General Services Administration

Professional Service Schedule – 00CORP

Contract GS00F067GA

U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)

Federal Acquisition Service

Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List

Information Technology Coalition (ITC)

4713-A Eisenhower Ave.

Alexandria, VA 22304

Tel: (703) 894-4444 | Fax: (703) 894-4445 |

Schedule for: Professional Services Schedule (PSS)

Industrial Group: 00CORPClass:

Contract Number: GS00F067GA

For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules

click on the FSS Schedules button at

Contract Period: December 16, 2016 through December 15, 2021

On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order is available through GSA Advantage!™, a menu-driven database system. The INTERNET address for GSA Advantage!™ is:


4713A Eisenhower Ave
Alexandria, VA223044805

Business Size:Small, Veteran Owned, Service-Disabled Business

In accordance with 13 C.F.R. 121.404, the Contractor is ineligible to participate in any RFQ that is set aside for small business where the subject contract’s awarded size status for the preponderance NAICS designated in the RFQ is “other than small”.



FAX Number:703-894-4445

Web Site:


Contract Administration:Greg Fitzgerald


1a.Table of Awarded Special Item Number(s) with appropriate cross-reference to page numbers:

SINRecoverySIN Description

520-1520-1RCProgram Financial Advisor



520-13520-13RCComplementary Financial Management Services

520-21520-21RCProgram Management Services

874-1874-1RCIntegrated Consulting Services

874-7874-7RCIntegrated Business Program Support Services

C595-21C595-21RCHuman Resource Services

1b.Identification of the lowest priced model number and lowest unit price for that model for each special item number awarded in the contract. This price is the Government price based on a unit of one, exclusive of any quantity/dollar volume, prompt payment, or any other concession affecting price. Those contracts that have unit prices based on the geographic location of the customer, should show the range of the lowest price, and cite the areas to which the prices apply.

1c. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates a description of all corresponding commercial job titles, experience, functional responsibility and education for those types of employees or subcontractors who will perform services shall be provided. If hourly rates are not applicable, indicate “Not applicable” for this item.

2.Maximum Order: $1,000,000.00

3.Minimum Order: $100.00

4.Geographic Coverage (delivery Area): Domestic only

5.Point(s) of production (city, county, and state or foreign country): Same as company address

6.Discount from list prices or statement of net price: Government net prices (discounts already deducted). See Attachment.

7.Quantity discounts: None Offered

8.Prompt payment terms: 0.5% - 15 days, Net 30 days

9a.Notification that Government purchase cards are accepted up to the micro-purchase threshold: Yes

9b.Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micro-purchase threshold: will not accept over $3,000

10.Foreign items (list items by country of origin): None

11a.Time of Delivery (Contractor insert number of days): Specified on the Task Order

11b.Expedited Delivery. The Contractor will insert the sentence “Items available for expedited delivery are noted in this price list.” under this heading. The Contractor may use a symbol of its choosing to highlight items in its price list that have expedited delivery: Contact Contractor

11c.Overnight and 2-day delivery. The Contractor will indicate whether overnight and 2-day delivery are available. Also, the Contractor will indicate that the schedule customer may contact the Contractor for rates for overnight and 2-day delivery: Contact Contractor

11d.Urgent Requirements. The Contractor will note in its price list the “Urgent Requirements” clause of its contract and advise agencies that they can also contact the Contractor’s representative to effect a faster delivery: Contact Contractor

12.F.O.B Points(s): Destination

13a.Ordering Address(es): Same as Contractor

13b.Ordering procedures: For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s), and a sample BPA can be found at the GSA/FSS Schedule homepage (

14.Payment address(es): Same as company address

15.Warranty provision.: Contractor’s standard commercial warranty.

