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Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Management

P.O. Box 997377, MS 7418, 1616 Capitol Avenue, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95899-7377

(916) 449-5600; Fax: (916) 449-5656; TDD (916)449-5592

Internet Address:





«City», CA «Zip»

SDWSRF PLANNING APPLICATION MATERIALS -- Project No. «WS_num»-«Proj_num» Category:«Category»


The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is pleased to invite you to submit a Planning Application for funding for the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SDWSRF). We appreciate your interest in this program and are committed to providing any assistance you may need in understanding and completing the application. It is essential that you immediately proceed with submitting the documents specified in this invitation.

The application packet for the SDWSRF Planning funding is enclosed. If you are uncertain as to the eligibility of any part of your project, or have questions regarding the application process, please contact the District Office for your water system for clarification (see Enclosure 7). In addition, you may wish to refer to the SDWSRF program website at

The document labeled Enclosure0D must be postmarked on or before January 11, 2010. All of the required application documents must have a valid postmark; electronic copies will not be accepted. Invited water systems thatdo not submit the required documents by the specified deadline will be bypassed for SDWSRF funding.

The application packet consists of the following documents:

  1. Financial Documents (Enclosure 0D) (Encl. 0A, 0B, and 0C are not applicable)
  2. Application for Planning Funds 2009 and Applicant’s Checklist (Enclosures1Ap and 1Bp)
  3. PlanningApplication Guidelines and Instructions 2009 (Enclosure 2p)
  4. Planning Project Report (Enclosure 3p)
  5. Special Notice Regarding Federal Cross-Cutting Requirements (Enclosure 4p)
  6. Guide to Online to CDPH Environmental Forms(Enclosure 5)
  7. Technical, Managerial, and Financial (TMF) Assessment Forms and Criteria for Community or Non-Community Water Systems (Enclosure 6p)
  8. Map of Drinking Water District Offices (Enclosure 7) (Encl.8 is not applicable)
  9. SDWSRF Enhancing Project Impact Document (Enclosure 9)(Encl. 10 is not applicable)
  10. Proposition 218 Information (Enclosure 11)
  11. Sample Resolution for Application (Enclosure 12)
  12. Sample Resolution for Planning Funding Agreement (Enclosure 13p)

A complete application for this project must be submitted no later than February 4, 2010, in order to be considered for funding under the 2009 Statement of Intent. Systems thatdo not submit a complete application by February 4, 2010, will be by-passed for this funding cycle. If your project is by-passed, the project application will not be processed until a new invitation to apply is offered to your system for the project in a future funding year.

The SDWSRF program processes funding applications in the order complete applications are received. Technical, financial, and environmental reviews of each completed application are conducted to determine whether the proposed project meets fundability requirements for this program. The SDWSRF program will make funding offers to applicants whose projects meet the fundability requirements, subject to the availability of funds. Funding offers under the 2009 Statement of Intent will first be extended to the highest ranked projects that complete the application and review process.

Please note that ProjectNumber [«WS_num»-«Proj_num»]has been assigned to this application. This number should be utilized on all correspondence with CDPH concerning the project to distinguish this project from any other requested by your water system.

You are the only representative of your water system receiving this letter and enclosures. If someone else from your water system should receive this letter, please provide him/her with a copy of the letter and enclosures. If an update is needed to your water system’s list of contacts, please provide the updated contact information to your district office.

Thank you for your interest in the SDWSRF funding program. If you are missing any of the items listed above, please contact CDPH by phone at (916) 449-5600 or email at .


Stephen A. Woods, Assistant Chief

Division of Drinking Water

and Environmental Management


cc:«District» Engineer

Project File