Huckleberry Finn Portfolio Project

English 11: Semester II

  1. Creative Cover- 10 POINTS
  2. Table of Contents-TYPED -5 POINTS

Ten Quotations……….Page 3

Favorite Scene ……Page 4

Social Networking…………Page 5

  1. Ten Quotable Quotes- TYPED- 30 POINTS

As you are reading the novel, write down lines that you think have an important significance to the story. You must copy the line(s), page number and write a two sentence explanation/analysis of the quote.

  1. Favorite Scene-TYPED-20 POINTS

In the first paragraph (7-10 sentences), write about your favorite part of the book. Describe what is happening with the characters in the story. In the second paragraph (7-10 sentences) tell why you like that scene/action/or characters in that scene.

  1. Social Networking-Twitter-TYPED-15 POINTS

Pick a character from the book and post ten “tweets” from the point of view of this particular character. According to Twitter, each “tweet” can consist of 140 characters. Many of you tweet regular tweeters, so this should be easy for you!

  1. Superstitions-TYPED-20 POINTS

In the first paragraph (7-10 sentences) you need to write about the many superstitions throughout the novel. You can use a variety of them, they do not all need to be specific to one particular character.

In the second paragraph (7-10 sentences) you need to write about any superstitions you might have. It might have to do with sports, maybe you have a lucky t-shirt you wear under your jersey and don’t wash it the whole season. Explain the superstition, how it started and why you do it.

  1. Re-write the ending-TYPED-15 POINTS

For many, the last part of Huck Finn seems to be focused solely on Tom Sawyer. This fact bothers many critics of the novel. Now you have the power to change the ending of Huck Finn. Feel free to experiment with Twain’s use of Southern dialect and you may start the ending wherever you find fit to start. I am looking for approximately one page (can be double-spaced). Please be creative yet stay true to the storyline and Huck’s adventure.

  1. I am from poem…- 10 POINTS

Using the template I handed out in class, you will write this poem from the point-of-view of one of the characters.

  1. Scrapbook Page/Facebook Page/MySpace Page-15 POINTS

Huck and Jim had some fantastic adventures heading down the Mississippi River. They met a wide variety of people and saw quite a few beautiful sites. Pretend you are Jim, what did you collect along the way? Please put 5 items on a scrapbook page and write a brief description of what they mean to him. If you do a MySpace or Facebook page, please make it true to life as if Jim is talking about the things that he collected. He can have Fans, Likes and Friends too!

  1. Scrapbook Page/Facebook Page/MySpace Page-15 POINTS

Huck and Jim had some fantastic adventures heading down the Mississippi River. They met a wide variety of people and saw quite a few beautiful sites. Pretend you are Huck, what did you collect along the way? Please put 5 items on a scrapbook page and write a brief description of what they mean to him. If you do a MySpace or Facebook page, please make it true to life as if Jim is talking about the things that he collected. He can have Fans, Likes and Friends too!

  1. Rolling down the River Itinerary-20 POINTS

Using the map that we used to track Huck and Jim’s journey, you will be creating a travel brochure of the setting using the different places that Huck and Jim went to along the Mississippi. This will require you to do some real research about these places so that if someone wanted to relive Huck and Jim’s journey, they have it ALL in your brochure. What to see, where to eat, what to do, etc. There are brochures templates available on WORD and on PUBLISHER.

  1. Letter to the Editor-10 POINTS

Using your persuasive skills, please write a letter to the editor either persuading or dissuading people from reading the novel Huckleberry Finn. Max 250 words. Use lines from the story to support your opinion and cite those pages in your text.

  1. A song parody- 15 POINTS

Think of your favorite song…now change the words to fit Huck Finn! You must do atleast the first three stanzas and a refrain. Give it a new title and then under the title put (to the melody of…) and whatever the original song it. Think Weird Al, SNL, Bob and Tom show where people make up new lyrics to already created melodies. Have fun!

Total Points 200 POINTS