16.Export Packing Charges (if applicable): N/A

17.Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance (any thresholds above the micro-purchase level): Contact Contractor

18.Terms and conditions of rental, maintenance, and repair (if applicable): N/A

19.Terms and conditions of installation (if applicable): N/A

20.Terms and conditions of repair parts indicating date of parts price lists and any discounts from list prices (if applicable): N/A

20a.Terms and conditions for any other services (if applicable): N/A

21.List of service and distribution points (if applicable): N/A

22.List of participating dealers (if applicable): N/A

23. Preventive maintenance (if applicable): N/A

24a. Environmental attributes, e.g., recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants: N/A

24b. If applicable, indicate that Section 508 compliance information is available on Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) supplies and services and show where full details can be found (e.g. contactor’s website or other location.) The EIT standards can be found at:

25.Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number: 787042998

26. Notification regarding registration in Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database: Registered

27.Final Pricing:

The rates shown below include the Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) of 0.75%.

Item / SIN / Awarded Labor Category / Site / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
1 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Administrative Assistant 1 / Both / $59.37 / $60.56 / $61.77 / $63.00 / $64.26
2 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Administrative Assistant 2 / Both / $69.72 / $71.11 / $72.54 / $73.99 / $75.47
3 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Administrative/Office Clerk - Junior / Both / $27.98 / $28.54 / $29.11 / $29.69 / $30.29
4 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Business Process Engineer / Both / $122.46 / $124.91 / $127.41 / $129.96 / $132.56
5 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Business Subject Matter Expert - Senior / Both / $120.91 / $123.33 / $125.80 / $128.32 / $130.88
6 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Cost Analyst / Both / $76.16 / $77.68 / $79.23 / $80.82 / $82.44
7 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Data Analyst - Junior / Both / $29.29 / $29.87 / $30.47 / $31.08 / $31.70
8 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Data Analyst / Both / $64.79 / $66.08 / $67.40 / $68.75 / $70.13
9 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Data Analyst - Senior / Both / $74.81 / $76.31 / $77.83 / $79.39 / $80.98
10 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Financial Analyst - Junior / Both / $50.97 / $51.99 / $53.03 / $54.09 / $55.17
11 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Financial Analyst / Both / $70.73 / $72.14 / $73.59 / $75.06 / $76.56
12 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Financial Analyst - Senior / Both / $84.79 / $86.48 / $88.21 / $89.98 / $91.78
13 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Functional Analyst II / Both / $50.40 / $51.41 / $52.44 / $53.49 / $54.56
14 / 595 21/RC / HR Assistant - 2 / Both / $29.35 / $29.93 / $30.53 / $31.14 / $31.76
15 / 595 21/RC / HR Assistant - 3 / Both / $32.12 / $32.76 / $33.42 / $34.08 / $34.77
16 / 595 21/RC / HR Specialist - 1 (Junior) / Both / $33.12 / $33.78 / $34.45 / $35.14 / $35.85
17 / 595 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC / HR Support Specialist - 2 / Both / $47.29 / $48.24 / $49.20 / $50.19 / $51.19
18 / 595 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC / HR Support Specialist - 3 / Both / $56.24 / $57.36 / $58.51 / $59.68 / $60.87
19 / 595 21/RC / HR Specialist - 4 (Senior) / Both / $69.82 / $71.22 / $72.64 / $74.10 / $75.58
20 / 595 21/RC / HR Supervisor / Both / $78.98 / $80.56 / $82.17 / $83.81 / $85.49
21 / 595 21/RC / HR Task Leader / Both / $91.36 / $93.19 / $95.05 / $96.95 / $98.89
22 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / ISSO Computer Systems Security Engineer / Both / $99.34 / $101.33 / $103.35 / $105.42 / $107.53
23 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Management Consultant / Both / $92.84 / $94.70 / $96.59 / $98.52 / $100.49
24 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Management Consultant - Senior / Both / $107.02 / $109.16 / $111.34 / $113.57 / $115.84
25 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Program Analyst/Developer I / Both / $51.18 / $52.20 / $53.25 / $54.31 / $55.40
26 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Program Analyst/Developer II / Both / $61.76 / $63.00 / $64.26 / $65.54 / $66.86
27 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Program Manager / Both / $136.38 / $139.10 / $141.89 / $144.72 / $147.62
28 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Project Manager / Both / $94.62 / $96.51 / $98.44 / $100.41 / $102.42
29 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Security Engineer - Senior / Both / $131.65 / $134.28 / $136.97 / $139.71 / $142.50
30 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Subject Matter Expert - 1 / Both / $134.66 / $137.35 / $140.10 / $142.90 / $145.76
31 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Subject Matter Expert - 2 / Both / $168.57 / $171.95 / $175.38 / $178.89 / $182.47
32 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / System Analyst III / Both / $69.00 / $70.38 / $71.78 / $73.22 / $74.68
33 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Systems Administrator - Senior / Both / $70.90 / $72.32 / $73.77 / $75.24 / $76.75
34 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Systems Architect / Both / $126.97 / $129.51 / $132.10 / $134.74 / $137.44
35 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Systems Engineer / Both / $140.16 / $142.96 / $145.82 / $148.73 / $151.71
36 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Technical Writer/Editor / Both / $51.05 / $52.07 / $53.11 / $54.18 / $55.26

