The populationaccording to sex and nationality
(Source: CzechStatisticalOffice)
Nationality / Population / Men / WomenPopulation / 10436 560 / 5109 766 / 5326 794
Persons declaring one nationality / 7630 246 / 3667 208 / 3963 038
Czech / 6711 624 / 3193 082 / 3518 542
Moravian / 521 801 / 272 026 / 249 775
Silesian / 12 214 / 7 445 / 4 769
Slovak / 147 152 / 70 840 / 76 312
Polish / 39 096 / 16 696 / 22 400
German / 18 658 / 9 166 / 9 492
Roma / 5 135 / 2 876 / 2 259
Albanian / 673 / 477 / 196
Belarusian / 2 013 / 786 / 1 227
Bulgarian / 4 999 / 2 926 / 2 073
Chinese / 3 212 / 1 751 / 1 461
Croatian / 1 125 / 665 / 460
Hungarian / 8 920 / 4 705 / 4 215
Moldovan / 2 929 / 1 667 / 1 262
Mongolian / 3 735 / 1 546 / 2 189
Romanian / 1 921 / 1 193 / 728
Ruthenian / 739 / 404 / 335
Russian / 17 872 / 7075 / 10 797
Greek / 2 043 / 1 046 / 997
Serbian / 1 717 / 1 118 / 599
Ukrainian / 53 253 / 26 786 / 26 467
Vietnamese / 29 660 / 16 854 / 12 806
Jewish / 521 / 318 / 203
Persons declaring two nationalities / 163 648 / 82 903 / 80 745
Czech and Moravian / 99 028 / 48 996 / 50 032
Czech andGerman / 6 158 / 3 564 / 2 594
Czech and Polish / 2 804 / 1 231 / 1 573
Czech and Roma / 7 026 / 3 505 / 3 521
Czech and Silesian / 4 361 / 2 477 / 1 884
Czech andSlovak / 17 666 / 8 200 / 9 466
Czech and Jewish / 278 / 173 / 105
Moravian and German / 292 / 197 / 95
Moravian andPolish / 152 / 79 / 73
Moravian and Roma / 113 / 80 / 33
Moravian andSilesian / 4 567 / 2 653 / 1 914
Moravian andSlovak / 1 650 / 865 / 785
Moravian andJewish / 10 / 7 / 3
Silesian andGerman / 113 / 94 / 19
Silesian andPolish / 250 / 148 / 102
Silesian andRoma / 5 / 3 / 2
Silesian andSlovak / 43 / 24 / 19
Silesian andJewish / 3 / 3 / -
Slovak andHungarian / 445 / 253 / 192
Slovak and Roma / 573 / 278 / 295
No declared nationality / 2 642 666 / 1359 655 / 1283 011
Roma population
(Source: Czech Statistical Office)
Nationality / NumberOnly Roma nationality / 5135
Roma and other nationality / 7818
-Roma andCzech / 7 026
-Roma andMoravian / 113
-Roma and Silesian / 5
-Roma andSlovak / 573
-Roma and other nationality / 101
Roma nationality members / 12953
Number of extremist crimes motivated by the affiliation of the victim witha certain ethnic, racial or other group or the propagation of national or racial hatred in 2007-2012 according to the types of crime
(Source: Ministry of Interior)
Crime / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Violence against an individual or a group of people / 18 / 25 / 23 / 43 / 40 / 20
Defamation of nation, race, ethnic or other groups of people / 28 / 41 / 25 / 43 / 33 / 33
Instigation of hatred towards a group of persons or of restriction of their rights and freedoms / 13 / 11 / 16 / 15 / 15 / 5
Racially motivated murder / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0
Racially motivated bodily harm / 7 / 4 / 2 / 9 / 17 / 11
Racially motivated grievous bodily harm / 4 / 2 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 3
Racially motivated extortion / 0 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 2
Racially motivated damaging another person’s property / 2 / 1 / 6 / 2 / 7 / 16
Establishment, support and promotion of a movement seeking to suppress human rights and freedoms / 47 / 42 / 92 / 35 / 21 / 6
Expressions of sympathy for a movement seeking to suppress human rights and freedoms / 63 / 68 / 72 / 74 / 70 / 65
Number of prosecuted and accused persons for crimes motivated by a racial, national or other hatred in 2007 – 2012
(Source: Supreme Prosecutor’s Office)
