Thursday August 24th at 1300hrs at Bearsted Medical Practice
Present: Terry Armstrong, Arlene Broadhurst, Helen Denny, Chris Dobson, Lisa Dolman, Richard Laurent, Gill McDermott, Gaia Moss, Harjinder Nerwal,,Jeannette Ward (Chair)
- Welcome and Apologies
Jeannette welcomed all to the meeting.
Apologies:Andy Fairhurst, Christine Shade, Tony Spice - Minutes of the last meeting (18/05/17)
Agreed and signed by the Chair - Matters arising from 18th May (notation as per minutes)
- Action 3.1: Gill to check if the doctors’ working days for the walk in clinic are included on the website and, if not, to arrange for an update.(They are – complete)
- Action 5.1: Jeannette to include a final question relating to “any other suggestions or comments” prior to distributing the approved survey. Christine Shade to investigate distribution at libraries.(Complete)
- Action 6.1: Arlene to investigate the costs of printing the newsletter in colour.
It was agreed that the majority of the newsletters would continue to be printed in black and white. Arlene was prepared to produce a small number in colour for display and various locations. (Complete) - Action 6.2: All to review the draft newsletter and provide any comments to Arlene before 25th May 2017.(Complete)
- Action 7.1: Jeannette to facilitate the formation of the (diabetes) support group.(Complete)
- Action 8.1: Gill to check that the information on the website relating to the walk-in clinic was clear, (particularly about the circumstances that would lead to a patient being brought up the queue for an early consultation.) There was further discussion about this topic under the item covering the Patient Survey. In addition to the poster produced by Arlene which is now on display in the waiting room, and at Harjinder’s suggestion, Gill agreed to produce a “Frequently Asked Questions.” Section for the website. All understood and agreed the concern expressed by Dr Dolman that there was a need to avoid making and publicising rules about the walk-in clinic since flexibility, discretion and initiative amongst the reception and medical staff need to be preserved.
Action 3.1: Gill to develop a “frequently asked questions” section for the website to cover the various systems such as the walk-in clinic and the afternoon appointments system. - Action 8.2: Arlene to lead the production of an explanatory “Did you know?” leaflet (relating to the walk-in clinic).This is now covered by the poster on display. Complete.
- Action 8.3: Gill to check the practice leaflet (for the same information).
Action outstanding: Action 3.2 Gill to check the practice leaflet in relation to the walk-in clinic. - Action 10.1: Practice members to get their heads together to identify other potential uses of funds raised.Complete – see agenda item.
- Action 10.2: All present to promote the event (quiz night) and encourage attendance.The practice members agreed they would ensure a team was assembled from the staff. Complete.
- Action 11.1 Jeannette to feed information back to MBC regarding the CounterWeight programme and to find out where patients can go for a health check if they are not eligible to have one at the surgery.Action outstanding. Action 3.3 Jeannette to progress the above action.
- Surgery Update
Gill noted a number of changes in staff responsibilities following Rachel’s departure. Gaia was now managing the downstairs area and Heather Wilkins had taken on additional responsibilities in the office area.
The surgery is now preparing for the ‘flu season and patients have received a text about the first one. For the first time, The first clinic will operated across a whole day with separate am and pm sessions.
Concern was expressed about the monitor and the practice’s ability to change the message easily. Arlene offered to donate a laptop that could be dedicated to the monitor. Gill has asked one of the practice doctors to look at the software problems linked to the monitor and Jeannette offered to ask David Ward to liaise with him as David has looked at the problem in the past. Action 4.1 Arlene to link up with Gill to pass across the laptop. Gill to contact Jeannette if required.
Dr Dolman noted that there would be no further prescriptions in relation to coeliac disease nutrition. There is no a much more extensive range of foods available with competitive pricing driven by the wider gluten-free market.
There is a national shortage of Hepatitis B vaccine and it is being rationed for the most at risk.
Dr Laurent noted that Bearsted Practice is not part of the clustering of practices in south Maidstone. However it was also noted that the patient numbers had now reached 13,500 with an additional 500 influx of ex. Mote medical practice patients who had been ejected by the Mote Practice. The registering and inducting of these new patients presented a significant administrative workload.
- Patient Survey
Jeannette took the meeting through a summary of the Patient Survey.
