The first part of this article provides two workarounds for RAVEN amounts which download in TEXT format. Numbers downloaded in TEXT format cannot be used in any math function. The second section of this article provides steps on customizing AutoComplete in eUMB Financials. AutoComplete displays a list of possible values based on what you’ve keyed into an entry or search field (such as Employee, Project or Department ID).

RAVEN Downloads to Excel: Workaround for amounts downloaded as TEXT format.

Except for the RAVEN Financials Transaction Detail page, amount fields will download to Excel in TEXT format causing math functions to fail. Numbers downloaded as TEXT format cannot be used in any math function. Downloading in TEXT format is helpful when downloading data with leading zeroes - such as PCBUs or Project IDs. However it is not helpful when downloading dollar amounts. You can quickly identify numbers downloaded in TEXT format because they will automatically align to the left margin of the cell.

When RAVEN amounts download in TEXT format, one of the following workarounds can be used:

·  to format numbers downloaded as TEXT for use in math functions (such as Sum or PivotTable)

·  any time you use the Download button on any RAVEN page (other than Transaction Details)


Change Text to Number Format Using the Paste Special Command

1. In any blank cell, type the value 1.

2. Make sure the cell you typed 1 in is formatted as a Number.

3. Select the cell in which you typed the value 1. Right click and choose Copy.

4. Select the column that you want to convert to numbers. (In RAVEN this will usually be the amount column.)

5. Right click and choose Paste Special.

6. Under Operation, click Multiply and then click OK.


Change Text to Number Format Using the Find & Replace Feature

  1. Select the column to be changed from Text to Number format. (In RAVEN this will usually be the amount column.)
  2. Open Excel’s Find & Replace feature (Use the binoculars icon on the Excel ribbon or press CTRL and F - at the same time - on your keyboard or select Edit > Find on the menu.)
  3. Click the Replace tab.
  1. In the Find what field, enter equal and double quote: =”
  2. Click the Replace All button. A confirmation message displays telling you how many replacements were made. Click OK.
  1. Return to the Find what field. Enter just a double quote: “
  2. Click the Replace All button. Again, a confirmation message displays telling you how many replacements were made. Click OK.
  3. Save the changes to your worksheet. All of the numbers in the selected column should now work in math functions (sum, PivotTable, etc.).

If these workarounds do not work for your situation, please let us know by emailing details to . We will follow-up with you.

Entry & Search Fields Include AutoComplete: How to Customize This Option (ON or OFF)

You may have noticed a list pop up as you enter Project IDs or other chartfields. This feature is called AutoComplete. If you like AutoComplete, you do not need to take any action. If you prefer to turn OFF AutoComplete, you have that option in eUM Financials and all of RAVEN:

1.  Open the application.

2.  On the main menu, click My Personalizations.

3.  Click Navigation Personalizations.

4.  Open the Override Value dropdown list and select No.

5.  Click OK.

6.  Your personalization is saved. Click Return on the Save Confirmation page.

Updated 10/13/14 Page 1 of 3