(Rhythm and Scales)
(July 2012)
Unit Statement: This unit is developed to increase knowledge related to major scales. The unit will emphasize at least two major scales which will include concert F major, concert B flat major and/or concert E flat major. It will also help the student to increase techniques in areas such as dynamics and rhythm. The rhythms and melodies the student will play will be increasing in difficulty and range.
Essential Outcomes: (assessed for mastery)
1. The Student Will name and distinguish between eighth rests and dotted quarter notes. This will include counting and playing various rhythms which incorporate these notes in common time.
2. TSW label and play two major scales. The scales may include concert F major, concert B flat major, or concert E flat major.
3. TSW differentiate between a crescendo (gradually getting louder) and diminuendo (gradually getting softer).
4. TSW continue to increase range, technique and quality of music on his/her instrument.
5. TSW label, describe and demonstrate an ability to play various dynamics including mezzo forte, forte, piano and mezzo piano.
Suggested Resource Material:
Standard of Excellence (Comprehensive Band Method) Book 2 by Bruce Pearson. Neil Kjos Music Company
Best in Class Book 2 by Bruce Pearson. Neil Kjos Music Company.
Essential Elements Book 2 by Tom C. Rhodes, Donald Bierschenk. Hal Leonard Corp.
Band Fundamentals Book 2 by Steve Hendrick. Hendrick Music Company.
Scale Book 1 by Steve Hendrick. Hendrick Music Company
Band Expressions Book 2 by Robert W. Smith. Warner Brothers Publishing
Essential Elements for Strings Book 2 by Michael Allen. Hal Leonard Corp.
Suggested Evaluation:
1. A Written Theory Test: TSW
a) label eighth rests and dotted quarter notes and count various rhythms which contain them in common time. (TSW 1)
b) label and identify concert F major, concert B flat major and/or concert
c) E flat scale (TSW 2)
d) label and distinguish between a crescendo and diminuendo
e) (TSW 3)
f) name and explain the various dynamics emphasized in the unit
g) (TSW 5)
2. A Practical Test: The student will be asked to play various lines of music which apply concepts taught throughout unit 4. The student will be evaluated on improvements in the areas of range, techniques and quality (TSW 4). Skills which will also be evaluated will include:
a) eighth rest and dotted quarter notes (TSW 1)
b) two major scales (TSW 2)
c) crescendo and diminuendo (TSW 3)
d) dynamics - including mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte and piano (TSW 5)
TSW / ‘A’ / ‘B’ / ‘P’TSW 1 / name and distinguish between eighth rests and dotted quarter notes. This will include counting and playing various rhythms which incorporate these notes in common time with a steady beat and musicality / name and distinguish between eighth rests and dotted quarter notes. This will include counting and playing various rhythms which incorporate these notes in common time / B level mastery not achieved
TSW 2 / label and play two major scales. The scales may include concert F major, concert B flat major, or concert E flat major with three mistakes or less / label and play two major scales. The scales may include concert F major, concert B flat major, or concert E flat major / B level mastery not achieved
TSW 3 / differentiate between a crescendo (gradually getting louder) and diminuendo (gradually getting softer) with a high level of musicality / differentiate between a crescendo (gradually getting louder) and diminuendo (gradually getting softer) / B level mastery not achieved
TSW 4 / continue to increase range, technique and quality of music on his/her instrument / B level mastery not achieved
TSW 5 / label, describe and demonstrate an ability to play various dynamics including forte, mezzo forte, piano and mezzo piano / B level mastery not achieved
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