Child and FamilyGuidanceCenter – Balboa
Testing Clerkship 2015-2016
A comprehensive training program for psychology students
to learn child and adolescent psychological assessment
Positions Available:1-2 Bilingual Spanish/English position
and/or 1-2 English-only speaking position
The Center provides quality mental health services to youth and their families who have or are at-risk for experiencing complex trauma. The clinic population is ethnically and socio-economically diverse.The testing clerk will have an opportunity to develop and learn a range of psychological testing skills including: diagnostic clarification, evaluating impact of trauma on development, Therapeutic/Collaborative Assessment, assessing the client’s cognitive, emotional, and developmental functioning, report writing, and providing feedback.
Clerk Responsibilities & Hours
Testing Seminar/Group Supervision 1hour
Individual Testing Supervision 1 hour
Testingrelated activities13 hours
Total hours per week 15 hours
Application Procedures
Prerequisite: The applicant must have taken and completed graduate coursework in psychological testing before applying for this clerkship.
Please email the following directly to Joy Malik-Hasbrook, PsyD: Letter of Intent, Curriculum Vitae, a copy of a de-identified testing report (class assignments are acceptable) and two letters of recommendation.Please note for this year only an early application and notification date. Please send above information byJanuary 29, 2016. Notification will be on February 19, 2016
Contact information: Joy Malik-Hasbrook, PsyD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist PSY22923
Psychodiagnostic Coordinator
8550 Balboa Blvd, CA 91325P: (818) 830-0200 F:(818) 830-0206
Questions and Answers
1) When does the training program begin?
The training begins the first week of September and typically continues until August. Orientation will take place on three full days during the first week of September. Position includes 30 hours vacation time, 15 hours sick time, and holidays.
2) Am I required to be at the center on any particular day?
The clerk will be expected to be at the center on Mondays 2:00pm-3:00pm for the testing seminar/group supervision (please note the day and time may change based the needs of students and/or supervisor) .The other hours can be scheduled on Mondays, Wednesdays, and/or Fridays.
3) What kind of training should I expect to receive?
Training will include the administration, scoring and interpretation of comprehensive test batteries in addition to report writing, and providing feedback. Training includesthe assessment cognitive, developmental, achievement, and emotional functioning of children and adolescents. Furthermore the clerk will learn how to identify referral questions, develop test batteries, and provide feedback to youth, their families, and treatment teams.
The testing seminar and individual supervision focuses on the following areas of assessment:
- Learning various measures to assess: intellectual functioning, achievement, complex trauma, attachment issues, attention and executive functioning, depression and anxiety, object relations, learning disorders, developmental delays, adaptive functioning, and pervasive developmental disorders.
- Therapeutic/Collaborative Assessment
- Conducting feedback sessions
- Report Writing
- Comprehensive Recommendations
- Case presentation