Time Tracker



Tracking time worked

Completing timesheets

Adjusting or correcting timesheets

Requesting time off

Adjusting a time off request

Time off balance details

Key terms

Time Tracker messages


Button/Link / Description
Current Timesheet / Current Timesheet provides you easy access to this week's timesheet.From this page, you can enter your time in and out.You can also record any last-minute time off entries.
Timesheet Archive / On the Timesheet Archive page, you can access past timesheets that are not listed on your home page.
Time Off / On the Time Off page, you can enter your requests for Paid Time Off (PTO), holiday, community service, bereavement leave, and other types of time off.
Balance Details / On the Balance Details window, you can see current balances, including:
•Estimated allowance for the current year
•Carryover hours
•Time taken
•Time scheduled in the future
•Time pending manager approval
•Time available
•Time accrued
Messages / On the Messages page, you can view a history of messages and delete old messages.
Become Another User / On the Become Another User (delegate) page, you can select to become anyone whohas assigned you as a delegate. In this example, Guy Kalus has assigned you as his delegate. If multiple people assign you as a delegate, you can click the drop-down box and choose the user you wish to become.
? Help / Click this link to see scenarios and helpful information about Time Tracker.

Tracking time worked

Step / Action
On the Time Tracker homepage,click either the Current Timesheet buttonor the (current week) link.
In the “in”field next to the date for which you wish to enter time, enter the time in, and in the “out” field, enter the time out.

Note:When entering time, you can use either military time or enter "a" for a.m. and "p" for p.m.
Press TAB to advance to the next field.
Continue to enter all of your time in and out entries.You can use the More button if you have more than two time in and out entries in one day.
You have finished entering your time for the day.Click the Save button.

Completing timesheets

Step / Action
Review any warnings and adjustments, if applicable.
Save the entries for the workweek.Click the Save button.

Click the COMPLETE button to submit the hours for the week.

Read the statement in the attestation popup window then certify that your timesheet is correct by clicking the OK button.

Notice the statuses of completed, not reviewed, and not processed.
  • Completed means that you have submitted your hours for processing.
  • Not Reviewed means that your manager has not yet reviewed the timesheet.
  • Not Processed means that the timesheet has not yet been sent for payroll processing.

Adjusting or correcting timesheets

To adjust a timesheet before Payroll processes it

Step / Action
Go to the timesheet.Click the Uncomplete button.

Adjust the entries as need.
Save the entries.Click the Save button.

The final step is to complete the timesheet.Click the Complete button.

Certify that your timesheet is correct by clicking the OK button.

To adjust a timesheet after Payroll has processed it

Step / Action
Go to the timesheet.Click the Adjust button.

Adjust the entries as need.
Save the entries.Click the Save button.

The final step is to complete the timesheet.Click the Complete button.

Certify that your timesheet is correct by clicking the OK button.

Requesting time off

Method 1 for making future time off requests

Step / Action
Click the Time Off button.

Click the New Request button.

Click the Time Off Type drop-downfield.

Select the time off type:
  • Paid Time Off
  • Holiday (use for floating or actual day)
  • Jury duty
  • Bereavement
  • Community service
  • Miscellaneous absence

Enter the Start Date or select it by clicking the calendar icon.

Enter the End Date or select it by clicking the calendar icon.

Designate the hours and minutes of PTO that you are requesting in the Hours/Minutes Per Day field.
Use the Change Workday Selection link to select days off other than Monday through Friday.
Click the Submit button.

Method 2 for making past or future time off requests

Step / Action
Go to your timesheet for the date required.
Click the Edits drop-downfield.

Choose Time Off on the drop-down list.

To see the time codes, click the magnifying glassicon.

The list of available time codes displays alphabetically.Select the time code:
  • Bereavement
  • Community service
  • Holiday (use for floating or actual day)
  • Jury duty
  • Miscellaneous absence
  • Paid Time Off

Enter the amount of time off hours in the Duration (HH:MM)field.

Click the Save button.

Adjusting a time off request

Method 1 for adjusting future time off requests

Step / Action
Click the Time Off button.

Click the Cancel Request button.

Select the Cancel checkbox next to the entry to delete it.

Click the Submit button.

A message appears to show that your PTO cancel request has been submitted.Click the OK button.

Method 2 for adjusting future time off requests

Step / Action
Go to the timesheet for which you entered the time off request.
Click the Show Applied Overrides link.

