OCTOBER 20, 2015 CONVENE: 6:00 PM




Public Comments

Mayor's Report

Consent Agenda

The items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and all will be adopted by one motion unless a Council Member or a person in the audience requests, before the vote on the motion, to have any item considered separately. If any item is removed from the Consent Agenda, it will be discussed immediately following the vote for the other items on the consent agenda.

·  Minutes of September 8, 2015 Council meeting.

·  October accounts payable.

·  Resources and obligations report - September

City Recorder/Public Works Reports

·  Reports

Administrative Matters

·  Requests to Utilize Undeveloped Rights of Way

·  DLCD Grant Project Support

·  Property Acquisition

·  Water Compliance Project Final Design Budget Amendments

Old Business

·  Water Compliance Project

New Business

Council/Committee Reports

The City of Haines complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Assistance is available for individuals with disabilities by calling 856-3366 or the Oregon

Telecommunications Relay Service. Their phone numbers are: TTY: 800-648-3458/Voice: 800-848-4442The City of Haines is an equal opportunity Employer and Provider. Complaints of Discrimination should be sent to USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410

Approved by




OCTOBER 20, 2015



Mayor Brown opened the October 20, 2015 regular Council meeting at 6:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was then taken. Council members present were Katie Jones-Bedolla, Don Adcock, John Shurtleff and Dawn O'Grady. Lisa Whited and Connie Pound-Lewis were absent. Also present were City Recorder Valerie Russell and Public Works Josh Proebstel.

Citizens present: Harv Down, Kathy Down, Sandy Wood, Teri Johnson, Floyd Johnson and JUB Engineer John Garlitz.

Agenda Item No. 1 - Public Comments

Citizen Harv Down questioned if the City could do anything about nuisance abatement in reference to a particular property in Haines.

Mayor Brown explained that the City does not have any jurisdiction on what happens on private property.

Agenda Item No. 2 – Mayor Report

Yard Debris in Rights of Way

Mayor Brown stated that the City will not be allowing residents to pile yard debris to burn in the City rights of way anymore. The City has had to clean up the piles in order to mow and maintain the rights of way. A statement explaining this will be included in the newsletter.

December Council Meeting

The December 8th Council meeting has been rescheduled to December 15th.

Agenda Item No. 3 - Consent Agenda

Councilor Jones-Bedolla made a motion to accept the consent agenda. Councilor O’Grady seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.

Agenda Item No. 4 – City Recorder/Public Works

City Recorder

DLCD Technical Assistance Grant

City Recorder Valerie Russell explained that Grant Young from the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) had contacted her concerning a Technical Assistance Grant. The grant would be used to convert all the paper planning documents, including maps, into a digital format. Baker County would be the lead in applying for the grant that would include Huntington and Haines. The City would need to contribute the $1,000 DLCD Planning Assistance Grant that the City receives every two years for a match.

Councilor O’Grady made a motion to support the DLCD Technical Assistance Grant with Baker County and to contribute the $1,000 DLCD Planning Assistance Grant as a match. Councilor Jones-Bedolla seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.

Haines Rodeo Association Grant

The Haines Rodeo Association approached the City concerning a grant application to construct a roof over the grandstands. The Rodeo Association is a not for profit organization so they are unable to apply for grants, but they can use another entity, such as the City, as a pass through. Valerie contacted City Accountants Bob Seymour and Stan Mitchell and they both stated that it would be fine for the City to be the pass through for the grant.

Computer Issues

The City’s main computer has been operating a 2001 version of Microsoft Office. Recently the Outlook component of the program crashed. The cost to purchase Outlook is $110.00 the entire Office program which includes Outlook, Word, Excel and Power Point is $230.00.

Council agreed it would be best to upgrade the entire Office program.

Planning Document

The Planning Committee has completed reviewing the Planning Document and Valerie is editing it at this time. It will go back to the Planning Committee for a quick review and then it will be presented to the Council.

Public Works


Public Works Josh Proebstel explained that Doug Schneider has been very busy working in the parks and removing some problem trees. Doug is also in the process of removing the large flower bed in the park. The large rocks that surround the flower bed need to be removed and could be given away for landscaping.

