Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at Tailem Bend on Tuesday, 3rd May 2016 at 7.30 pm.

1 Opening and Welcome: President Joy Marsh welcomed Councillors Wayne Lee and Jan Kennedy and Assistant Councillor Gaynor Pitcher, all delegates and visitors to the Annual General Meeting and declared the meeting open.

2 Reading if the Notice convening the meeting. J Pitcher read the notice of the meeting.

3 In Attendance:

Jervois / Karoonda / Mannum / Meningie
Helen Roberts / Kevin Burdett / Peter Wegener / Fay Blake
Denis Hicks / Robyn Burdett / Pam Bormann / Wayne Lehmann
Murray Bridge / Murray Bridge RSL / Tailem Bend
Kay Simes / Barry Goodall / Duane Edwards
Lynton Keen / Allan Wooldridge / Margaret Woidt

President – Joy Marsh, Vice President – B Leckie, Secretary – J Pitcher, Assistant Secretary – Di Leathers, Treasurer – B Densley, Councillors: W Lee & J Kennedy. Observers: R Hurle (Men), D Vanderzon, E Atkins, G Miller, D Slade, J Slade & G Mason (Jer), F Brook, C Bristow, M Thorne & T Koop (T/B), C Moore, J Jackson & B Leggat (MBge), D Lee (MtBarker), G Pitcher (Man) and B Pope (Kar).

4  Apologies: A Hughes (MB RSL)

5 Confirmation of 2015 AGM minutes. The minutes be taken as read. DH/LK Carried.

Business arising from minutes. Nil

7.  Correspondence: Inwards:

1.  MBBC re Extreme Weather Policy issued by Bowls SA 05/01/16

2.  Mr G Rolton, President MBBC, re forfeits to Jervois BC on 30 January 2016 01/02/16

3.  Allan J Olson – account for pennant badges 22/02/16

4.  LinkSA re quotation for trip to KI for Fairchild Shield 10/03/16

5.  Notices of Motion from all clubs. Nomination forms various positions. (Separate attachments) 05/04/16

6.  Jim Roberts, Secretary GSBA, re Fairchild Shield on KI 06/04/16

7.  Mike Furber – Sealink Travel Group re Fairchild Shield on KI 03/05/16


1.  Allan J Olsen re order for pennant flags for all pennant competitions 25/01/16

2.  Mr G Rolton, President MBBC, re forfeits to Jervois BC on 30 January 2016 11/02/16

3.  Councillors Wayne Lee and Jan Kennedy re invite to AGM 21/04/16

4.  Bowls SA re Association Liability Insurance Declaration form 21/04/16

5.  Club Secretaries re Agenda and final Notices of Motion. 23/04/16

DH This is a great opportunity for our bowlers. Strongly support the idea of playing on the Island.

LK Association should cover the travel cost and players pay for accommodation. Moved: LK/DH Carried

Moved: Correspondence be accepted. JP/PW and carried.

Presentation and adoption of the Annual Report: President’s and Secretary’s Report.

J Marsh presented the annual report for the past season. Copy is included in the minute folder. J Marsh moved the acceptance of her report, seconded by acclamation. Carried.

Jack Pitcher presented his report for the past season. Copy included in the minute folder. J Pitcher moved the adoption of his report, seconded by acclamation. Carried

Presentation of the Financial Statement – Treasurer Brian Densley

Brian asked that Clubs send him a confirmation email after they pay electronically. Balance of $3160.39 at 31st March 2015. Investment Account - $5642.37 @ 3.2% interest – matures on 12/11/16.

Moved: B Densley/D Edwards Carried.

9 Election of Officer Bearers:

a) President Brian Leckie G Odgers/J Pitcher Carried.

b) Vice President Joy Marsh F Blake/J Pitcher Carried.

c) Secretary Jack Pitcher G Odgers/B Leckie Carried.

d) Assistant Secretary Dianne Leathers J Marsh/H Roberts Carried.

e) Treasurer Brian Densley J Pitcher/D Leathers Carried.

f) Committee Members Lynton Keen and Helen Roberts Carried.

g) Host Club representatives Meningie – W Lehmann (Men) & Karoonda – Barbara Pope (Women) Carried.

