Municipal Regional Permit
Meeting 1: Municipal Maintenance Work Team
October 17, 2005- 9:00 am -12:15 pm
Meeting Summary
Meeting Attendees:
Kristy McCumby, City of SunnyvaleHabte Kifle, SF Bay RWQCB)
Lorenzo Smith, City of HaywardJohn Fusco, SCVURPPP
Meeting participants introduced themselves and provided relevant work experience.
Review of Our Role and Ground Rules
Information (two-page letter) regarding Work Group roles and ground rules was distributed. Meeting participants understand their role and goal of the Municipal Maintenance Work Group.
Decide on Procedures
Other interested parties were invited to the meeting. They included Joshua Bradt of Urban Creeks Council, Sejal Choksi of BayKeeper, and Mondy Lariz of Resource Program Management Consulting (RPMC). John Fusco will take notes and prepare the meeting summary. The summary will be distributed to BASMAA members and Water Board staff.
Overview Assignment and Expectations
The expectations of the Work Group is to “fill in the columns” of the draft Performance Standard Tables. This effort includes providing a list of BMPs, level of implementation for each BMP and recording/reporting BMP implementation. Final Performance Standard Tables will be part of the Regional Permit. It is the Water Board’s goal to have the draft Performance Standard Tables finalized by February 2006 and the Regional Permit adopted in early summer 2006.
Identify and Prioritize Tasks
To begin the discussion, the draft Performance Standard Table for Municipal Maintenance Activities was provided by Water Board staff. It was stated by Water Board staff that the Performance Standard Table contained language from three Bay-area permits and URMPs (i.e., San Mateo, Alameda and Contra Costa); and other storm water permits in CA and WA. During the review of the draft Performance Table by municipal staff representatives, it appeared that some of the BMPs listed were actually the level of implementation for a BMP. It was suggested that the Work Group begin to develop a list of specific BMPs before starting with implementation levels. As a starting point, municipal staff provided a list of BMPs which describe a baseline level of effort for municipal maintenance activities based on the City of Sunnyvale URMP. Habte Kifle stated that Water Board prefers a more prescriptive permit in order to measure effectiveness. He mentioned that this approach is necessary to ensure that requirements are adequately addressed. Municipal staff stressed that the draft Performance Standard Table presented by Water Board staff provided the level of implementation rather than a baseline level of effort. It was also suggested that the Work Group combine the language from the draft table and the list of BMPs describing the baseline effort. The Work Group started to discuss the BMPs and discussed what information would be the level of BMP implementation. The draft Performance Standard Table developed by the Water Board was discussed and modified in accordance with the Instructions pertaining to Column 1. The Work Group was able to discuss and modify approximately 1/3 of the draft Performance Table in the time allotted.
Review Action Items and Wrap-up
Prior to the next meeting, Work Group participants agreed to continue modifying the draft Performance Standard Table “off-line”. Suggested edits would be discussed at the next meeting. In addition, any baseline efforts that were omitted would be included. BMPs that were presented as implementation levels would be moved to Column 2. In addition, the Work Group plans to review and discuss the suggested modifications to the Performance Standard table (for sections that were not discussed at this meeting) at the next scheduled meeting.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 28, 2005 from 1:00 to 3:30 at the RWQCB, Oakland.
c:\documents and settings\hk\my documents\smstoppp\npdes permit\mun maintenance permit language\work team meetings\mrp_101705.doc