Crime / State of process / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Violence against an individual or a group of people / Prosecuted / 33 / 31 / 39 / 86 / 79 / 70
Charged / 31 / 30 / 38 / 81 / 76 / 68
Defamation of nation, race, ethnic or other groups of people / Prosecuted / 37 / 36 / 19 / 39 / 35 / 34
Charged / 35 / 35 / 19 / 38 / 35 / 31
Instigation of hatred towards a group of persons or of restriction of their rights and freedoms / Prosecuted / 24 / 7 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 8
Charged / 24 / 7 / 4 / 4 / 5 / 7
Racially motivated murder / Prosecuted / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0
Charged / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0
Racially motivated bodily harm / Prosecuted / 24 / 5 / 19 / 7 / 17 / 23
Charged / 24 / 5 / 19 / 7 / 16 / 22
Racially motivated grievous bodily harm / Prosecuted / 3 / 9 / 21 / 1 / 0 / 2
Charged / 3 / 9 / 21 / 1 / 0 / 2
Racially motivated extortion / Prosecuted / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 2
Charged / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2
Racially motivated damaging another person’s property / Prosecuted / 5 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 1
Charged / 5 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0
Establishment, support and promotion of a movement seeking to suppress human rights and freedoms / Prosecuted / 14 / 29 / 25 / 39 / 15 / 27
Charged / 12 / 29 / 24 / 38 / 15 / 27
Expressions of sympathy for a movement seeking to suppress human rights and freedoms / Prosecuted / 63 / 72 / 66 / 42 / 62 / 52
Charged / 62 / 61 / 60 / 40 / 57 / 49
Number of convicted persons for racially motivated crimes in 2009 – 12
(Source: Ministry of Justice)
Crime / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Violence against an individual or a group of people / 30 / 17 / 23 / 17
Defamation of nation, race, ethnic or other groups of people / 20 / 21 / 21 / 30
Instigation of hatred towards a group of persons or of restriction of their rights and freedoms / 1 / 8 / 8 / 4
Racially motivated murder / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Racially motivated bodily harm / 7 / 2 / 16 / 3
Racially motivated grievous bodily harm / 4 / 1 / 7 / 0
Racially motivated extortion / 1 / 0 / 1 / 1
Racially motivated damaging another person’s property / 0 / 1 / 11 / 5
Establishment, support and promotion of a movement seeking to suppress human rights and freedoms / 40 / 56 / 51 / 37
Racially motivated disorderly conduct / 60 / 41 / 68 / 37
Racially motivated violence against a public official / 2 / 7 / 2 / 0
Racially motivated dangerous threatening / 4 / 0 / 0 / 5
Racially motivated theft / 2 / 1 / 3 / 1
Racially motivated breaking and entering of a home / 2 / 3 / 2 / 6
Number of crime prevention assistants
(Source: Ministry of Interior)
2010 / 2011 / 2012Number of communities / 10 / 17 / 26
Number of assistants / 38 / 104 / 87
(Source: Office of the Government)
Approximate number of Roma participating in the pro-employment policy
Requalification courses / Public utility jobs / Social purpose employment / Counselling programs / Other tools / Individual action plansNumber of Roma applicants / 1731 / 2372 / 443 / 2 059 / 244 / 19 668
Female / 795 / 812 / 156 / 974 / 97 / 9 617
% of participants in the pro-employment policy / 25% / 35% / 6,5% / 30% / 36% / -
% of all in evidence / 4,5 % / 6,2% / 1,2% / 5,4% / 0,6% / 51,1%
All / Men / Women / % of men / % of women
Roma registered by the Labour Office / 38 456 / 20 310 / 18 146 / 52,8 / 47,2
Concluded individual action plans / 19 668 / 10 051 / 9 617 / 51,1 / 48,9
Public utility jobs / 2 372 / 1 560 / 812 / 65,8 / 34,2