10 Nomination and election of the Auditor: David Trevorrow was nominated and appointed as auditor. BD/PW Carried.

Bank Operators – minimum of three (3) required: Brian Densley, Jack Pitcher, Lynton Keen and Di Leathers with any two to sign. Carried

Honoraria: Following discussion regarding duties of officers it was moved that the following honoraria apply: Secretary - $550, Treasurer - $250 and Assistant Secretary - $200. Carried

Petty Cash: The Assistant Secretary is to have a petty cash allowance of $200. Details of all transactions to be in a memo book for auditing purposes. Carried.

Nomination and election of Publicity Officer:

Peter Connolly – Moved JP/PW. Carried.

Peter thanked his many helpers for their reports during the season.

11 Election of four (4) delegates, two (2) male and two (2) female, to represent the Association at meetings of Region 6, except the Region Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings.

Delegates: B Leckie, J Pitcher, D Leathers and L Keen. Carried

11.1 Delegates to the Region Meetings. J Marsh & J Pitcher. Carried

12 Determination of Member Club contributions to Association funds for the ensuing year.

Moved: Fees be set at $13 per member. [$6 – Association (Includes the programme book), $1 – junior bowls, $2 – umpires & coaches fund, $2 Pennant badges and $2 – Region fees]. LK/RB Carried.

BL This season we have spent $1605 on umpires, markers, measurers and coaches. Next season I anticipate another $860 minimum. Manuals are an additional $10 if posted. Participants to arrange their own pick-up. Lynton Keen has offered to pick up from Bowls SA as required.

PC Peter presented a letter written by Allan Hewett. Concern was expressed about the threat being made to Bowls SA. Non-payment would result in loss of points. A different approach needs to be taken. The Association cannot really endorse the letter. Copies to go to the Councillors. Letter to be written to Bowls SA explaining the hardship being felt in clubs and ask for their assistance. J Pitcher mentioned that Mannum members has to pay their subscriptions by the due date or they would not be registered. D Edwards felt that clubs needed to improve their situations and try to get members to comply.

13 Notices of Motion:


Tailem Bend BC - Women’s Facility

1  Champion of Champion Events

That the Women’s 2016-2017 season Champion of Champion events be played in Round Robin format.

Di Leathers explained that 7 substitutes were used over the 8 days when a RR format was last used. Many complained they could not play over two days. Knockout solves this problem. With RR a game or two can be lost and the team or player can still win overall.

TB, Jer & MBge for – Man, Men & Kar against. Competition to remain as a knockout.

2  2016-2017 Pennant Season

That consideration be given to a longer season of preliminary rounds when planning the next season. 6/1 Carried

Reason: We felt the season was too short with only fourteen rounds of bowls. We finished playing on 4th February 2016.

Jervois BC - Women’s Facility

1.  Division 1 ladies pennant have 3 complete rounds in their pennant programme. 7/0 Carried

REASON: This would eliminate the part round and enable teams to play each other 3 times making for a more even competition.

2016-2017 season to commence on 29th September 2016. The last game before the Christmas break to be played on 15th December and then resume on 5th January 2017. All games including Country Round Robin and Finals would be completed by 30th March 2017. Easter in 2017 is 14th – 17th April.

2.  Champion of Champion events be played as round robin. As above.

REASON: With the Association Champion of Champions being played as knockout not all clubs play the same amount of games to participate in the final and become Champion of Champion. By playing Round Robin all clubs have equal chance to become Champion of Champion.

Meningie BC - Women’s Facility

That in Thursday pennants division 2 OG players can play in any position except skipper.

They must be either 2nd or 3rd division players. 6/0 Carried

REASON: This rule will assist smaller clubs, as new players are being put third and have limited knowledge of the rules and measuring.

Mannum BC - Women’s Facility

Ladies Division II

1.  That law 1.23.5 remain but with the option of the Opposite Gender players to be anything but Skippers from Division II and Division III men.

  1. An Opposite Gender player may play 3rd if necessary. 6/0 Carried

This proposal should alleviate the need for new lady bowlers having to play in 3rd position in their first year of Pennant Bowling.

