From Author/Copywriter:
American Minister/Citizen - Magister
c/o [Address]
[City], [State], [ZIP]
Phone [Phone]

Certified Mail #[CertifiedNo]


Noticeto All Foreign UNITED STATES Corporation – Citizens, Employees and Agents.
{OPEN LETTERS: an un-sealed (no envelope) document addressed by a government to all persons whom it may concern.}

Dear U.S. Postmaster General and Postal Agents,

OPEN LETTER OF SAFE-PASSAGE is here and now issued for the American Minister/Ambassador: [Title][Strawman]; First by my power that remained vested in We the People of the United States of America and Second by my standing as an of Age Representative using my Inherit Name of lawful Claim, [Title][TrueName], an American Territorial Magistrate/Sovereign. Thereby this OPEN LETTER OF SAFE-PASSAGE stands forthe American Minister/Ambassador: [Title][Strawman] exempting him civil and criminal arresting charges put forth by all UNITED STATES and Individual STATE Corporate Governmental – Foreign Codes of Law as he is a Foreign Diplomatic and not a Corporate Citizen, Agent or Employee. He is a man of peace and he has the Right of free and unmolested travel and commerce but he maintains the Right of Self Defence when his freedom and peace are broken by an unauthorized foreign infringements.

OPEN LETTER OF CREDIT – as an American Citizen of AGE and by my power as it was vested in We the People of the United States of America, I have issued this LETTER OF CREDIT as my Drawing RIGHTS to the American POST OFFICE ESTATE Depositary byway of my in Trusted Bank Routing #[FGTRouting] to allow for the transferring U.S. POST OFFICE Treasury/Depositary Credited Funds to be used Justly when requested or required by the Law. (Word usage derived from Anderson’s 1889 Law Dictionary.)

Authoritatively Signed and Sealed on: [TodayFull].

American Minister/Citizen: ______

[Title][Strawman]; the American Magister

American Inherit Blood Sovereign: ______

[Title][TrueName]; the Magistrate
The correctly formatted Owner’s name for Lawful Claims.

Page 1: ADDRESSEE Copy – Postmaster General and Postal Agents
Page 2: U.S. Treasury - Federal Financing Bank Copy (to be forwarded by the Postmaster General)
Page 3: CUSTOMER/AUTHOR’S Copy (other governmental agencies to be copied from this copy)

From Author/Copywriter:
American Minister/Citizen - Magister
c/o [Address]
[City], [State], [ZIP]
Phone [Phone]

U.S. Treasury - Federal Financing Bank COPY
Certified Mail # [CertifiedNo]

Noticeto All Foreign UNITED STATES Corporation – Citizens, Employees and Agents.
{OPEN LETTERS: an un-sealed (no envelope) document addressed by a government to all persons whom it may concern.}

Dear U.S. Postmaster General and Postal Agents,

OPEN LETTER OF SAFE-PASSAGE is here and now issued for the American Minister/Ambassador: [Title][Strawman]; First by my power that remained vested in We the People of the United States of America and Second by my standing as an of Age Representative using my Inherit Name of lawful Claim, [Title][TrueName], an American Territorial Magistrate/Sovereign. Thereby this OPEN LETTER OF SAFE-PASSAGE stands forthe American Minister/Ambassador: [Title][Strawman] exempting him civil and criminal arresting charges put forth by all UNITED STATES and Individual STATE Corporate Governmental – Foreign Codes of Law as he is a Foreign Diplomatic and not a Corporate Citizen, Agent or Employee. He is a man of peace and he has the Right of free and unmolested travel and commerce but he maintains the Right of Self Defence when his freedom and peace are broken by an unauthorized foreign infringements.

OPEN LETTER OF CREDIT – as an American Citizen of AGE and by my power as it was vested in We the People of the United States of America, I have issued this LETTER OF CREDIT as my Drawing RIGHTS to the American POST OFFICE ESTATE Depositary byway of my in Trusted Bank Routing #[FGTRouting] to allow for the transferring U.S. POST OFFICE Treasury/Depositary Credited Funds to be used Justly when requested or required by the Law. (Word usage derived from Anderson’s 1889 Law Dictionary.)

Authoritatively Signed and Sealed on: [TodayFull].

American Minister/Citizen: ______

[Title][Strawman]; the American Magister

American Inherit Blood Sovereign: ______

[Title][TrueName]; the Magistrate
The correctly formatted Owner’s name for Lawful Claims.

To be forwarded by the Postmaster General:
Federal Financing Bank (the Postal Bank)

U.S. Department of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20220

Phone: 202-622-2470

Fax: 202-622-0707

From Author/Copywriter:
[Title] [Strawman]
American Minister/Citizen - Magister
c/o [Address]
[City], [State], [ZIP]
Phone [Phone]

Certified Mail # [CertifiedNo]

Noticeto All Foreign UNITED STATES Corporation – Citizens, Employees and Agents.
{OPEN LETTERS: an un-sealed (no envelope) document addressed by a government to all persons whom it may concern.}

Dear U.S. Postmaster General and Postal Agents,

OPEN LETTER OF SAFE-PASSAGE is here and now issued for the American Minister/Ambassador: [Title][Strawman]; First by my power that remained vested in We the People of the United States of America and Second by my standing as an of Age Representative using my Inherit Name of lawful Claim, [Title][TrueName], an American Territorial Magistrate/Sovereign. Thereby this OPEN LETTER OF SAFE-PASSAGE stands forthe American Minister/Ambassador: [Title][Strawman] exempting him civil and criminal arresting charges put forth by all UNITED STATES and Individual STATE Corporate Governmental – Foreign Codes of Law as he is a Foreign Diplomatic and not a Corporate Citizen, Agent or Employee. He is a man of peace and he has the Right of free and unmolested travel and commerce but he maintains the Right of Self Defence when his freedom and peace are broken by an unauthorized foreign infringements.

OPEN LETTER OF CREDIT – as an American Citizen of AGE and by my power as it was vested in We the People of the United States of America, I have issued this LETTER OF CREDIT for my Minister [Title][Strawman] as my Drawing RIGHTS to the American POST OFFICE ESTATE Depositary byway of my in Trusted Bank Routing #[FGTRouting] to allow for the transferring U.S. POST OFFICE Treasury/Depositary Credited Funds to be used Justly when requested or required by the Law. (Word usage derived from Anderson’s 1889 Law Dictionary.)

Authoritatively Signed and Sealed on: [TodayFull].

American Minister/Citizen: ______

[Title][Strawman]; the American Magister

American Inherit Blood Sovereign: ______

[Title][TrueName]; the Magistrate
The correctly formatted Owner’s name for Lawful Claims.

COPY to Customer/Author after being Posted and Accepted.

Page 1 of 4OPEN LETTER