Social purpose employment / 443 / 287 / 156 / 64,8 / 35,2
Requalification programs‘ participants / 1 731 / 936 / 795 / 54 / 46
Users of other pro-employment policy tools / 244 / 147 / 97 / 60,2 / 39,8
Counselling programs‘ participants / 2 059 / 1 085 / 974 / 52,7 / 47,3
Regional individual projects‘ participants / 2 956 / 1 505 / 1 451 / 50,9 / 49,1
Success rate of Roma applicants on the labour market
Part of all applicants / Primary labour market / Secondary labour marketAll / 17% / 6 517 / 45% / 2 921 / 55% / 3 596
Men / 64% / 4 199 / 63% / 1 836 / 66% / 2 362
Women / 36% / 2 318 / 37% / 1 085 / 34% / 1 233
Approximate number of Roma participating in the pro-employment policy
Requalification courses / Public utility jobs / Social purpose employment / Counselling programs / Other tools / Individual action plansNumber of Roma applicants / 643 / 1 643 / 233 / 2 096 / 628 / 16 985
Female / 265 / 598 / 97 / 908 / 276 / 8 364
% of those participating in the pro-employment policy / 9% / 23,14% / 3,28% / 29,52% / 8,84% / -
% of all in evidence / 1,34 % / 3,43% / 0,48% / 4,37% / 1,31% / 35,45%
All / Men / Women / % of men / % of women
Roma registered by the Labour Office / 47 854 / 22 875 / 24 979 / 47,8 / 52,2
Concluded individual action plans / 16 985 / 8 621 / 8 364 / 50,8 / 49,2
Public utility jobs / 1 643 / 1 045 / 598 / 63,6 / 36,4
Social purpose employment / 233 / 136 / 97 / 58,4 / 41,6
Requalification programs‘ participants / 643 / 378 / 265 / 58,8 / 41,2
Users of other pro-employment policy tools / 628 / 352 / 276 / 56 / 44
Counselling programs‘ participants / 2 096 / 1 188 / 908 / 56,7 / 43,3
Regional individual projects‘ participants / 1 460 / 838 / 622 / 57,4 / 42,6
Success rate of Roma applicants on the labour market
Part of all applicants / Primary labour market / Secondary labour marketAll / 11,4% / 5 468 / 57,7% / 3 143 / 42,3% / 2 325
Men / 64,8% / 3 544 / 65,6% / 2 063 / 63,7% / 1 481
Women / 35,2% / 1 924 / 34,4% / 1 080 / 36,3% / 844
Supported flats
(Source: Ministry ofregional development)
Year / Number of flats / Amounts invested in CZK2009 / Supported flats / 219 / 120581 000
Flats with day care / 89 / 53523 000
Entrance flats / 130 / 67058 000
2010 / Supported flats / 264 / 165729 000
Flats with day care / 149 / 91423 000
Entrance flats / 134 / 74306 000
2011 / Supported flats / 228 / 124 237 000
Flats with day care / 124 / 73972 000
Entrance flats / 104 / 50 265000
2012 / Supported flats / 459 / 257 358 740
Flats with day care / 280 / 161 693 991
Entrance flats / 179 / 95 664 749
Programs of countryside revitalisation
(Source: Ministry for regional development)
Year / Number of projects / Finances in CZK2009 / 5 / 1704000
2010 / 7 / 2894642
2011 / 4 / 1 403405
2012 / 3 / 869 000
Housing support for Roma in the communal field social work in 2011
(Source: Office of the Government)
Problem / Number of clients / %New flat search / 2274 / 22,0
Renting problems / 758 / 7,3
Construction problems / 604 / 5,9
Notice or eviction / 325 / 3,2
Conflict with the landlord / 297 / 2,9
Housing debts / 1 947 / 18,9
Discrimination in access to housing / 431 / 3,3
Success in housing interventions in 2011
(Source: Office of the Government)
Intervention / Clients / Successful clients / Success rateNew flat search / 2274 / 985 / 43,3 %
Renting problems / 758 / 363 / 47,9 %
Construction problems / 604 / 378 / 62,6 %
Notice or eviction / 325 / 233 / 71,7 %
Conflict with the landlord / 297 / 148 / 49,8 %
Housing debts / 1947 / 1278 / 65,6 %
The social-healthcare assistance programme for Roma
(Source: Office of the Government)
