Cramlington Village Primary School

REAL projects template

Project Name / Project summary
What you’re going to do and why / Essential question
This should be inspiring, not able to be ‘googled’, requiring you to conduct in depth research and relate to a real world issue / Final project outcome
Deadline date?
How you will promote?
Who will be invited?
Jack and the Beanstalk / Year 1 and 2 will conduct a literacy based topic themed around the traditional tale Jack and the Beanstalk. Children will explore the story and practise a play script. Children will advertise the show through newspaper reports and persuasive writing. They will create props, costumes and the setting for the show. They will perform their play at a whole school event. / Passion
Is all the world a stage? / A whole school performance week of musical Jack and the Beanstalk commencing 9th July. Parents invited, in addition to open to public.
Venue not confirmed.
Children are to promote through completing following jobs: ·
· Props
· Makeup
· Music
· Singing
· Posters
· Set design
· Costumes (homework task)
· Programme- 4 pages broken down into cast list, song list, class work and wind in the willows story
Wow moment
This needs to happen within the first week of term - preferably on the first day / Key staff / Key contact numbers/websites/resources / Classroom environment
What will you be doing to your classroom?
What resources do you need / Key text
Theatre trip - Tiddler and Other Tales / Charlotte Armitage
Tanya Morrow
Hannah Brown
Louise Jones
Beccy Finlay /
/ / Year 1 - Jack and the Beanstalk
Year ½ - Trust me, Jack’s Beanstalk stinks!
Books about plants, theatre and drama, IT
Cooking.recipe books, other traditional tales
Jack stories - Jack the Giant Killer, Jack

Year 1

Year 1/2

Both Year ¾

April 16th - May 25th (6 weeks)

Learning outcome / Calendar / Key milestones to achieve the final project / Products
What are you going to do/write/create/build? / Learning goals
What key parts of the curriculum will this include? (long term plan holds all of the curriculum content)
What skills will be practised? / Spring 1 - lessons that will continue all term on a weekly basis. / Exhibition plan
How will you promote the exhibition?
How will you exhibit your work?
Who will you be inviting?
W.C. 16.4.18 / Launch Day at school - mysterious visitor
Classrooms trashed
Giant muddy footprints
Fake cow pat
Magic beans
Goose that lays the golden eggs
Gold coins
Fee fi fo fum
Giant on screen?
Plant broad beans in the afternoon
Theatre Trip - Friday / Outcome - IT-created art
Planted broad beans / Literacy Focus: Activities to introduce text, story map - writing a traditional tale
Numeracy Focus: Multiplication and division
Topic Focus: Science - Plants
IT - drawing on Tux Paint/other images / Maths - Time
Literacy - newspaper report, introduce text, learn story map, impact on reader, short bursts of writing
Geography - aerial photographs and devise a map - places that Jack has visited
Forrest school: Explore things that are living, dead and never been alive
Class assembly - E safety poster
Art - Design patterns of complexity (rubbings) create beanstalk out of leaves
PSHE - fair and unfair
PE - Athletics
Tues - year 1 science (charlotte)
23.4.18 / Outcomes - sculpted clay figures for small world / Literacy Focus: Learning text,story map,
Numeracy Focus: Multiplication and division
Topic Focus: Science - Plants
Art - sculpting with clay, painting / Maths - Position and direction
Literacy - Newspaper report - writing bursts and box up structure
Forrest school - Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats (microhabitats - mini beast hunt)
Science - World habitats/depend on each other
PE - Athletics
Art - Andy Warhol - printing using a variety of materials - can of beans (printing using objects)
Class assembly - TV technology and me (where to watch and with who/rules and safety)
Tues - year 1 science (charlotte)
30.4.18 / Parent consultations / Literacy Focus: boxing up, innovating
Numeracy Focus: Multiplication and division
Topic Focus: Science - Plants / Year 1 – Place value within 100
Year 2 - Statistics
Literacy - Invention (newspaper report about something else)
PE - Athletics
Class assembly - illness/accidents and safety
Science - food chain
ICT - Handling data (chart or graph) minibeast data
Tues - year 1 science (charlotte)
7.5.18 / Reading SATS / Literacy Focus: inventing, final story - write in diaries
Numeracy Focus: Place Value within 100
Topic Focus: Guided Reading
IT: E-Safety / Maths - consolidation (missing number, 4 operations)
Literacy - poetry
PE- Athletics
Science - seeds and bulbs grow into plants
Forrest school - name a variety of common and wild plants
Art - William Morris - design patterns of complexity and repetition (design a pattern for the mother’s dress creating a relief press) and print onto fabric
Class assembly - people who help/community needs/roles
Forrest school - School grounds geog
Art - capture image/manipulate
14.5.18 / Auditions
Shavuot/Pentecost / Outcomes - parts assigned for production
Pentecost craft
Outcome - pattern designed and printed on material (Jack’s mother’s dress) / Literacy - hook for invitation, learn, box up
Numeracy Focus: Place Value within 100
Topic Focus:RE Pentecost
Drama - Auditions
PE: Indoor: Dance, Outdoor: Ball games / Maths - consolidation (money, shape)
PE- Athletics
Literacy -
Science - life cycle plants
RE - How do followers of Christianity live?
Class assembly - technology beyond school
Drama - auditions
W.C. 21.5.18 / Maths SATS
Mental Health Week / Auditions - allocate parts
By end of week: Posters, invitations / Outcomes: Posters for Play / Literacy - innovating inventing, final invite
Numeracy Focus: Geometry: Position and Direction
Topic Focus RE: Shavuot
Art: Posters / PE- Athletics
Literacy -
Science - what do plants need
RE - How do followers of Judaism live?
Mental health activities
Posters - During SATs - small groups

