.
- classical theme self-explanatory
- objects partially
- classical theme self-explanatory
- objects fully rendered
35 pts.
score: ______/ 0-6 pts.
- forms are crude,
- Only words
- no border
- forms competent but
- mostly words
- 3 colors or less
- no border
- forms competent but
- ½ of surface covered by
- 3 colors or less
- undetailed border
- forms competent and
- ¾ of surface covered by
- over 3 colors
- border has detail
- formsrendered in detail
- ¾ of surface covered by
- appropriate variety of
- Border has detail
35 pts.
score: ______/ 0-6 pts.
- no grout
- forms unidentifiable
- tiles too big
- too much space between
- grout unevenly applied
- inconsistent spacing
- over large tesserae
- grout even but
- some grout spillover
- grout lines over 1/8”
somewhat clear
- grout completely
- grout lines consistent
- grout lines 1/8” wide or
- grout completely
- grout lines consistent
20 pts.
score: ______/ 0-4 pts.
- made from a kit
- surface extremely
- pre-cut tesserae
- cheap materials
- surface very uneven
- size is less than 16”x22”
- cheap materials
- poorly broken tiles
- size is at least 16”x22”
- good quality materials
- some rough edges
- hand-cut stone, glass,
- size is at least 16”x22”
- good quality materials
- no rough, sloppy edges
- surface is level and even
- size is at least 16”x22”
- hand-cut stone, glass,
- pro-level materials
DUE last Monday in January. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT EARLY. Project grades will be dropped one letter grade for eachday late.
3-D ART PROJECT RUBRIC(e.g. sculpture, model, costume, jewelry, etc.)
DUE last Monday in January. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT EARLY. Project grades will be dropped one letter grade for eachday late.
score: ______/ 0-2 pts.
- ancient, classical theme absent, indiscernible
- image needs involved explanation of relation
- classical theme
minimal explanation / 7-8 pts.
- classical theme self-explanatory
- objects partially
- classical theme self-explanatory
- objects fully rendered
35 pts.
score: ______/ 0-6 pts.
- forms are crude,
- mostly pre-made
- forms competent but
- some pre-made elements
- forms competent but
- nothing pre-made
- forms well-rendered
- natural forms well-
( stiff, awkward)
- nothing pre-made
- forms authentically
- natural forms are
- nothing pre-made
35 pts.
score: ______/ 0-6 pts.
- no textural
- mostly pre-made
- some textural
- few details present,
- some pre-made elements
- many details (muscles,
unskilled OR
- skilled details but sparse
- nothing pre-made
- skilled rendering of
facial expressions,
nature, but not life-like
- good textural variety
- nothing pre-made
- life-like muscles,
expressions, nature
- life-like textures
- OR authentically copied
- nothing pre-made
20 pts.
score: ______/ 0-4 pts.
- no stand, base, backing
- looks unfinished, many workmanship marks
- no stand, base, backing
- some workmanship
from impact / 10-14 pts.
- stand, base, backing
detract from visual
- some obvious
detract slightly from
impact / 15-18 pts.
- stand, base, backing
visual impact
- comparison photo w/ explanation visually
- some rough edges
- stand, base, backing
visual impact
- comparison photo w/ explanation visually
- no rough, sloppy edges
DUE the last Monday in January. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT EARLY. Project grades will be dropped one letter grade for each day late.
score: ______/ 0-2 pts.
- ancient, classical theme absent, indiscernible
- image needs involved explanation of relation
- classical theme
minimal explanation
- only extremities of
forms / 7-8 pts.
- classical theme self-explanatory
- human or character
obscured (i.e. no hands
or feet or face etc.) / 9-10 pts.
- classical theme self-explanatory
- human or character
- appropriate landscape
35 pts.
score: ______/ 0-6 pts.
- most space unfilled
- forms are elementary
- much space sloppily
landscaping or
- still some blank space
- forms are cartoonish
- most space fully, evenly
- background not sloppy
to theme
- forms competently
- space fully, evenly filled
- background appropriate
- forms well-rendered
- space fully, evenly filled
- background powerfully illustrates, enhances
- forms are life-like
35 pts.
score: ______/ 0-6 pts.
- little, no shading
- no textural
- some shading, unskilled,
- some textural
- few details present,
- some shading, adds little drama or perspective
- little variation in light
- many details (muscles,
unskilled OR skilled but
sparse / 23-32 pts.
- shading lends drama, perspective but not
- skilled rendering of
facial expressions,
nature, but not life-like
- good textural variety
- 3-D, life-like shading
- highly dramatic play of
- life-like muscles,
expressions, nature
- wide, life-like textural
20 pts.
score: ______/ 0-4 pts.
- 8 ½ x 11 paper
- no matte
- smudges, bends, tears severely detract from
- elementary materials
- smudges, erasures,
from visual impact
- elementary quality
- 19”x25” minimum
- good quality materials
- no matte
- minor smudges, erasures, bends, tears, etc. don’t
- 19”x25” minimum
- good quality materials
- matte
- minor smudges, erasures, bends, tears, etc. don’t
- 19”x25” minimum
- professional quality
- dry matte
- no smudges, erasures,
- 19”x25” minimum