Type of intervention / Number of interventions / Success of interventionsNumber / Share
Integration into the social care system / 238 / 29% / 66%
Registration at the doctor / 145 / 18% / 74%
Diagnostics / 75 / 9 / 79%
Treatment of illness / 97 / 12% / 74%
Insurance ID / 55 / 7% / 91%
Improvement of prevention / 40 / 5% / 88%
Health insurance debts / 35 / 4% / 77%
Change of health insurance company / 23 / 3% / 78%
Healthier lifestyle / 8 / 1% / 100%
Inoculation / 3 / 0,4% / 67%
Family planning / 1 / 0,1% / 100%
Improvement of hygienic conditions / 11 / 1% / 63%
Other / 80 / 10% / 80%
Total / 811 / 100% / 80%
Type of intervention / Number of interventions / Success of interventionsNumber / Share / 78%
Integration into the social care system / 219 / 27% / 72%
Registration at the doctor / 144 / 18% / 83%
Diagnostics / 112 / 14% / 73%
Treatment of illness / 107 / 13% / 91%
Insurance ID / 56 / 7% / 79%
Improvement of prevention / 48 / 6% / 83%
Health insurance debts / 42 / 5% / 83%
Change of health insurance company / 10 / 1,2% / 89%
Healthier lifestyle / 9 / 1,1% / 100%
Inoculation / 6 / 0,7% / 50%
Family planning / 4 / 0,5% / 100%
Improvement of hygienic conditions / 3 / 0,4% / 50%
Reduction of addictive substances / 2 / 0,2% / 79%
other / 40 / 5% / 60%
Total / 802 / 100% / 78%
Estimates of the ethnic composition of the pupils of former special schools
(Source: Office of the Ombudsman)
Region / Number of pupils / Number of present pupils / Number of Roma pupils / Share of Roma girls / Share of Roma pupilsPrague / 445 / 301 / 65 / 27% / 22%
Jihočeský / 304 / 236 / 83 / 46% / 35%
Jihomoravský / 538 / 401 / 96 / 38% / 24%
Karlovarský / 112 / 73 / 27 / 39% / 37%
Vysočina / 265 / 179 / 53,5 / 55% / 30%
Královehradecký / 186 / 119 / 50,5 / 63% / 42%
Liberecký / 132 / 97 / 47,5 / 31% / 49%
Moravskoslezský / 617 / 345 / 131 / 34% / 38%
Olomoucký / 266 / 212 / 75 / 43% / 35%
Pardubický / 110 / 83 / 7,5 / 47% / 9%
Plzeňský / 133 / 107 / 50 / 43% / 47%
Středočeský / 373 / 269 / 76 / 38% / 28%
Ústecký / 389 / 308 / 146 / 38% / 47%
Zlínský / 84 / 71 / 0 / 0% / 0%
Total / 3 954 / 2801 / 908 / 40% / 32%
Decimal numbers indicate the average estimate of two researchers.
The share of pupils educated in the programme for pupils with slight mental disability
(Source: CzechSchool Inspection)
Region / Share of pupils with slight mental disability / Estimated share of Roma pupils with slight mental disabilityYear 2009/10 / Year 2011/12 / Year 2009/10 / Year 2011/12
Prague / 90,9 / 84,2 / 22,9 / 16,8
Středočeský / 91,7 / 76,1 / 33,2 / 30,3
Jihočeský / 98,9 / 38,8 / 32,2 / 29,4
Plzeňský / 60,7 / 40,8 / 31,7 / 22,6
Karlovarský / 62,2 / 21,3 / 48,5 / 33,5
Ústecký / 82,1 / 89,5 / 53,1 / 30,4
Liberecký / 49,6 / 34,4 / 41,8 / 45,7
Královehradecký / 30,0 / 34,5 / 39,7 / 34,7
Pardubický / 97,5 / 27,3 / 30,5 / 31,3
Vysočina / 75,0 / 67,3 / 27,3 / 13,3
Jihomoravský / 45,9 / 45,5 / 19,4 / 10,4
Olomoucký / 100,0 / 71,8 / 34,4 / 22,9
Zlínský / 100,0 / 84,7 / 28,5 / 8,1
Moravskoslezský / 73,5 / 75,2 / 32,9 / 39,0
Total / 68,2 / 49,2 / 35,0 / 26,4
Foreigners living in the Czech Republic
(Source: Ministry of Interior)
Year / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Total / 434 600 / 426 423 / 436 389 / 438 213
Women / 178 976 / 180 980 / 186 075 / 202 463
Permanent residence / 180 359 / 188 952 / 196 408 / 214 027
Women / 84 796 / 89 181 / 92 902 / 101 148
Other types of residence / 243 302 / 226 803 / 225 806 / 224 186
Women / 89 277 / 86 855 / 86 452 / 87 895
Visa for over 90 days / 8 842 / 8 536 / 11 939 / 10023
Women / 4 024 / 4 044 / 5 817 / 5 240
Asylants / 2 097 / 2 132 / 2 166 / 2 805
