Northern Railway

Headquarters Office, Baroda House, New Delhi. No:- 53-TT/Tfc. Block/MB/17 Dated: 19.04.18


Sub: - Mega Block of 04:00hrs on Dn & UP line in SPN-MB section.

Ref:- AOM/MB message No. 1-TT/ER/Block/18 dated 18.04.18.


In reference to the above, the competent authority has sanctioned 04:00hrsmega block on 21.04.18 (Saturday) on DN lineand 3.00 hrs. on22.04.18 (Sunday) on UP line for maintenance of assets.

Detail and repercussionswould be as under:

S.N / Section / Block Duration / Repercussion
On 21.04.2018(Saturday) (Dn Side)
1 / DAM Yd-DAN / 04:00hrs / 09:00-13:00 / 1.15654 (JAT-GHY) JCO 20.04.18 will be
regulated for 130” en-route.
2.15910 (LGH-DBRG)JCO 20.04.18 will be
regulated for 75” en-route
3.13152 (JAT-KOAA)JCO 20.04.18 will be
regulatedfor 120” en-route.
4. 24370 (BE-SKTN) JCO 21.04.18 will be
rescheduled Ex- BE. for 110”
Late running train, special train and freight
train will be regulated en-route.
Points Block in BTRA Yard will lead piloting
of trains in Up directions and it will make
movement sluggish.
2 / CBJ-BE / 09:20-13:20
3 / PMR-TSA / 09:50-13:50
4 / BLPU-MK / 10:00-14:00
5 / BTRA Yd-SPN / 10:30-14:30
On 22.04.2018(Sunday) (Up Side)
1 / RYS-BRYC / 03:00
Hrs. / 15:25-18:25 / 1.22453(LJN-MTC) JCO 22.04.18will beregulatedfor 30” en-route.
2.13307(DHN-FZR) JCO 21.04.18will be regulatedfor 30” en-route.
3.15211 (DBG-ASR) JCO 21.04.18 for 60” regulates en-route.
Before allowing block at DAM and DLP, an
assurance will need to be obtained from
PWI, that movement of Dn Train will benormal.
Late running train, special train and freight train
will be regulated en-route.
2 / BRYC-BE / 15:30-18:30
3 / BE-CBJ / 03:00
Hrs. / 11:30-14:30
4 / DAN-MIL / 11:50-14:50
5 / DAM Yd-SAR / 12:10-15:10
6 / DLP Yd / 12:30-15:30

Advise all concerned accordingly. Wide publicity should be given through PA system, newspapers and electronic media. Proper announcement regarding regulation/reschedulingof trains must be ensured for the information of general public. Kindly ensure that safety measures/precautions as per rules are taken at work site during the block.


for G.M./Optg.

Copy:- Secy. to COM for kind information of COM.

Director TT/Punctuality Rly. Board for kind information please.


CPRO/S.E. Road, New Delhi,.Dy. CCM/Database, Sr. DOM’s/NR.