Procedures for Use, Preparation & Handling of
Departmental Authorization and Voucher Form (DAV)
(Revised January 1997)
This document requires you to obtain document numbers before completing the form. Document numbers will be given out in minimum blocks of 50 numbers or multiple blocks of 50 at a time. Blocks of numbers may be obtained by contacting Jeanne Keune in the Purchasing Division at 606-257-9100/237 or . Please insure that you do not exceed the block of numbers you are assigned in order to avoid duplications.
You will need to keep a separate log for document numbers as they are assigned and used. This can be separate Word documents or a notebook. A Word document listing the document number, vendor or department sent to and the date issued is provided for your use (davlog.doc).
To follow specific instructions for each numbered block on the DAV form, scroll down to Instructions.
A.The Departmental Authorization and Voucher (DAV) is a sequentially-numbered form which may be obtained through the UK Stores Department (Stock No. 7541-2530) or by completing the Adobe Acrobat PDF form available on the Fiscal Affairs Forms Page. This form when used to make purchases under Delegated Purchases Section B-3, becomes a legal contract document. Departmental control over its use and distribution is essential. The department chairman is responsible to insure the DAV form is used only in accordance with procedures set forth below.
Purchases of supplies, services or equipment are made normally either by requisition or by Departmental Authorization and Voucher (DAV). If a requisition has been submitted, do not use the DAV form to authorize payment.
B.Procedure for use of the Departmental Authorization and Voucher (DAV).
The DAV form may be used by departments as an official Purchase Order under Delegated Purchases Section B-3, as follows:
1.Verify the specific reference in Delegated Purchases Section B-3 which authorizes a purchase by a department. If no specific authority is shown for the desired purchase - STOP - submit a requisition. If in doubt that the specific authority covers the desired purchase, contact the Purchasing Division prior to any departmental commitment.
2.When the Departmental Authorization and Voucher (DAV) is used to authorize an expenditure for a delegated transaction for which a purchase order need not be issued, DESTROY the original VendorÕs copy (white). Do not mail to Vendor Payee.
If the desired purchase falls within a specific Purchase Delegation Reference, prepare the DAV form, referring to sections as follows:
1.Delegated authority reference number.
2.Enter the date of preparation.
3.Enter the vendor name and address.
4.Leave blank. Accounts Payable will provide
5.Leave blank. Accounts Payable will provide.
6.Enter the FRS six (6) digit account number.
7.Enter the FRS four (4) digit object code.
8.Optional field for User Code.
9.Enter invoice number. If the vendor does not issue an invoice, i.e. gasoline credit cards, utilities, etc.; enter you Customer Account Number shown on the statement.
10.Enter the invoice date.
11.Enter the total payment amount.
12.Enter the allowable quick payment discount amount, i.e. 2% 10/Net 30, enter 2%.
13.Enter the quick payment discount time period , i.e. 10 days, enter 10 days.
14.Enter the address for receipt of the invoice.
15.If necessary, circle appropriate number according to the directions on the DAV Form.
- 1. Used for subscription, registration forms, etc. when an enclosure must accompany the check.
- 2. If the check needs to be hand delivered, advise the Controllers Division who to contact when the check is ready. Only UK personnel can pick up checks.
- 3. Payroll only.
16.Enter the address for receipt of the goods.
17.1099 filing is applicable for payments to individuals and Medical providers. Enter the appropriate code from the listing below:
- 1. Paying individual for all types of rent.
- 2. Royalty Payments to individuals only.
- 3. Prizes and Awards that are not issued for services performed. Punitive damages in lawsuits,not including payments for physical injury or sickness, and other taxable damages. Individuals only, in accordance with appropriate policy (students, etc.)
- 4. Backup withholding. Persons who have not supplied you with their tax identification number will have 31% of their payment withheld for taxes. Use this code for the 31% amount and the appropriate code for the remaining amount.
- 5. Payments made to fishing boat crew members.
- 6. Payments made to each physician or other supplier or provider of Medical Services, including payments made by medical and health care insurers under health, accident or insurance programs. Includes corporations and individuals.
- 7. Non-employee compensation. Includes fees, travel expenses (if no receipts provided), commissions, prizes and awards for services performed by an individual who is considered an independent contractor under Business Procedures Manual E-7-2. Individuals only.
- 8. Dividends or tax-exempt interest. Includes corporations and individuals.
- 9. Consumer products sold to an individual for resale.
- 10.Crop insurance proceeds. Individuals only.
18.Enter the tax identification number for the payee. If social security number, specify as XXX-XX-XXXX. If employer identification number, specify as XX-XXXXXXX.
19.A permanent address is required for all 1099 payments. Please complete this section if the permanent address of the individual or company is different than the mailing address.
20.List the number of items in sequence.
21.Description - describe items.
22.Enter the quantity required.
23.Unit - such as each, dozen, pair, package, etc.
24.Enter the unit price.
25.Enter the extended amount (number of units x unit price).
26.Apply stamp in accordance with the appropriate authentication procedures.
27.Enter the name of the individual initiating the transaction.
28.Signature of the individual approving the transaction. If used as a purchase order, sign white copy. If used as payment document, sign green copy after items have been received.
29.Enter date the individual approved the transaction.
30.On the receiving report copy (green) enter the name of the individual who received and verified all items in description.
31.Enter the date the individual received last item.
32.Enter the DAV number if using the Microsoft Word template.