Service Contract Act (SCA) Matrix

SCA Eligible Labor Category / SCA Equivalent Code Title / Wage Determination No
HR Assistant 2 / 01262 - Personnel Assistant (Employment) II / 05-2103
HR Assistant 3 / 01263 -Personnel Assistant (Employment) III / 05-2103
Administrative Assistant 1 / 01112 - General Clerk II / 05-2103
Administrative Assistant 2 / 01113 -General Clerk III / 05-2103
Administrative/Office Clerk - Junior / 01020 - Administrative Assistant / 05-2103

The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract and it includes SCA applicable labor categories. The prices for the indicated (**) SCA labor categories are based on the U.S. Department of Labor Wage Determination Number(s) identified in the SCA matrix. The prices awarded are in line with the geographic scope of the contract (i.e. nationwide).


LABOR CATEGORY / SIN(s) / FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY / Education Required / Relevant Experience Required
Administrative Assistant 1 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Provides administrative support to all services areas, including preparation of documents, reports, briefings, and correspondence. Maintains files, records, and on-line databases. Assists physical security monitoring, personnel security clearance, key control, health and safety monitoring. / H.S. / 2 years
Administrative Assistant 2 / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Provides administrative support to all services areas, including preparation of documents, reports, briefings, and correspondence. Maintains files, records, and on-line databases. Assists physical security monitoring, personnel security clearance, key control, health and safety monitoring. / H.S. / 5 years
Administrative/Office Clerk - Junior / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Provide administrative support to project managers, division directors, and program offices. Perform work by creating, generating and manipulating data for documents, spreadsheets, and databases. Knowledge and experienced on personnel computers and various office software to perform work associated with word processing, spreadsheets, and databases. Enters, revises, sorts, calculates or retrieves data and generates reports for a variety of automated tracking systems/databases. Other duties may include: Answering the telephone, process incoming and outgoing mail in support. Possess strong oral and written communication capabilities. / H.S. / 1 years
Business Process Engineer / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Applies business process improvement practices to reengineer methodologies/principles and business process modernization projects. Applies, as appropriate, activity and data modeling, transaction flow analysis, internal control and risk analysis and modern business methods and performance measurement techniques. / BA/BS in Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Math or related discipline. / 8-plus years
Business Subject Matter Expert - Senior / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Provides insight and advice concerning strategic direction and applicability of up to date, industry standard solutions based on in-depth understanding of the latest developments. Responsible for providing high level vision to program/project manager or senior leadership to influence objectives of complex efforts. Provides guidance on the functional procedures/processes/policies reflecting detailed knowledge of functional areas. May lead in-depth research in support of studies and analyses. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 10-plus years
Cost Analyst / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Provides cost estimating and analysis support in areas such as existing pricing and rate structures. Understands activities which occur during the total acquisition life cycle, and conducts analytical studies involving complex technical parameters, logistics requirements, schedules constraints and similar cost-influencing factors. Evaluates acquisition budget and financial systems, procurement specifications and contractual obligations to the extent they affect cost. Has knowledge of the cost estimating environment including industry and particularly government cost analysis organizations, data sources, and cost data utilization. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 5-9 years
Data Analyst - Junior / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Applies knowledge and experience to obtain, integrate and report client data; develops and applies analytic methodologies and principles. Leads the application of analytic techniques and helps define project objectives and strategic direction. Resolve complex problems, which require in-depth knowledge of analytic methodologies and principles. Analyzes acquisition data, formulates conclusions and recommendations, designs and develops materials and evaluates effectiveness in accordance with stated guidelines, specifications, and models. Conducts research, data gathering, and technical reviews. Produces written deliverables to include reports, spreadsheets, databases, formal process mapping, technical design, system testing and implementation activities. Troubleshoot issues in reports related to data. Assimilates, integrates, and interfaces technical knowledge with business/system requirements. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 2-4 years
