Notes from Dunton Landfill Liaison Committee
on 2 August 2010 at 5.30 p.m.
at St. Nicholas Church Hall, Glebefields, Curdworth
Present:Cllr Weatherley (Chair)Curdworth Parish Council
Cllr Vaughton (Vice-Chair)Curdworth Parish Council
Cllr AdamsCurdworth Parish Council
Cllr BullivantCurdworth Parish Council
Cllr Mrs RimmerCurdworth Parish Council
Cllr Mrs Ross Curdworth Parish Council
Cllr ThomasCurdworth Parish Council
Mrs J KaurWarwickshire County Council
Mr WilliamsSenior Planning Officer, WCC
1. Apologies for absence
An apology for absence was received from Mrs. Louise Baudet, Clerk to the Parish Council.
Cllr. Mrs. Ross took the minutes.
2.Notes from previous meeting
Those present accepted the notes taken from the meeting held on 4 March 2010 and had
no amendments.
3.Outstanding actions/information from previous meeting
Firstly, the Chairman thanked the two officers for attending this evening and wished for
an update prior to the meeting scheduled for 9 August 2010 when Mr Ambrose (ALP
Ambrose Consultancy) representing KSD, should be present.
3.1Existing Planning Consents
Mr. Williams said the site operates under three separate planning permissions. The original
referred to mineral extraction and deposits of inert waste material. The second to recycling imported materials and the third to recycling materials previously deposited within the landfill. All have limits on the stockpile heights. Unfortunately the approved levels of the bunding varied which gave rise to confusion. In 1997 the level was set at 111m above OD and a subsequent approval in 2002 gave a level of 102m. Mrs. Kaur said that within the latter one if KSD went to Appeal the difference would have to be explained and Mr. Williams said the County could run into risks of costs.
3.2 Other associated matters
Mr Ambrose had a survey carried out and copies of the plan were on the table. On one part of the site the bund was up to 110m above OD and in the corner closest to the veterinary surgery 115m. The original landfill gives a height of 111m. The heights of the stockpiles regularly vary. Mrs. Kaur said all decisions are made by the elected members of the County Council Planning Board.
The Chairman said we have differing facts to work with but as the site stands all planning
permissions end at the close of this year. KSD wish to continue their operation and the County Council is expecting an application to extend the life of the site. This will give the Parish Council an opportunity to comment and a decision will be made by the elected representatives.
Mr. Williams said, having met with Mr. Ambrose, that there are some elements of KSD’s
activities which require planning permission and the County has been promised an
application to cover everything. It was hoped that the application would also include
improvements to the entrance/exit road. Cllr. Vaughton pointed out that there had recently
been a large yellow crane on site in the vicinity of the plant and he felt that all plant to be
installed should also be included in any application.
Cllr. Thomas said it would be helpful to both parties to have clarity and draw a definitive line and Cllr. Vaughton said it would be useful if Mr Ambrose could have something tangible to produce at next week’s meeting on 9 August. Mr. Williams said he was hoping for that too.
Cllr. Bullivant, although he felt that the operation was actually good, said we needed to come to a joint sensible agreement where KSD stick to certain rules. There should be control of noise, dust, smell, heights and working hours. He stressed that the Parish Council had been raising this issue for over 10 years and whilst the Council had never interfered with KSD workings, the Company had certainly overstepped the mark with the local residents. The outgoings from the site were nowhere near equal to the amount of waste being imported. Cllr. Bullivant also felt that there had been a cynical disregard on the part of the operator for the views of neighbours and the Parish Council.
The Chairman asked that Mr. Williams and Mrs. Kaur go via the site on their way home and look closely at the entrance/exit of the site and the dust and debris which has accumulated along the A446. The wheel wash which was supposed to be used was frequently out of action. Even the hedgerows were suffering. He also confirmed that via telephone calls from local residents that KSD continue to work outside their approved hours.
Cllr. Vaughton said that at no time (other than with planning applications) had any consultation been put before the Parish Council.
Mrs. Kaur said that the County Council have communicated the Parish Council’s concerns to KSD and Mr. Williams said that the taking of soil samples would be the responsibility of the Environment Agency. Cllr. Vaughton referred to Minute 5.3 of the March Meeting re. Air Pollution and Mr. Williams said he would speak to Mr Ambrose. It was generally felt by all those at the meeting that the site was actually too small for the size of the operation.
Mr. Williams said that in terms of the size of the site there was (a) need for it to be a reasonable distance from residents and (b) to recognise the Green Belt implications.
Mrs. Kaur said that any new planning application could have tighter Conditions imposed but Cllr. Mrs. Ross questioned the point of having Conditions imposed that were not enforced.
Furthermore Conditions similar to those existing were adequate if they were adhered to.
Mr. Williams said that one of the problems of the site was the short run off between the dirty side of the site and the highway and that KSD would be considering an extended haul road within the workings.
Cllr. Bullivant felt it was very important to control input to the site. In answer to Cllr. Bullivant’s remark about the County Council having never given protection to the Parish Council, Mr. Williams confirmed that the County Council has not taken formal enforcement action. He also agreed that there was an awful lot of mobile plant coming onto the site.
Cllr. Thomas said that if there is a piece of fixed plant on site without planning permission
surely that is a contravention. Mr. Williams said he had sought an application for that from
KSD via email, but also pointed out that if something was done without planning permission
it is ‘unauthorised’ but not illegal.
The Chairman said when considering the new Planning Application the County Council
should be mindful of the people living around it. He said having regard to the fact that there
is a follow up meeting on 9 August, he proposed to bring this one to a close, thanking the
CountyOfficers once again for attending. Mrs. Kaur said she will take legal advice from the
County Council Solicitor before the next meeting.
Items 4 and 5 on the Agenda carried forward to the meeting on 9 August 2010.
6. Date of next meeting – Monday 9 August 2010 at 5.30 p.m. at St. Nicholas Church Hall
Meeting closed at 6.20 p.m.