Click the Edit Time Off link to edit time off.

Select the Delete checkbox to delete it.

Click the Save button.

The PTO entry has been deleted.

Time off balance details

Item / Description
Estimated Allowance / This is the amount of time you are given for the entire year based on your years of service.
Starting Balance of Carryover / In some instances, you may be able to carry a balance from one year to the next.In these cases, the balance appears in this column.
Taken / This is the amount of time used up to and including today's date.
Scheduled: / This is the amount of time scheduled after today's date.
Pending Approval / These are the requested time off hours that your manager has not yet approved.
Available / This amount is the remaining time off that you have not taken or scheduled.
Accrued / Your estimated allowance amount accrues at a rate of 1/12 per month.This amount reflects the amount up to and including the current month.
Current Balance of Carryover / When a Starting Balance of Carryover is used, this balance reflects the remaining balance up to and including today's date.

Key terms

The following are descriptions of key terms you may come across when using Time Tracker.

Term / Description
Accrued / Amount of the estimated annual allotment of PTO accrued to date. PTO accrues each month at a rate of one-twelfth the team member’s annual allowance. PTO can be used before it is accrued.
Adjustments / A feature used to make a change to a record that has already been processed (exported to payroll). Adjusted timesheets must be approved by the manager or delegate before they can be processed. Once adjusted timesheets are processed, adjustments are included in the next pay. For adjustments of 10 hours or more, managers may request an off-cycle pay through Staff Management.
Available / Remaining time off balance (PTO, community service time, or holiday time) that is available to be scheduled. It is the sum of the estimated allowance less time scheduled, taken, and pending approval.
Balance Override Form – Managers / Form used only during initial transition that enables managers to update PTO balances using information from the Balance Override Worksheet.
Balances / Used to show balance information for PTO, community service time, and holiday time, based on a team member’s eligibility.
Become Another User / Feature that allows delegates to assume the role of a manager who has assigned them as a delegate.
Break Rest Premium / Amount of time that will be paid at the team member’s regular hourly rate for a missed meal or rest break in compliance with state regulations (in California only).
Bereavement / Bereavement time code. Time Tracker tracks the amount of time that has been used for the current year.
Carryover / Paid Time Off that has been carried over from a prior year in accordance with the PTO carryover provision.
Comments / Comments entered by a team member or manager on a nonexempt team member’s timesheet. Comments cannot be edited or deleted after they are saved.
Complete / Like Webtime, Time Tracker includes a Complete button. Team members must click the Complete button at the end of each work week for their timesheet to be processed and paid.
Community Service Time / Community service time code. For eligible team members, the balance for community service time will decrease as time is scheduled.
Current Timesheet / Timesheet for the current week.
Half Times Premium / Premium rate that can be applied by the manager to pay an additional amount equal to one half of the nonexempt team member’s hourly rate for a specified number of hours and minutes on a specific date. This feature is used in only some areas of Wells Fargo.
JURY / Jury Duty time code. Time Tracker tracks the amount of time that has been used for the current year.
Kincare (KIN) / Code used in California to identify a portion of a team member’s PTO that is protected under the state’s Kincare regulation. For eligible team members, the balance for Kincare will decrease as time is scheduled.
Messages / Feature that enables users to view and delete system-generated messages.
Miscellaneous / Miscellaneous absence code. Time Tracker tracks the amount of time that has been used for the current year.
More / Used to access additional time entry fields. It is used on workdays that have more than four time entries.
My Team’s Balances / Used by managers and delegates to view team members’ balance information.
One Times Premium / Premium rate that can be applied by the manager to pay an additional amount equal to the nonexempt team member’s hourly rate for a specified number of hours and minutes on a specific date. This feature is used in only some areas of Wells Fargo.
Overrides / Indicates information that has been entered onto the timesheet, including work time entries and time off.
Overtime / Overtime represents the amount of time that will be paid at 1.5 times the team member’s regular hourly rate.
Pending / Time off that has been requested and is pending manager approval.
Premium / Identifies work time that will be paid above the team member’s regular hourly rate, excluding overtime.
Paid Time Off / Paid time off code. For eligible team members, the balance for paid time off will decrease as time is scheduled.
Regular / Appears in the code summary below the timesheet. It represents the amount of time (in decimals) that will be paid at the team member’s regular hourly rate.
Save / Used to save entries. Users can save timesheet information as they add or update it before they complete the timesheet at the end of the week.
Scheduled / Time off that has been both requested and approved (or automatically processed).
Shift Premium / Represents time eligible under the Shift Differential policy to be paid at a premium rate.
Shift Premium Overtime / Represents time eligible under the Shift Differential policy to be paid at a premium overtime rate.
Status / Timesheets include a status message that indicates the activities performed by the team member, manager, and payroll system, respectively.
Time Off Manager Auto-Process / Feature that allows managers to either require or not require manager review of time off requests.
Taken / Time off that has been recorded for dates in the past.
Time Off / Time off is a collective term to describe various types of time off, including PTO, community service time, holidays, jury duty, and bereavement.
Timesheet Archive / Section of the tool that enables you to view historical timesheet information.
Uncomplete / Before the timesheet is exported to payroll, team members may click the Uncomplete button to make corrections to their timesheets. After making corrections, team members must again click Complete for their timesheets to be processed.
Warnings / Message indicating that information on the timesheet is outside of the standard process and may need additional review. Warning messages do not prevent timesheets from being processed.
Work / Represents the total hours worked, as recorded on the timesheet.