Murray Bridge BC

The following to be added to Law

“If an O.G. player has played in the same team for more than 50% of the season they should be eligible to play in all finals”. be amended to read as-

To be eligible to play for a Club, that player must have played at least 4 games for the Club.

In the Thursday pennant competition, if an OG player has played in the same team for more than 50% of the season, they should be eligible to play in all Finals, providing Conditions of Play Rule 1.32 Assignment of players has been satisfied. 4/2 Carried

G Pitcher stated that single gender competition rules must be followed. If a lady is available then she must be picked to play.

Mannum BC - Women’s Facility

Thursday Ladies Pennants

1.  Where a club has multiple sides in two divisions, sides in Division II should be linked to a side in Division I.

2.  Where a shortage occurs in a Division I side, the replacement/substitute player should come from the linked side in Division II.

3.  Players should not be able to be selected from a Division I side to another Division I side unless a permit is obtained from the LMBA Executive. 5/1 Carried


Murray Bridge BC

1.  All Preliminary Finals for Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3 to be played at the 1st Division Venue. 2/5 Lost

2.  LMBA to appoint a minimum of a 3 member Match & Program Committee to conduct the season draw, which is to be different each year.

a)  2 Complete rounds to be played for Division 1 & 2.

b)  3 Complete rounds to be played for Division 3.

c)  If split rounds are to played then the additional games to be decided by the order of the previous seasons placing at the end of the Minor round.

d)  e.g. - Division 1 top 4 teams to play each other again and the bottom 4 to play each other again. Therefore based on last season the number for the round would be 17 games.

See Jervois Motion number 4 below. Deal with them together.

3.  Clause 1.32 Assignment of Players to be deleted. 1/6 Lost

Concern was expressed by most clubs that all Divisions would be affected not just Division1. For this reason they were against removal of the clause.


Rule 1.28.4 and 1.28.12 are amended – with the addition of the following sentence:

“If play has been stopped it shall not be resumed without permission of the Event Manager and/ or Umpire of the Day. Play will be cancelled for the day if it is not possible to resume after one hour from the time of the last stoppage. Play shall not be cancelled until the expiry of the hour from the last stoppage”.

The following sentence to be deleted from each of the above rules and replaced by the above sentence.

Play may not be abandoned for the day until all reasonable chance of obtaining a result has gone

6/1 Carried

Jervois BC

Notices of Motion for AGM 2016

1  Saturday Pennants Div. 3. Consist of Three Rinks of Four players. 1/6 Lost

Reason – To keep all divisions the same, this may be achievable now as we have more ladies playing.

2  The LMBA must introduce a standard way of reading temperature at all venues. 7/0 carried

Reason – The current rule of 38 degrees may cost a team a place in the finals if the way the temperature is read is not uniformly. We believe the Stevenson Screen is the accepted method of determining the temperature. We suggest the LMBA purchase 7 screens or equivalent boxes for the clubs and clubs repay the LMBA. The positioning of these boxes is vital to their accuracy and must be standardized.

Karoonda, Meningie and Mannum have had boxes made. Murray Bridge have approached a cabinet maker. Other clubs are urged to do the same or purchase a suitable model. They are available on the Internet at various prices.

3  Saturday Pennants play 25 ends. TB & Jer 2/5 Lost

Reason – We feel that Sat Pennants is the premier competition in LMBA. This will make it a stronger competition and set it apart from the other competitions.

KB – agreed this would be good for D1 but not for all Divisions.

4  The Delegates at the AGM elect a Program Committee of 3 members. 7/0 Carried

Reason – Clubs need time to look at the draw before it is ratified. The program committee should produce a program by end of May and circulate to all clubs. A Delegates meeting should be held in June/July to ratify the program for the coming season. It should not be ratified by the match and tournament meeting as the members at this meeting are tournament directors not delegates.

See Murray Bridge Motion 2 above. They can be dealt with together.

Committee: Richard Symons, Derek Vanderzon, Duane Edwards, Joy Marsh & Robyn Burdett. Meeting to be held at Tailem Bend on Monday 30th May at 7.30pm.