Data Analyst / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Applies knowledge and experience to obtain, integrate and report client data; develops and applies analytic methodologies and principles. Leads the application of analytic techniques and helps define project objectives and strategic direction. Resolve complex problems, which require in-depth knowledge of analytic methodologies and principles. Analyzes acquisition data, formulates conclusions and recommendations, designs and develops materials and evaluates effectiveness in accordance with stated guidelines, specifications, and models. Conducts research, data gathering, and technical reviews. Produces written deliverables to include reports, spreadsheets, databases, formal process mapping, technical design, system testing and implementation activities. Troubleshoot issues in reports related to data. Assimilates, integrates, and interfaces technical knowledge with business/system requirements. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 5-9 years
Data Analyst - Senior / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Applies knowledge and experience to obtain, integrate and report client data; develops and applies analytic methodologies and principles. Leads the application of analytic techniques and helps define project objectives and strategic direction. Resolve complex problems, which require in-depth knowledge of analytic methodologies and principles. Analyzes acquisition data, formulates conclusions and recommendations, designs and develops materials and evaluates effectiveness in accordance with stated guidelines, specifications, and models. Conducts research, data gathering, and technical reviews. Produces written deliverables to include reports, spreadsheets, databases, formal process mapping, technical design, system testing and implementation activities. Troubleshoot issues in reports related to data. Assimilates, integrates, and interfaces technical knowledge with business/system requirements. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 10-plus years
Financial Analyst - Junior / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Analyzes acquisition financial information flows; designs and operates financial systems; performs special studies; and reports results to improve the overall operational and financial effectiveness for the program/project. Analyzes and interprets financial data to determine cost benefits, performance, trends and for forecast financial probability. Records, classifies, and summarizes financial transactions and events in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and applicable laws and regulations. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 2-4 years
Financial Analyst / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Analyzes acquisition financial information flows; designs and operates financial systems; performs special studies; and reports results to improve the overall operational and financial effectiveness for the program/project. Analyzes and interprets financial data to determine cost benefits, performance, trends and for forecast financial probability. Records, classifies, and summarizes financial transactions and events in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and applicable laws and regulations. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 5-9 years
Financial Analyst - Senior / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Analyzes acquisition financial information flows; designs and operates financial systems; performs special studies; and reports results to improve the overall operational and financial effectiveness for the program/project. Analyzes and interprets financial data to determine cost benefits, performance, trends and for forecast financial probability. Records, classifies, and summarizes financial transactions and events in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and applicable laws and regulations. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 10-plus years
Functional Analyst II / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Analyzes user needs to determine functional and cross-functional requirements, and identifies required tasks and their interrelationships. Identifies resources required for each task. Coordinates with Project Control Specialist to provide daily supervision and direction to support staff. Coordinates team technical evaluations/analyses and studies. Manages the fact-finding, analysis and development of hypothesis/conclusions, production of final reports and delivery of presentations. Prepares reports and gives presentations documenting analyses, project status, risks and issues, etc. Leads low to moderately complex projects and major phases of small to moderately large projects. Responsible for ensuring that the project delivers to government expectations on time and to budget. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 5-7 years
