1. Present
Councillor John Berry North Lincolnshire Council
Bob Perks Environment Agency
Sara Haddon South Ferriby Parish Council
Ian Dowson Winteringham Parish Council
John Whyatt South Ferriby Plant Director
Ian Southcott CEMEX UK Community Affairs Manager
Kevin Groombridge South Ferriby Environmental Manager
2. Apologies
Apologies were received from
Councillor John England North Lincolnshire Council
Councillor Keith Vickers North Lincolnshire Council
Councillor Ted Appleyard North Lincolnshire Council
Stuart Richmond Environment Agency
Kevin Woollard South Ferriby Operations Manager
Diane Wright South Ferriby Plant Secretary
3. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.
4. General Reports
The plant has had a good start to the year; both clinker production and SLF usage are going well. Kiln 2 had a week long maintenance outage in February following a 17 month campaign, it will have its’ longer maintenance outage in October when alongside the routine maintenance work a new firing pipe will also be installed.
The exporting of cement to Leith in Scotland is still occurring with the plant sending 1 to 2 boats a week of cement (around 3 - 3,500 tonnes).
European equipment manufacturers have been around the plant looking at the logistics of feeding Climafuel into the kilns. The general idea is to deliver Climafuel in lorries with a walking floor and to feed it into a sealed docking area. The fuel will then be transported by elevators and conveyors to a hopper arrangement, and then into the kilns.
The source of the Climafuel is still being looked at, our aim is for the material to be sourced locally. However, for the trials it is possible that the material may be sourced from Europe as they have well established arrangements for the production of this type of materials with a consistent quality.
At the end of May, a newsletter will be distributed to the households in Ferriby, Winteringham and the low villages, giving residents an insight into the operation of the South Ferriby Cement Plant. This is a corporate initiative explaining what the plant is all about. It is envisaged that two newsletters will be produced each year.
Kevin Groombridge then gave a short presentation to the group as to the sites action plans regarding boundary noise levels and fugitive dust releases. It is envisaged that an update will be provided at each liaison meeting
4.2 Environment Agency
The cement review that was started at the end of last year has now been completed, the findings show that broadly all cement plants are being regulated in the same way and that a liaison group was a good communication channel.
Currently the plant has a PPC permit and a WID variation that together define the plants’ operation. The two documents have to be read in conjunction with each other and this makes it difficult for plant operators. With the Climafuel variation now being written into the permit, it is now the time to combine all of the documents into one so it makes the reading of the documents easier.
4.3 North Lincolnshire Councillors
Nothing raised
4.4 North Lincolnshire Council Officers
Not present
4.5 Parish Councils
Sara Haddon asked as to the status of the plants’ planning application. John Whyatt replied that the flood risk assessment had been completed and that the Company was in discussions with the Environment Agency before its submission in case any further work was needed. Regarding the planning application, it is thought that the planning committee would receive the application in June for consideration.
5. Complaints
Since the last meeting, three complaints have been received. In February, a complaint was made to the Environment Agency regarding a persistent plume from the main chimney and an acrid smell. This complaint was unsubstantiated. In March a Ferriby resident complained that the quarry land rover dropped a piece of chalk from its underside onto the road outside their house. It was arranged by the company for the chalk to be cleared. In April a complaint was received via the Environment Agency for a dusty plume and black deposits on a householders’ windowsills. A sample of the dust from the windowsills was collected by Bob Perks and has been sent away for analysis by Kevin Groombridge.
6. Any Other Business
Following Sara Haddon’s request for a site visit, it was decided that the October meeting will commence at 10a.m. with a plant tour followed by the buffet lunch prior to the meeting.
With the forthcoming replacement of the playground equipment in South Ferriby, which the Rugby Group Benevolent Fund contributed towards, Sara Haddon suggested that, as the plant was not having an open day this year, that perhaps an event to celebrate the opening of the refurbished playground could be arranged. This would be discussed at the works and the Liaison Committee informed of the outcome.
The date of the next meeting is arranged for Friday 21st July 2006 commencing at 12.00 p.m. in the conference suite, starting with a buffet lunch.