Women / 879 / 900 / 904 / 1 126
Awards of Czech citizenship
(Source: Ministry of Interior)
2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Total / Asylants / Total / Asylants / Total / Asylants / Total / Asylants
1 621 / 69 / 1 495 / 73 / 1 936 / 88 / 1 565 / 91
International protection proceedings
(Source: Ministry of Interior)
Year / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012New applications / 1 258 / 833 / 756 / 753
Asylum awarded / 75 / 125 / 108 / 49
Subsidiary protection awarded / 401 / 104 / 261 / 149
No protection awarded / 28 / 368 / 370 / 308
Halt of proceedings / 526 / 420 / 277 / 308
Decisions issued / 1 030 / 1 017 / 1 016 / 1 007
Open applications / 757 / 721 / 561 / 554
Employment of foreigners
(Source:Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Trade)
Year / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Employed foreigners / 318 462 / 306 350 / 310 921 / 360 941
Foreigners registered by the Labour Office / 230 709 / 215 367 / 217 862 / 269 901
Foreigners with a trade licence / 87 753 / 90 983 / 93 059 / 91 040
Employment of foreigners according to age and sex
(Source: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Trade)
Age / Foreigners registered by the Labour Office / Foreigners with a trade licenceTotal / Men / Women / Total / Men / Women
Total / 230 709 / 151 893 / 78 816 / 87 753 / 62 364 / 25 389
-19 / 2 027 / 1 216 / 811 / 288 / 178 / 110
20-24 / 30 680 / 18 712 / 11 968 / 9 851 / 6 726 / 3 125
25-39 / 120 262 / 77 211 / 43 051 / 41 544 / 29 326 / 12 218
40-54 / 63 357 / 44 089 / 19 268 / 30 121 / 21 739 / 8 382
55-59 / 9 991 / 7 279 / 2 712 / 3 668 / 2 709 / 959
60-64 / 3 361 / 2 648 / 713 / 1 489 / 1 084 / 405
65+ / 1 031 / 738 / 293 / 792 / 602 / 190
Age / Foreigners registered by the Labour Office / Foreigners with a trade licenceTotal / Men / Women / Total / Men / Women
Total / 215 367 / 74 975 / 140 392 / 90 983 / 64 334 / 26 649
-19 / 1 866 / 775 / 1 091 / 186 / 112 / 74
20-24 / 22 926 / 9 241 / 13 685 / 8 141 / 5 423 / 2 718
25-39 / 115 070 / 42 881 / 72 189 / 42 987 / 30 294 / 12 693
40-54 / 59 884 / 17 987 / 41 897 / 32 701 / 23 386 / 9 315
55-59 / 10 469 / 2 877 / 7 592 / 4 221 / 3 092 / 1 129
60-64 / 3 937 / 860 / 3 077 / 1 828 / 1 335 / 493
65+ / 1 215 / 354 / 861 / 919 / 692 / 227
Age / Foreigners registered by the Labour Office / Foreigners with a trade licenceTotal / Men / Women / Total / Men / Women
Total / 217 862 / 76 510 / 141 352 / 93 059 / 64 231 / 28 828
-19 / 1 898 / 724 / 1 174 / 253 / 161 / 92
20-24 / 20 372 / 8 299 / 12 073 / 6 098 / 3 785 / 2 313
25-39 / 117 234 / 44 638 / 72 596 / 43 352 / 29 717 / 13 635
40-54 / 61 203 / 18 406 / 42 797 / 35 359 / 24 776 / 10 583
55-59 / 11 269 / 3 082 / 8 187 / 4 855 / 3 465 / 1 390
60-64 / 4 412 / 1 016 / 3 396 / 2 095 / 1 524 / 571
65+ / 1 474 / 345 / 1 129 / 1 047 / 803 / 244
(Source: Ministry of Interior)
Number of crimes of human trafficking
2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Discovered / 16 / 16 / 11 / 29 / 10 / 24 / 19 / 24
Explained / 11 / 13 / 11 / 11 / 5 / 13 / 11 / 18
Prosecuted persons / 18 / 11 / 20 / 22 / 32 / 35 / 29 / 22
Number of perpetrators of human trafficking according to gender and nationality
2011 / 2012 / I - III 2013Men / 20 / 15 / 5
Women / 9 / 7 / 0
Foreigners / 7 / 3 / 0
All / 29 / 22 / 5
Number of charged and convicted persons and sentences imposed for human trafficking
2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Charged persons / 17 / 26 / 26 / 31 / 31
Convicted persons / 3 / 1 / 10 / 19 / 11
Unconditional imprisonment / 3 / 0 / 9 / 18 / 10