Office Parking Lot

A French drain was installed in the parking lot in front of the office to drain runoff water from the area.


The City recently sold 4.5 tons of scrap metal for $21.75. The market for scrap metal dropped drastically and it does not appear that it will go back up in price in the near future. The City will stockpile the scrap metal until the price increases.


Josh provided the Council with an estimate of $1,500 to install a restroom in the shop. The estimate includes a toilet, hot water heater, shower and door with framing.

Councilor Shurtleff made a motion to approve the cost to install a restroom in the shop not to exceed $2,000. Councilor O’Grady seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.

Councilor Adcock stated that the City also needs to provide a restroom at the Landfill for the attendant.


Josh explained that the Oregon Health Authority Drinking Water Services conducted a Water Survey on September 16, 2015. There were multiple minor deficiencies but nothing major.

Sewer Farm

The City’s DEQ permit states that the nozzle height on the pivots should be 4 feet from the ground. Currently they are between 6.5 to 7 feet from the ground. The nozzles will be lowered and this should result in more efficient irrigating. The sewer farm produced 70 tons of hay this year versus 50 tons last year.

Agenda Item No. 5 - Administrative Matters

Requests to Utilize Undeveloped Rights of Way


Dave and Teri Johnson made a request to utilize the undeveloped Amy Street right of way that adjoins their property to the east and Floyd Johnson made a request to utilize the undeveloped Amy Street right of way that adjoins his property to the east and let Dave and Teri use the area for pasture. They also requested to utilize a portion of the right of way on Cole and Birch Street that adjoins their property to use as pasture and is fenced off with an electric fence.

Discussion followed and it was determined that the Johnson’s could not be granted the use of the Cole and Birch Streets rights of way because they are developed Streets.

Councilor Adcock made a motion to accept Dave and Teri Johnson and Floyd Johnson request to utilize the undeveloped Amy Street right of way that adjoins their property to the east. Councilor O’Grady seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.


Marvin Crist made a request to utilize the undeveloped Amy Street right of way that adjoins his property to the west and the Sixth Street right of way that adjoins his property to the south.

Councilor O’Grady made a motion to postpone making a decision on the Crist request until further information could be obtained and the other adjoining property owners can be contacted. Councilor Shurtleff seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.


Mayor Brown excused himself from the discussion and the table and declared that there was a conflict of interest due to it was his own personal request to utilize a right of way.

Jim Brown made a request to utilize the undeveloped School Street right of way that adjoins his property to the west. Jim has had a previous agreement with the City to utilize the right of way and it needs to be renewed to comply with the new Ordinance.

Councilor Adcock made a motion to accept the request for Jim Brown to utilize the undeveloped School Street right of way that adjoins his property to the west. Councilor Shurtleff seconded motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.

Property Acquisition

Engineer John Garlitz from JUB Engineers addressed the Council concerning the Water Compliance Project, mainly the property acquisition. During the Design Phase of the project, property acquisition is only allowed to the option agreement and 10% of the appraised value of the property is paid to the property owner. To pay the additional cost of the property acquisition the grant for the Construction Phase would need to be

obtained, which could take a considerable amount of time. This would mean that the property owners would have to be willing to wait for the remainder of the money until a grant is awarded. The IFA confirmed that if the CDBG grant pays the 10% now for the option to purchase then the City would have to apply for a CDBG grant to construct on the property. John suggested that the City purchase the properties with City funds. If an Oregon Water Resources Department grant is obtained it might be possible, but not guaranteed, that the funds could be reimbursed. But, if not reimbursed, the funds could definitely be used as part of the 25 % matching funds.

An Executive Session was scheduled for October 27, 2015 at 6:00 pm to discuss the real property transactions.

Water Compliance Project Final Design Budget Amendments

The Water Compliance Project Final Design budget will be amended to include additional line items and to move funds from one item to another. After the Council makes a decision on a direction for property acquisition the budget can be adjusted accordingly.

Agenda Item No. 6 Public Comments

There were no public comments.

All aforementioned documents are herein attached and part of the record.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Valerie Russell, City Recorder