7300 East Troy Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Director: Aaron Irwin – 317-353-2444 Superintendent: Deb Louden
Judge: Larry Paxson
- Entry fee on all OPEN CLASS POULTRY & WATERFOWL is $2.00 per bird, due with entry. Send check or money order payable to MARION COUNTY FAIR.
- Any Marion County 4-Her exhibiting in both the 4-H Poultry project and in Open Class Poultry or Waterfowl will have a special entry fee of $1.00 per bird.
- Entries close July 15, 2008. Send entries to Don Glowinski, P.O. Box 39225, Indianapolis, IN 46239. It must be postmarked by July 15, 2008. No late entries accepted.
- Judging will be Tuesday, July 22 at 10:00 AM. Open class will be judged first, followed by 4-H poultry.
- Classes will be provided for Cock, Hen, Cockerel, and Pullet in all recognized varieties of Standard and Bantam Poultry, ducks, geese and guinea fowl. Mark ALL entries whether Standard or Bantam and the variety.
- Poultry will be received Thursday, July 17, 6:00 to 8:00 PM; must be cooped by Monday, July 21 at 12 noon. Entries will be released July 25 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. ALL birds must be out by 8:00 PM so the building can be cleaned for the next show.
- No chickens, turkeys, or game birds will be allowed in the Poultry Building unless documents demonstrating that birds originated from a National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) certified Pullorum-Typhoid clean flock; or have a negative Pullorum-Typhoid test within ninety (90) days preceding exhibition.
- No poultry may be exhibited showing signs of infectious or communicable disease or excessive signs of external parasite infestation.
- Premiums of $2.50 for 1st place; $1.50 for 2nd place, and $1.00 for 3rd place will be paid on classes with a minimum of five (5) birds exhibited per breed. Ribbons to fifth place will be awarded. Rosettes for Champion and Reserve Champions will be awarded in each of the following: American, Asiatic, Mediterranean, English and Ornamentals.
- Exhibitors must provide their own waterers and feeders.
- Please enter fairground through Gate 5 on Fisher Road.