It was structured differently in that respondents were asked to grade their understanding of, or satisfaction with, a particular aspect of interaction with the practice or its systems. The individual questions were developed based on discussion with PPG members about issues raised and feedback received over time. The final version was submitted to the joint PPG/ Practice meeting for approval prior to launch. Three hundred and four responses were received versus 94 for the previous one. Jeannette expressed particular thanks to Tony for his efforts in handing out paper copies at the practice to supplement the on-line versions.
The first point noted was that for each question posed, the majority of respondents identified their experience as “satisfactory”, “good” or “excellent” which reflects extremely well on the practice staff and the processes.
However the graded responses and narrative comments do point to areas for improvement though mostly about communication and clarification. Jeannette offered the services of a member of the PPG committee to support with communications but Gill suggested it may be easier if the practice staff worked on the responses and then allowed the PPG to comment. As noted under matters arising it was agreed that a “Frequently asked questions” section would be developed for the website to cover the points raised in the survey. As many questions as possible would be answered.
One of the frequent questions was why the surgery had to close at lunch time. This made it difficult for people who work to collect prescriptions or make appointments or enquiries. Gill noted that discussions had been held amongst the practice staff and that it was quite likely that the surgery would begin to stay open over lunchtime for administrative matters. There would continue to be a break in medical appointments.
It was agreed that it was important to feed back to the patients and the AGM provided a good opportunity. Dr Dolman agreed to take the lead on feeding back to the PPG members at the AGM on 21st September. - Communciations
Arlene outlined the draft structure of the next newsletter. It would be issued immediately after the AGM. Ten would be printed in colour for distribution to particular external locations.
The poster relating to the walk-in clinic was now displayed In the waiting room.
An advertisement for the PPG would appear in the Bearsted Link.
The quiz night poster is now available in draft but needs a statement about the use to which the funds will be directed (see below). - Healthy Walking Update.
Chris noted the Health Walks scheme was still thriving with 25 to 30 walkers each week. The majority joined the longer walk but there was always demand for the shorter one. We continue to welcome new members and it was noted one new walker was recently referred by the surgery. Jeannette confirmed that she was quite OK for practice staff to give prospective walkers her mobile number so that they could check and understand whether it was right for them. - Finances
Goff provided an update on the finances which showed a credit of £249.31 after the purchase of the portable ECG. - Fundraising
Goff noted that the next event was the quiz night on 20th October and, as noted above, the practice would ensure a team was built from amongst the staff.
It was also proposed and agreed that the Christmas Raffle would be run again.
Dr Dolman suggested that the funds could be directed towards the purchase of a new Doppler machine for measuring the effectiveness of blood circulation. Gill would obtain an updated quotation so that the amount of funding needed could be clarified.
Action 9.1 Gill to obtain a quotation for the machine.
A sentence to describe the function of the equipment would be required for the quiz night poster and other publicity.
Action 9.2 Gill to provide Goff/ Arlene with a statement on the function of the Doppler machine.
Suggested items for AGM Agenda
The agenda would include the standard items: welcome and introductions, apologies for absence, minutes of the last AGM on 15th September 2016, Chair’s report, surgery report, election of officers, current terms of reference.
In addition would be feedback from the Patient Survey to be led by Dr Dolman.
As an external speaker, Jeannette proposed to contact Paul Clarke of Maidstone Borough Council. The topic would be the role of the Borough Council in promoting health and wellbeing.
Jeannette asked if it would be OK for the PPG to be present at the ‘flu clinics to advertise the PPG. This was agreed provided there was no interruption of the smooth running of the clinics.
Health talks: Goff reported that St Peter’s church hall, which the PPG has used in the past for health talks was fully booked during the week. He would be looking for another venue. - Date of AGM (21st September 2017 at 1900hrs
- Date of next meetings
23rd November 2017
22nd February 2018
17th May 2018
23rd August 2018
Notes prepared by C R Dobson
Minutes approved:
Financial Status at3rd August 2017
Income & Expenditure For 2017 - Updated 03/08/17
Date / Description / Income (£) / Expenditure (£)
01/01/2017 / Balance B'fwd from 2016 / 1205.50
02/02/2017 / 2 x Junior Pulse Oximeters / 161.90
16/03/2017 / Memorial hall hire cost / 47.25
16/03/2017 / Memorial Hall deposit / 50.00
06/04/2017 / Deposit returned/hall cancelled / 50.00
13/04/2017 / Donation / 300.00
02/05/2017 / Donation / 200.00
11/05/2017 / Purchase of portable ECG machine / 1247.04
1755.50 / 1506.19