28th May - 8th June Half term Holidays (2 weeks)

June 11th - July 20th (6 weeks)

Learning outcome / Calendar / Key milestones to achieve the final project
Include specific dates / Products
What are you going to do/write/create/build? / Learning goals
What key parts of the curriculum will this include? (long term plan holds all of the curriculum content)
What skills will be practised? / Lessons that will continue all term on a weekly basis. / Exhibition plan
How will you promote the exhibition?
How will you exhibit your work?
Who will you be inviting?
11.6.18 / Phonics Screeners / Choose ticket design as class and mass produce/print
Healthy Eating Week / Outcome: Different foods made with beans / Literacy - describing delicious food, recipes
Numeracy Focus: Fractions
Topic Focus: Cooking/Science
PE: Indoor and Outdoor: Athletics / Maths - fractions/graphs
Literacy - writing instructions (adverbs, sentence starters, bossy verbs, descriptive language)
IT - programming (programme a robot, make objects move)
Literacy - make recipe book
Cooking and nutrition - making bean recipes
Geography - hot and cold areas of the equator
PE: Outdoor and adventure activities / Science - Sound
18.6.18 / 22nd June - reports deadline / Outcome: Recipe book and cooking blog / Literacy - recipe website/cooking blog (small groups on iPads).
Numeracy: Fractions
Topic Focus: Cooking/Science / Literacy - cooking blog
Maths -
PE: Outdoor and adventure activities
25.6.18 / 27th June - Parent workshop and book look
29th June - Sports Day - EYFS/ KS1
Costume - sewing / Sell tickets and bean recipe books/cooked items / Literacy - programs
Numeracy - Money
Topic Focus: IT?
DT: Sewing, props
PE: Indoor and Outdoor Athletics / Literacy - invitations
Maths - exemplification
PE: Outdoor and adventure activities
DT - sewing costumes
Art - designing props ( work on a range of scales)
2.7.18 / Prop design / Dress rehearsals / Outcome: Costumes and props / Literacy - programs
Numeracy: Time
Topic Focus: DT; sewing, props
PE: Indoor and Outdoor: Athletics
Sandwells / YARCS
Maths - exemplification
Literacy - invitations
PE: Outdoor and adventure activities
Art: painting
9.7.18 / Our Show - 12th / 13th July / Final Show? / Outcome: Final Show / Literacy - poem
Numeracy: Time
Topic Focus:
PE: Indoor and Outdoor: Athletics
Sandwells / YARCS
Literacy - poem
Maths - exemplification
PE: Outdoor and adventure activities
16.7.18 / End of year assessments (Sandwells, YARCs) / Outcome: Individual evaluations of the year / Literacy - poem
Numeracy: Consolidation - maths games
Topic Focus: PSHCE
Cooking: Celebration food?
PE: Indoor and Outdoor: Games/dance party
Sandwells / YARCS
Literacy - poem (link transition)
PSHE - what have I achieved? Personal goals/transitions
PE: Outdoor and adventure activities
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 - over half-term holidays / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Show week
Homework Task / Ticket design - winner will be chosen after half term / Costumes for next few weeks