Conditional imprisonment / 0 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Number of crimes of procurement
2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Discovered / 52 / 37 / 33 / 44 / 42
Explained / 43 / 28 / 26 / 32 / 36
Prosecuted persons / 88 / 35 / 28 / 61 / 46
Number of charged and convicted persons and sentences imposed for procurement
2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Charged persons / 119 / 89 / 33 / 43 / 67
Convicted persons / 60 / 82 / 64 / 50 / 76
Unconditional imprisonment / 14 / 19 / 21 / 17 / 13
Conditional imprisonment / 44 / 60 / 39 / 41 / 49
Number of identified victims of human trafficking
2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Number of victims / 119 / 42 / 76 / 51 / 52
Number of victims included in the Program of support and protection for human trafficking victims according to nationality
YearCountry of origin / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / All
Czech Republic / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 26
Slovakia / 3 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 7
Moldova / 3 / 1 / 4
Ukraine / 1 / 6 / 3 / 3 / 7 / 8 / 1 / 29
Bulgaria / 2 / 4 / 1 / 1 / 8
Vietnam / 1 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 11
Romania / 3 / 6 / 9
FYROM / 2 / 2
Russia / 1 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 6
Kyrgyzstan / 1 / 1 / 1 / 3
Latvia / 1 / 1 / 2
Uzbekistan / 1 / 1
Brasil / 3 / 3
Thailand / 1 / 1
Honduras / 2 / 2
Nigeria / 1 / 2 / 3
Sri Lanka / 1 / 1
Philipines / 1 / 1
Unknown / 1 / 1
All / 5 / 11 / 17 / 14 / 18 / 24 / 13 / 7 / 10 / 1 / 119
Number of victims included in the Program of support and protection for human trafficking victims according to age and gender
Year / Age / 18-23 / 23-30 / 30-40 / 40-50 / 50+ / All2011 / Men / 1 / 1 / 10
Women / 3 / 5
2012 / Men / 1
Women / 1
Number of victims included in the Program of support and protection for human trafficking victims according to form of exploitation
2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Labour exploitation / 16 / 8 / 4 / 3 / 1
Sexual exploitation / 8 / 5 / 3 / 7 / 0
Discrimination complaints addressed to the Ombudsman
(Source: Ombudsman’s Office)
Area / Number of complaints / Discrimination establishedEmployment / 2 / 0
Housing / 11 / 2
Education / 4 / 1
Services / 1 / 0
Health care / 2 / 0
Area / Number of complaints / Discrimination establishedEmployment / 2 / 0
Housing / 11 / 0
Education / 5 / 1
Services / 1 / 0
Health care / 0 / 0
Area / Number of complaints / Discrimination establishedEmployment / 3 / 0
Housing / 9 / 0
Education / 2 / 0
Services / 1 / 0
Health care / 1 / 1
Subsidy programmes of the Office of the Government
(Source: Office of the Government)
ProgrammeSupport of social field workin the municipalities
Year / Finances to distribute / Finances distributed / Number of supported projects2012 / 10.000.000 CZK / 9.972.088 CZK / 40
2011 / 10.000.000 CZK / 9.771.587 CZK / 47
2010 / 10.000.000 CZK / 9.899.522 CZK / 49
2009 / 10.000.000 CZK / 10.036.954 CZK / 47
Programme Prevention of social exclusion and community work
Year / Finances to distribute / Finances distributed / Number of supported projects2012 / 10.055.465 CZK / 10.055.000 CZK / 32
2011 / 20.420.000 CZK / 19.669.000 CZK / 35
2010 / 24.000.000 CZK / 23.054.000 CZK / 60
2009 / 25.000.000 CZK / 25.000.000 CZK / 44
Programme Support of regional Roma coordinators
Year / Finances to distribute / Finances distributed / Number of supported projects2012 / 5.165.000 CZK / 4.959.200 CZK / 13
2011 / 5.165.000 CZK / 5.065.000 CZK / 12
2010 / 5.665.000 CZK / 4.668.250 CZK / 13
2009 / 5.665.000 CZK / 4.520.100 CZK / 13