There are many roles that people perform in teams. Some of these relate to helping the teamperform its tasks. Others relate to maintaining the team and relationships among members.

Finally, there are dysfunctional roles that may hinder the team; behavior is directed towardpersonal rather than team needs. Below is a list and brief description of different roles andfunctions performed in teams. Read each description and choose one person in the team whofits this description. In other words, based upon your perception of the team, who performs eachfunction or role? A person may be nominated for more than one role, and you may nominateyourself.


INITIATOR/CONTRIBUTORproposes goals, new ideas, and solutions; defines problems;

suggests procedures; points out benefits

INFORMATION GIVERoffers facts and relevant information or experience

OPINION GIVERstates belief about alternatives; focuses on values rather

than facts

INFORMATION SEEKERseeks clarification of suggestions based on facts relevant to

the problem

OPINION SEEKERasks for clarification of values which the group holds in

relation to the problem

COORDINATORclarifies the various suggestions, ideas, and opinions and

coordinates them

SUMMARIZERsummarizes and restates back to the team; draw member's

activities together; offers conclusions

CLARIFIER/ELABORATORinterprets; gives examples; defines terms; clears up

confusion or ambiguity

EVALUATORsubjects the team's activity to some criterion, for example,

practicality, logic, etc.

ORIENTORtries to show the team the position it is now taking and may

raise questions about its direction

PROCEDURAL TECHNICIANperforms routine tasks for the group such as

secretary/treasurer; timekeeper

ENERGIZERstimulates the group to action leading to closure


ENCOURAGERpraises good points, exhibits acceptance (the "we" feeling);

and group solidarity

HARMONIZERattempts to mediate differences among members or their

points of view; reduces conflict and tension; attempts to

reconcile differences

GATEKEEPER/EXPEDITERattempts to encourage communication, bringing persons into the discussion who have not given their ideas, keeping the discussion

to the point, etc.

STANDARD SETTERexpresses standards for the group to attempt to achieve, and applies

themto evaluating the group process

COMPROMISERis willing to compromise or yield his or her idea or point of view, or admit an error

GROUP OBSERVERkeeps records of the group process in action and brings much data into the discussion as seen pertinent

FOLLOWERmore or less a passive and accepting person; going along

with the ideas of others


AGGRESSORmay express disapproval of others, joke excessively, attack the

group or the problem, show envy, etc.

BLOCKERis negativistic and resistant, disagreeing and opposing beyond reasonableobjections; getting discussion off on a tangent; focuses on personal concerns rather than on team problem; argues too much

RECOGNITION SEEKERtries to get attention; calls attention to self, boasts; loud or

unusual behavior; excessive talker

DOMINATORtries to assert authority to control team at expense of other members

AVOIDERacts indifferently; withdraws from discussion; daydreams; wanders off, talks to others; fools around

PLAYBOY/GIRLdoes not involve self in group process, but sits back in horseplay, whispering, etc.

SELFCONFESSOR this person brings in personal feelings, ideas, etc., not

pertinent nor oriented to the group

HELPSEEKERattempts to express insecurity, gain sympathy, or in other ways, deprecate self

SPECIAL INTEREST PLEADERexpresses own biases or prejudices by pleading for the minority groups within the group


TASKLEADERperson whose behavior contributed the most to accomplishing work

of the team

SOCIAL (MAINTENANCE) LEADER person whose behavior contributed most to building and maintaining team relationships

SELFORIENTED LEADERperson whose behavior was directed toward meeting his or her own needs; hindered or ignored team needs