HR Assistant - 2 / 595 21/RC / Provides human resource support assistance to more senior Human Resource Support Specialists, including processing personnel actions, employee development, and training information, and employee benefits. Maintains files and records, and generates reports. / H.S. / 4 years
HR Assistant - 3 / 595 21/RC / Provides human resource support assistance to more senior Human Resource Support Specialists, including processing personnel actions, employee development, and training information, and employee benefits. Maintains files and records, and generates reports. / H.S. / 8 years
HR Specialist – 1 (Junior) / 595 21/RC / Provides human resource support assistance, including processing personnel actions, employee development, and training information, and employee benefits. Maintains files and records, and generates reports. Provides guidance and consultation to Human Resource Assistants. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 0 years
HR Specialist - 2 / 595 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC / Provides human resource support assistance, including processing personnel actions, employee development, and training information, and employee benefits. Maintains files and records, and generates reports. Provides guidance and consultation to Human Resource Assistants. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 4 years
HR Specialist - 3 / 595 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC / Provides human resource support assistance, including processing personnel actions, employee development, and training information, and employee benefits. Maintains files and records, and generates reports. Provides guidance and consultation to Human Resource Assistants. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 8 years
HR Specialist – 4 (Senior) / 595 21/RC / Provides human resource support assistance, including processing personnel actions, employee development, and training information, and employee benefits. Maintains files and records, and generates reports. Provides guidance and consultation to Human Resource Assistants. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 12 years
HR Supervisor / 595 21/RC / Responsible for providing information and supervision regarding policies and regulations; addressing a variety of issues and/or providing general support; overseeing the maintenance of records, files and databases of personnel actions, evaluations, licensure, and tenure ensuring that personnel functions conform to all applicable regulatory requirements. Serves as an HR manager when responsibilities deem necessary. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 10 years
HR Task Leader / 595 21/RC / Possess a comprehensive range of knowledge and experience of the function areas assigned. Ensure successful task completion within the scheduled timeframe consistent with the established scope of work to include technical solutions. Applies knowledge of the entire customer organization to recommend and coordinate development, enhancement and maintenance of business systems and processes. Develops project plans and milestones, status reports and other deliverable, and monitors the execution of the task for quality and against planned timelines. / BA/BS
(relevant field) / 5 years
ISSO Computer Systems Security Engineer / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Analyze and define security requirements for multilevel security issues. Design, develop, engineer, and implement solutions to MLS requirements. Gather and organize technical information about the mission goals and needs, existing security products and ongoing programs in the arena. Perform risk analysis including risk assessments. / BA/BS in Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Math or related discipline. / 2-4 years
Management Consultant / 520 1/RC, 520 11/RC, 520 12/RC, 520 13/RC, 520 21/RC, 874 1/RC, 874 7/RC, 595 21/RC / Possesses requisite knowledge and provides customized business-focused objective advice, expertise and specialist skills to create value and improve business strategy, internal processes and program/project performance. Supports development of business plans, policies and procedural documentation and other deliverables in support of executing decisions. Assists with devising and implementing performance measures and related processes and systems. Maintains responsibility for managing business solutions, delegating appropriate resources, and fostering quality assurance principles across projects and deliverables and resolving issues. Organizes, directs and coordinates the planning and production of activities. Oversees process and productivity improvement, systems alignment, organizational assessments, and program audits and evaluations. Crafts and enforces quality control programs. / BA/BS