Time Tracker messages

The system keeps managers and team members informed of system activities in many ways. The following sections include in-system messages, most of which are also forwarded to the user’s email address.

Reminder: A delegate must become the manager before he or she can take action. If the request has been acted on, the delegate will no longer be able to view it in the manager’s view.

Action Required

Your home page in Time Tracker includes an Action Required section that keeps you informed of activities requiring your attention.Examples include:

Message / Action Required
Team member (Name) has an adjustment for his or her timesheet for the week of MM/DD/YYYY that is pending your approval. Go to the timesheet to review and approve the adjustment. / Review and approve the adjustment. Timesheet adjustments cannot be processed until they are approved by the manager.
Team member (Name) needs to complete a timesheet for the week of 03/07/2010. If the team member worked or used time off during this week, please have them complete their timesheet immediately. / Remind the team member to complete the timesheet immediately. Only in situations in which team members are unable to complete their own timesheet is a manager or delegate permitted to complete their timesheet on their behalf.
Team member (Name) has completed this week’s timesheet. Please go to the Manager Summary to review this record. / Review the team member’s timesheet, using the Timesheet link in the message or by accessing your Manager Summary.
You have a request for time off from (Name) in your Inbox. Open the message to approve the request. / Review and either approve or reject the team member’s request for time off.

System-generated messages

Time Tracker Support may send system-generated emails or may list the name of the team member to whom the message applies as the sender. Here are some examples:

Subject Line / Description
Your Balance Override form has been processed successfully / This message alerts managers that the Balance Override Form – Managers (submitted during initial transition to the tool) has been processed successfully.
The message includes the team member’s name and a link to the form that was submitted.
Meal or rest break violations / This message alerts managers that a team member’s timesheet includes a meal or rest break violation, where applicable.
Request for time off has been processed. / This message alerts managers and team members that their request for time off has been automatically processed.
Team members losing PTO/holiday eligibility / This message indicates that a change in the team member’s status has been recorded, which changes his or her eligibility for PTO or holiday time. Such a change may cause a negative PTO balance, which would need to be paid back, or an accrual greater than time used, which should be paid to the team member.
Time Tracker has processed a cancelled request for time off for [Employee ID] (Name) / A request to cancel previously approved time off has been processed for the referenced team member.
Time off auto approval request processed [Employee ID] (Name) / A request for time off has been automatically processed for the referenced team member.
Adjusted timesheets have been completed by [Employee ID] / A team member has completed an adjustment to his or her timesheet. Adjusted timesheets require manager approval before they can be processed.
Your request to cancel time off has been processed / This message alerts team members that their request to cancel time off has been processed.
Your request for time off has been approved / This message alerts team members that their request for time off has been approved.
One or more of your balances have been changed. / This message alerts team members that a balance override has been submitted, thereby changing the team member’s balance for PTO, community service time, or holiday.
Timesheets have not been completed / This message indicates that timesheets have not been completed and that immediate action is necessary to ensure that the team member is paid on time.
Request for time off from [Employee ID] (Name) on MM/DD/YYYY / Contains information about a time off request that has been submitted for approval.

Missed rest break or meal period