Your Kennel Name:
Your Name:

Briefly (up to 400 words) tell us about your kennel and the services you offer if any:

[The Sled Dogger] How many dogs do you have at your kennel and of that number, how many do you run?


[The Sled Dogger] What kind(s) of dogs do you have and why did you choose the breed(s) you did?


[The Sled Dogger] Do you mainly stay local, or do you take your dogs and sleds places to explore?


[The Sled Dogger] Do you compete at any level at local events?


[The Sled Dogger] When there is no snow, do you Bikejor or participate in any Dryland activities? If so, how does it differ than your winter activities?


[The Sled Dogger] I have spoken with people who use their dogs to pull firewood sleds, do you use the Team for other activities and jobs and if so, please explain.


[The Sled Dogger] What advice would you offer for a dog lover thinking about starting a kennel for recreational mushing?


[The Sled Dogger] What do you feed your dogs and are the diets different for winter/summer or various activities?


[The Sled Dogger] What got you interested in Mushing and how did you wind up with the dogs, kennel and equipment you now have?


[The Sled Dogger] Every Kennel has a lot of stories. Do you have something you remember that was really memorable, great, funny, or even disastrous?


Thank you so much for participating in the “10 Questions With…” Feature!

Please include 6 to 8 Pictures to include in the feature. High Resolution and/or large images are best. Large images can sometimes be hard to e-mail and you may have to do them 1 per e-mail. Attach your pictures as .jpg or .jpeg files and DO NOT embed them into an e-mail. Attach them to it please. 

If using E-Mail, Please Return Your Completed Questionnaire and Pictures to: Subject: 10 Questions

However, if you use Dropbox, you can Dropbox your completed questionnaire and images to us all at the same time. Please share your Dropbox folder with:

Or, if you are familiar with FTP, I can give you FTP direct access to our server and you can upload everything at once. Just contact us and let us know you want to FTP your files.

Last but not least, there are other Services that allow you to send large files. You can find them online here: When you choose a File Transfer system, send them to: Subject: 10 Questions.